The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

53 次評價
Death Grip Magic (WoW)
Category: Books, Gameplay, Magic
5.372 KB
2012 年 2 月 17 日 上午 11:23
2012 年 2 月 27 日 下午 10:52
2 項更新註記 (檢視)

Death Grip Magic (WoW)

Pull those enemies that are far away close to you!

Hi everyone, this is my first mod and it is by no means finished. Plan to update and modify the spell as I get better with Papyrus and the creation kit in general. I welcome constructive criticism and ideas to better the mod, but please don't ask me to change something just to suit you better. I'll change aspects as I see fit and if I get a lot of the same ideas coming forth. The limiting factor right now is my skill with the creation kit and Papyrus, but that will change!

There are some catches that may not appeal to all, but I thought it was a good start and wanted to share with the community.
If you aren't trying to find the issues, you will be far less likely to run into them.

Please let me know either in the comments or a message on Steam if you find any bugs I'm not aware of!
Cheers and Enjoy!

Version 0.2
- Death Grip no longer has a minimum range it can has to be cast from because I am no longer using my own script (using one in game)
- Death Grip now uses the reverse effect of Unrelenting Force which has physics and object collision built-in.
- With the fact that I am now using reverse UF, I lose a few things
- distance is now a factor when using, too close enemies end up far behind you
to far and the enemie won't make it all the way to you.
- Slightly changed effects
- Those who are complaining they can't find the spell or its not sold by Tolfdir, you may have another mod that affects the leveledItem lists that vendors use to sell items, or another mod that changed Winterhold/College.
- Death Grip can always be acquired through the console, help "Death Grip" then player.addspell xxxxxxx
- If you would like the previous version please drop some comments in the area below and I may upload revisions to Skyrim Nexus

Version 0.1
- Death Grip is a Adept Alteration spell that grabs the target and pulls it to the casters location.
- Left hand cast only (designed to not unequip your sword if you are smashing the number keys in a fight)
- If the target is too close it won't pull them to you, and will be informed in the upper left hand corner
- Available in tome from anyone who sells alteration spells of Adept level (hopefully - confirmed with Tolfdir at the college)
- Also there is a tome lying around the college somewhere, but I'll let you find it.

Planned Additions (Somewhere down the line)
- Fix the distance effects with using reverse UF
- Make the character yanked more into the air
- Either find a way to refund the magic of a missed cast / target too close, or take off the magic cost altogether (possibly increase cast time slightly)

Other Projects I'm working on
Gambling in Skyrim

If you are interested in collaborating send me a message!
47 則留言
CodyProductions 2017 年 1 月 8 日 上午 9:11 
_Grendel 2016 年 4 月 1 日 上午 6:15 
oh i thought this was a death GRIPS spell... haha
Huultah 2015 年 12 月 31 日 下午 3:44 
Its working quite good, the only few things i noticed is:
-Don't work on skeletons (instead they simple get a pushback effect).
-Don't work on dragons(altough that makes complete sense and really shouldn't be changed).
-As it push enemies toward you, sometimes they will go behind you, no trouble really, dunno if this can be solved, but this makes the skill work not as intended, especially if there is a pit behind you, its fun to do it, but shouldn't be like that, as death grip simple "bring enemies toward you and force them to attack you for 3 seconds(last detail don't mind, they will do it, being forced or not.)
Sorry for bad english btw :P
SexyBlueTiger  [作者] 2014 年 7 月 12 日 下午 2:53 
I don't think I added it to the leveled lists, but it is in the College, in the room you get assigned to, if you don't have other mods that overwrite the location.
Seth 2014 年 7 月 12 日 上午 11:13 
Where do I buy it?
noahッ 2013 年 10 月 19 日 上午 7:33 
Would you mind making it do damage over time while you hold them in the air? Also, really nicely done mod.
Picholas Rage 2013 年 7 月 26 日 下午 3:00 
Never mind fixed
Picholas Rage 2013 年 7 月 26 日 下午 2:59 
console acquiring doesn't work it says
Dismount Actor
DeathWeaver4 2013 年 6 月 25 日 上午 11:22 
dont take off magica cost. and if its possible it would be cool if somone made grip spell that actuly slowly kills them in midair.
Bafau4246 2013 年 6 月 11 日 上午 10:31 
cool oh and i forgot to say good job im so mean .-.