X3: Albion Prelude

X3: Albion Prelude

53 평점
X3: AP Stock Exchange Guide
rrfarmer 님이 작성
A simple guide to the X3:AP Stock exchange
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The Guide
How to Use the X3AP Stock Exchange
Posted on December 19, 2011 by Ryan Farmer
I have had a lot of questions lately like “OMG how did you make 12m on the stock exchange” and stuff like that. So I’m going to write about my very brief experience about the X3AP Stock Market/Exchange.

So as far as I can tell there are two kinds of exchanges (well really there are 3 but I’ll keep it simple). There are long term investments, the Company/Corporation exchange, where you can invest in them over time, and they have hundreds of thousands of shares. Then there’s the “Commodity” type market, which is a very short term, like sometimes a few seconds of holding the stock, short term! In my only playing the stock market for about two real life days, I have had a terrible time with the long term, and a great time (12m profit) from the short term stocks.

At first sight the stock market can be a real shocker. It’s a huge list of just numbers and colors. But just take a minute and stare at it. No really, just stare at it and let it sink in….

It’s very organized. It’s actually all the info you have ever wanted to know about the local economy!

Let’s break it down so you can make money!

Supply and Demand

As in all X games, the price is always controlled by the supply and demand. Now you can see the S&D of the local market (Hint: this also can help you plan stations to build). So basically this effects the purchase price of your shares. The closer the supply is to the demand, the lower the share price is.


The next few columns is the price range and the index. Really if you want a quick HERE IS THE ANSWER, well… Technically all you need to look at to know how to buy things is the Index. It is a proportion of S&D. If the demand is at 1,000 and supply is at 500. Then the Index is at 50, if D = 1000 and S = 1000, then Index = 100, which is the best time to buy! Of course, then the opposite is to sell when the index is low. Also, if the Supply is greater then the Demand, then the index will go over 100.

Shares and Totals

This section is just trivial data. Yes most of this is the self explanatory part. First it shows how much shares can be bought or sold at, which has a direct relationship to the Index and the price range. Then if you own any shares it will show at what price and how many shares you own, then how many are available, then your Profit or Loss at the end. Which, can be in the millions if you have purchased enough shares at the right time if the index is low enough.

One thing I’ll mention about the Available Shares column, is that it can go into a negative number…. Which I say is a bug but the original developer says it’s normal. Of course I think this is actually a major flaw in the system. In real life how can you have negative available shares? Shouldn’t this be at just plain zero? Does the NPC market keep buying even when all the shares are gone? Well, I have no idea except it has to be a part that wasn’t that thought out. Of course I’m writing this just a few days after launch of the game.

EDIT: The shares going into a negative number does make sense. I was contacted by a few others and even the stock exchange author (wow, thanks for the read!) and I now understand what is going on. I’m going to role-play and say it’s NPCs making pre-orders for the shares for when I sell them back to the exchange.

Well, thanks for reading and I’ve noticed my site get a few good hits. Thanks for reading and share the link if ya can!
댓글 27
rrfarmer  [작성자] 2018년 3월 6일 오후 12시 54분 
I think my images were deleted..... :(
Meneliki 2014년 10월 1일 오후 4시 18분 
"20 mil in maybe 3 hours real time. I've not found anything to match it in terms of profit making."

Try missions. Courier/Taxi missions as well as station construction missions can net you a hell of alot more than that. Courier/Taxi missions often pay 4-5M, and they take a few minutes. Station construction routinely turn a profit of 10M+, and they only take a minute or 2 if you have your own TL.

in X3: TC, combat missions were insanely lucrative as well but as far as I can tell that's been nerfed pretty hard in Albion Prelude. I used to get offered 8-10M contracts to kill a pirate frigate - in Albion Prelude I'm lucky to see 600k for the same contract (and my combat ranking is higher this time around as well)
黑馬王子 2014년 1월 13일 오후 7시 54분 
Join in the fun............
ViceAdmiral Morgan 2013년 12월 5일 오후 12시 51분 
Maby an stuppid question but when ar eyou allowed to use the stock exchange ?
Does this relay on yr reputation ?
Scottieboy 2013년 11월 25일 오전 4시 46분 
Simple guide, explains the basics to get you going, I've made 20mil in an hour (using SETA). Like a previous poster, I have placed an Advance Satilite in the sector so I can access the market anywhere in the universe!
Starbucaneer 2013년 10월 23일 오전 2시 36분 
I am new to the game, before doing any missions etcetera I navigated to the Siezwell system and made 58million on the teladi stock exchange. Added an advanced satellite so I can trade on the stock exchange no matter what system I am currently in. Busy exploring for a good system to build my first station station complex in.
The_Fin 2013년 10월 1일 오전 8시 52분 
Good guide

Stock exchange feels broken to me. I spent several hours hauling e-cells for around 250k profit. Spent 30 minutes in the Teladi stock exchange buying Terran high tech goods and Micro biological organisms and broke a couple of mil.

Basically buy 1/3 total shares at an index greater than 90 and keeping buying index >100. Then wait for the index to drop to an index of 70 or less and that's it. 20 mil in maybe 3 hours real time. I've not found anything to match it in terms of profit making.
eveningztar 2013년 8월 23일 오전 2시 50분 
Awsome. FINALLY a guide telling me how to use the stock exchange. I never used it before but im most def gonna use it now. I have played x universe games since the very first, but i have never tried this. This will be so cool, making money on the interstellar stock,hehe. Thanks . I know this must have been difficult to learn and make, so thanks. Awsome guide..
Ryoken 2013년 8월 17일 오후 7시 15분 
Nice guide, I'll have to give this a try when I'm back in game.
Soliquidsnake 2013년 7월 4일 오전 1시 23분 
It gets real easy once you spend a few minutes on it. Ive made 25M in 1.5 hours. Really just go at it. I recommend the one in Teladi. Boron is WAYYYY to unpredictable. In Teladi, stay away from the glowing dust and pharmaceutical stocks as they only moves once in a black moon. Sure it's a cheap way to make money but a legit one at that. It takes patiences and it's way better than inputting scripts.