Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2

445 ratings
How to not be scared of Dead Space 2.
By Breaukets
Do you want to play Dead Space? What's that, too scared to play? Well lucky for you, your good pal Breau has a guide of How-Not-To-Be-Scared! Pretty self explanatory...
Know your place on the Food Chain!

(I wanna say before we start, if you want to comment about how tough you are and how you didn't need a guide, thats ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ great. Since you're so tough, you don't need to be here.)

One of the most important things I use to push myself through horror games is, know your place! What I mean when I say this is, if you are playing Dead Space (Or any other Shooter Horrors) and have a gun, know how to use it! If you KNOW you can kill the enemys, then you KNOW that you will not get killed! Not getting killed should EASILY reduce the chances of being scared. Next time you are armed walking down a dark corridor, just think to yourself "If anybody/anything comes after me, I CAN KILL IT". IF YOU CAN KILL IT, IT IS NOT A THREAT. If it is not a threat, what is there to be afraid of!?

voluptuous velociraptor Jun 7 @ 10:17pm
"The way that I deal with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ my self in DS2 is by stomping the hell out of my defeated, delimbed enemies. It's strangely cathartic for me to obliterate the corpses of the very things I fear."
Jump Scares!

Listen, I know what you are thinking. "Oh Breau, what ever shall I do about the jump scares?!". I understand, I too am afraid jump scares, believe me. But if you have a horror game, ya' better get used to the fact that there will be jump scares. Now now, I am not abandoning you on this topic, I want to help. If you are truly pushed to enjoy this game without getting scared, then there is no shame in lowering your game volume. I do not support this, nor do I do this, but it is completely necessary if needed, and you should not feel ashamed for doing so. Another thing you can do to help avoid getting to scared of these is having some sort of backround noise. Whether it be your TV, youtube, or just talking to friends, backround noise will help. A common Jump Scare you will find in Dead Space is the Nechromorphs playing dead. If you see what seems to be a "dead" Nechromorph, shoot off it's head and an arm or two, Do not worry about wasting your ammo.

Ahhhh suspence, the build preparing you for the jump scare ahead. This being the final topic until further notice, I shall help you with this as much as I can. Going back to plan 1, "Know your Place". Also, the last thing you want to do is take it slow. Walking slowly and preparing for jump scares is just pushing yourself further to the edge. If you are scared to go a certain way, just sprint down that way as fast as you can. If something jumps out, you may jump, but not as much because you are not putting all of you focus in. Most of your focus is in getting past the area ASAP. This is what I like to call the "YOLO" strategy. It's sort of like removing a band-aid or getting a shot. There is another way to avoid suspence as well. If you have to, keep you back to the wall and avoid windows. You won't be nerly as afraid if you know nothing can attack you from behind. These are all my tips for now, I hope they help, and enjoy your horror game!
Extra ideas, (community ideas).
So I read up on a comment recently that read

Blade Liger:
"Ok, Now What exactly do we do when we get to the needle part? I mean that in itself should have its own section in yer guide :) ( Absolutly terrified of that part)"

Well Mr. Liger, how do I say this without dissapointing you and many others alike.
Man, ♥♥♥♥ that eyeball needle part. I honestly have no idea buddy ;_;
Side Updates
UPDATE: 6/5/2014
Wow, my guide has been around for quite a while now, and people are still coming to it everyday to read whatever I wrote. I didn't expect this to actually help anybody, but it pleases me greatly to know that it has even gone as far as to helping some of you complete the game. I hope you all continuing enjoying this guide, thank you very much.
CrEaToXx Jun 21 @ 3:15am 
I just stopped by to say I'm really tough and don't need guides to make me whole again. STOMPS AWAY IN DISTRUST!
ShadowPuppy2 May 11 @ 3:37pm 
The jumpscares and ambushes are also often accompanied by musical cues, if you learn those notes it becomes a warning for an enemy and easy to brace for whatever spooky scary surprise is coming
RadRick01 May 5 @ 12:03am 
How to be MORE scared! wait until midnight, turn off all lights, play when nobody else is home! This is the only way to play! Let yourself be terrified! Back-lit keyboard required for PC player in the dark. If you have nightmares about it, count yourself lucky to get the fully original, individually tailored free game content!
Firsstchapter23 Mar 31 @ 9:37am 
this guide is very handy but when i played it i noticed that it wasnt as scary as i thought maybe i just wanted a nostalgia trip after a long time playing it but my favorite loadout is the bloody weapons because of the power it has to it it also masks the fear when you dress on what would fear them instead
TheWizard Mar 10 @ 6:49am 
use fully upgraded ripper and face your fears. use stasis, kinesis if multiple enemies surround
martinchenchenchen Feb 23 @ 10:08am 
i just wanted to add (i know its kinda late but the game was on sale so...)
what i do is, if i know the enemy could possibly kill me. face it. run into the enemy, jump into the hole, drink the bleach. its a game. when you know WHAT happens in the worst case (when you do it unintentionally) it takes a bit of the scare away.
LykosVT Dec 2, 2023 @ 1:42pm 
On the jump scare side, I got sensory issues so jump scares make me really dizzy. Getting an audio compressor for my computer (I use Steelseries GG Sonar's audio compressor called Smart Volume) takes the edge off the auditory portion of the jump scare, making me be able to play horror games in the first place.
Grimbo Nov 11, 2023 @ 7:05pm 
A good tactic for coping with scary games is to load up a game and just run at the enemies and let them kill you. Do that a couple of times and they stop being so scary, then repeat as needed. Hope this helps someone, it helped me a LOT.
robertbriansmithcpa Oct 29, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
ok also i take in horror shooters like this kind very personally and i get scared very easily. but i am trying not to be a pu***y.
robertbriansmithcpa Oct 29, 2023 @ 3:08pm 
man is this the new shrek movie?