Choice of Rebels: Uprising

Choice of Rebels: Uprising

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100% Achievement Guide
โดย bb
Simple, not spoiler free achievement guide. Explains the requirements for each achievement to unlock instead of giving step-by-step choice lists.
This guide is designed to give the information necessary to achieve every achievement in the game. For the longer / more complex achievements, a TL;DR is provided along with a more detailed explanation. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement please leave a comment!
Rescuer - A victim of Hegemonic persecution survived because of your childhood choices.

Three ways to get this, based on the three different introduction stories (chosen by the very first choice you make in the game).

Helot Path: Choose "Get away from me!" then "He ran that way!" I waved my finger toward a different hill. After you've seen your Father, choose …I headed back up to the woods, to see if I could find any trace of the helot.

Religious Path: When the option appears, DON'T choose I kept silent. That should be it!

Nationalist Path: Must be a Helot. When the option appears, choose I kept singing.
Chapter One
The Old Songs - The jongler you saved as a child returns to encourage your band.
Requires: Choose the Nationalist intro path and get the [Rescuer] achievement on it in this playthrough.

Then, have 75%+ Homelander value by the end of Chapter Three (the achievement will unlock soon after finishing with the Hector Keriatou situation).

Self-Taught Theurge - Begin to practice the arcane arts.
Requires: Intellect 2.

During Chapter One, choose Intellect as your best skill. Then when the option appears, choose one of:

If Helot:
So I ran back to the cooking area for a knife.
So I waited another day for an afternoon experiment in the woods.

If Aristo:
So I strode across the room for my sword.
So I waited until morning for a daylight experiment in the woods.

If you decline to try Theurgy at this point, you can still choose to try it later in the story.

Law and Order - Successfully insist on giving enemy captives a trial.
Requires: Charisma 1 or 2. If Aristo, be friendly to Helots.

During Chapter One, don't choose Charisma as your worst skill. Then, choose to stop the Harrowing - any method is fine. Once you do so, choose:

We should try to take them alive and try them for their crimes before we execute them. We must maintain order, or we're no more than a violent rabble.

Clemency - Persuade a vengeful mob to spare their tormentors.
Requires: Charisma 2. If Aristo, be friendly to Helots.

During Chapter One, choose Charisma as your best skill. Then, choose to stop the Harrowing - any method is fine. Once you do so, choose:

We should try to disarm them and let them live whenever possible. We need to transform the Hegemony, not to alienate and terrify the people who run it.

Jailbreak - Escape from the dungeons of House Keriatou.
Requires: Be Aristo.

During Chapter One, completely fail to stop the Harrowing. Let everyone die, and you'll be taken to prison. Soon after you'll be set free and the achievement unlocks.
Chapter Two -- Story
Namesake - Have a child named for you.
Requires: Good Morale entering Week Six of Winter. Don't have Jailbreak intro if Aristo.

The achievement will unlock at the start of Winter Week Six if you have good morale in the band, you didn't go to jail in Chapter One, and you still have children accompanying your band. If you have Charisma 2, the morale requirement is a bit easier to pass.

Lost Not A One - Bring your band through the winter with no deaths.
Requires: Reach the end of Winter Week Ten with zero (0) deaths amongst your followers.

There are a few ways to achieve this; generally the best way is to do the Aristo Jailbreak intro in Chapter One, which gives you a very small group of followers, which is much easier to feed and keep alive. Then, just spend all Winter choosing:

Try to get sympathetic helots to give us money or food.

This will give you plenty of food without losing any outlaws. Charisma 2 will help, as will Breden. If you want some mules without losing followers, send Breden (or yourself with Charisma 2) on this mission:

Acquire more mules.
Try to convince yeomen or merchants to give mules to the cause.

Make sure not to raid anyone, or anything, at any time - just spend the whole Winter living off begging. You can safely do the mission to investigate the Harrower, as well as arranging the smuggling deal with Alaine.

Note: if your combat stat is lower than two then Fedrel will inflict two casualties on the band in Week Four. All adults must have a healthy diet, and enough food to meet that demand for at least a week (or more, if your party was starving beforehand), for him to not attack.

Sacrament - Convince a Diakon to offer sacrament to your followers.
Requires: Be friendly with Priests. Don't be a publicly-known Theurge.

Don't upset the Priest classes too much over the course of the game. For example, don't raid (m)any Temples during Winter. Don't become an openly-known Theurge (keep it secret) as the reputation loss with Priests otherwise is just too much. Just after Winter Week Ten ends, you have the option to spend some money. Choose:

Pay a Diakon of the Angels to come perform religious services.
Find a Diakon who will perform the Sacrament in exchange for money.

Although it's meant to cost money to choose this, you can actually refuse to pay him after unlocking the achievement. So if you're poor when reaching this point, it's no problem.

Robbed From the Rich - Become the hero of a folk ballad.
Requires: Reach end of Winter Week Ten with at least 400 Silver.

Just after Winter Week Ten ends, you have the option to spend some money. Choose one of:

Distribute silver to the helots in the noble estates of the Rim.
Distribute silver to the poor yeomanry of the nearby farm country.

Donate at least 400 silver to Helots, or 600 to Yeomen, and the achievement should unlock.

The Pointy End - Train your outlaws in their captured weapons.
Requires: Reach end of Winter Week Ten with at least 3 Silver.

Just after Winter Week Ten ends, you have the option to spend some money. It costs one Silver per Armed Outlaw, but even if you don't have enough to train everyone you can still hire Sybla and unlock the achievement anyway. Choose:

Pay someone to come train the band in using their captured swords and spears.

My Love O' The Greenwood - Celebrate the coming of spring with a dance.
Requires: Keep Breden alive and be friendly or romantic with Breden. Reach end of Winter Week Ten with enough Silver for one for each Outlaw you command.

If Aristo, don't be arrogant or rude to Breden through the story. Just after Winter Week Ten ends, you have the option to spend some money. Choose:

Buy ale, beef, and cheese for a grand feast to celebrate our survival. (XXX silver.)

During the feast there'll be a dance. If you're close to Breden, you can unlock the achievement by choosing:

"All right. Let's see how well you dance."

The Wolf in the Walls - Attract a helot firebrand to your rebellion.
Requires: Reach end of Chapter Two with at least one of the following:

Anarchy > 20
Killed de Merre nobles during the Noble Estate Raid.
Use Theurgy on the Ecclesiast during the Temple Raid during Winter.

Noble Volunteer - Welcome a young aristocrat to join your rebellion.
Requires: Reach end of Chapter Two with all of the following:

Anarchy < 21
Didn't kill de Merre nobles during the Noble Estate Raid.
Didn't use Theurgy on the Ecclesiast during the Temple Raid during Winter.

See the Lost Not A One achievement for advice on surviving Winter with low Anarchy. Then when Simon / Suzane de Firiac appears, choose:

Accept him/her into the band.

Their Weight in Gold - Kidnap a noble hostage.
Requires: Reach end of Chapter Two with all of the following:

Anarchy < 21
Didn't kill de Merre nobles during the Noble Estate Raid.
Didn't use Theurgy on the Ecclesiast during the Temple Raid during Winter.

See the Lost Not A One achievement for advice on surviving Winter with low Anarchy. Then when Simon / Suzane de Firiac appears, choose:

Reject him/her and try to ransom him/her back to his/her family.
Chapter Two -- Raids
Alastors' Bane - Lead a successful raid on an Alastor garrison.
During Winter choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid the institutions of the Hegemony.
Alastor garrisons in small towns. (Ten scouts.)

It takes two weeks to finish scouting. Then choose:

Attack Alastor garrisons in nearby towns. (Thirty-five bandits.)

You must lead the raid yourself for the achievement - depending on your choices up to this point you'll have a variety of ways to succeed on the mission.

Charisma 2: You'll need to take both Elery and Radmar with you - it's the only way to succeed.

Combat 2: You'll win automatically.

Intellect 2: Either use Theurgy or take both Elery and Radmar with you.

Thieves in the Temple - Lead a successful raid on a temple of Xthonos.
Requires: Charisma 2 or Breden available.

During Winter choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid the institutions of the Hegemony.
Temples and monasteries. (Ten scouts.)

It takes three weeks to finish scouting the first time, and four weeks each time after. Then choose:

Raid the nearest temples and monasteries of Xthonos. (Twenty bandits.)

You must lead the raid yourself for the achievement - depending on your choices up to this point you'll have a variety of ways to succeed on the mission.

Charisma 2: Simply choose: I counter with my own charismatic rhetoric.

Combat 2: Take Breden and choose: I glance at Breden, hoping Breden's way with words is equal to the Ecclesiast's.

Intellect 2: Either: Take Breden and choose the same option as Combat 2 shown above, or use Theurgy once on the Ecclesiast. Then decline to use Theurgy again, and Breden will save you, giving a win. Or, have enough blood phials to use Theurgy twice on the Ecclesiast. If, for your second Theurgy attack, you choose I rend the Ecclesiast's body in two. with Charisma 0 then you'll need to choose Ignore her feeble threats. and have Breden with you, otherwise the raid will fail.

House Invasion - Lead a successful raid on a noble estate.
During Winter choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid Shayardene merchants or nobles.
Noble estates. (Ten scouts.)

It takes three weeks to finish scouting. Then choose:

Raid noble estates. (Thirty bandits.)

You must lead the raid yourself for the achievement - depending on your choices up to this point you'll have a variety of ways to succeed on the mission. Once you've dealt with the de Merre nobles (you can kill them or not, it doesn't matter) the achievement will unlock.

Market Day - Lead a successful raid on a market town.
During Winter choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid Shayardene merchants or nobles.
Market towns where many traders congregate. (Twenty scouts.)

It takes four weeks to finish scouting. Then choose:

Raid a market town and loot the merchants based there. (Thirty-five bandits and at least four free mules.)

You must lead the raid yourself for the achievement - depending on your choices up to this point you'll have a variety of ways to succeed on the mission.

Charisma 2: With Combat 1 it may be possible depending on hidden random values. With Combat 0 it's not possible.

Combat 2: You'll win automatically.

Intellect 2: Use non-secret Theurgy and DON'T choose I levitate the highest-ranking Alastor I can see.

Caravan Raider - Lead a successful raid on a trade caravan.
During Winter choose:

Raid a distant pass with greater caravan traffic. (Twenty bandits.)

You must lead the raid yourself for the achievement - depending on your choices up to this point you'll have a variety of ways to succeed on the mission.

Charisma 2: Take Zvad and Elery (be friendly with Elery until this point). When the Alastors attack, agree with Elery's plan and either stay with the archers or return with the mules - either way.

Combat 2: You'll win automatically.

Intellect 2: Take Zvad and Elery (be friendly with Elery until this point). When the Alastors attack, agree with Elery's plan and either stay with the archers or return with the mules - either way.
Chapter Two -- Extra
The Maw - See the inside of a Harrower.
Requires: Intellect 2.

During Winter choose:

Sabotage the Harrowers in nearby towns. (Thirty bandits.)
Yes—and I want to accompany them to inspect the Harrowers.

Then, whilst on the mission choose:

There's only one way to investigate this thing properly.

Cross-Border Trader - Smuggle precious goods into Whendery.
Requires: Friendly Merchants reputation. Mainly, if you stop the Harrowing, try to avoid looting the Traders when leaving the town after, as it'll be harder to succeed with this mission.

Do this in Week One to guarantee success. With excellent Merchant reputation you can do this up to Week Five. Otherwise, the worse your reputation with Merchants is, the earlier in Winter you must do it. In any case, with yourself and Zvad available, choose:

Work with local merchants to smuggle goods over the Whendward Pass.
There has to be a way to convince the merchants to work with us. I ask Zvad to introduce me to Alaine Leybridge.

If Breden is your Deputy, then:

Apologize to Alaine.

After this there is a reputation check with Merchants:

Charisma 2: You'll need ok reputation with Merchants or you'll fail here.
Combat 2: You'll need excellent reputation with Merchants or you'll fail here.
Intellect 2: You'll need good reputation with Merchants or you'll fail here.

Having Breden as Deputy makes it harder to pass the reputation check in each case.

After this, it takes minimum five weeks until the mission. The worse your Merchants reputation is, the longer the wait will be. Also, it will never appear in the same week as the Architelone Raid.

In any case, some weeks later choose whichever of the following two options appears in your weekly activities list for the achievement to unlock:

Smuggle goods from Alaine Leybridge over the Whendward Pass. (Seven mules or equivalent.)
Smuggle as many of Alaine's goods as we can manage. (Send all free mules and outlaws.)

Shame If Anything Happened - Convince merchants to pay you for protection.
Requires: Combat + Intellect = 3 AKA Combat 2 and Intellect 1, or Intellect 2 and Combat 1.

During Winter, repeatedly choose:

Raid a distant pass with greater caravan traffic. (Twenty bandits.)

See Caravan Raider achievement for tips on succeeding this mission. Once you have acquired more than 6500 cumulative total loot from these raids, Alaine will contact you. Then this will appear in your weekly activities list:

Go visit Alaine Leybridge to discuss our caravan raids. (Ten bandits, led by me.)

After this, while meeting the Combat + Intellect requirement, you can choose the following for the achievement to unlock:

"If your masters want us to stay out of the Owlscap, kuria Alaine…they'll need to pay for the privilege."
Chapter Two -- The Architelone Raid
Nothing Is Certain - Lead a successful raid on the winter tax procession.
TL;DR Scout for Tax Collectors successfuly early in Winter - be careful, you can be lured into a trap. Later conduct and win the Architelone Raid.

Requires: With Intellect 0, you'll need Elery to even begin scouting the mission. Without Combat 2 or Theurgy, having Elery, Zvad and Radmar will help to win the final raid.

Preferably during Week One, otherwise during early Winter, choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid the institutions of the Hegemony.
Tax collectors—a mission so sensitive it will require my personal involvement.

With Intellect 0, choose this:

I'm not sure that clever, subtle inquiry is my strong point.

Then accept Elery's suggestion to kidnap the Telone's family. Otherwise, choose:


You'll have three options:

Telone Route: Choose to kidnap the family - don't threaten his life. On the kidnap mission, be Combat 2, Intellect 2 with Theurgy, or bring Elery. It's best to bring Elery anyway if possible. If any of the family gets hurt, keep it a secret from Bleys and successfully blackmail him and escape. You can refuse to frame anyone if you want to, it won't affect the raid itself.

Noble Route (either): Conduct the scouting before you raid the Noble Estates the first time, or don't kill the de Merre Nobles when you do raid the Noble Estates.

Noble Route (as Helot): Take Zvad - and Breden if Combat 2. If Breden is with you choose to visit the Pandocheion. When you arrive, protest the price with the guards. Done. However wIth Intellect 0 you'll fail.

Noble Route (as Aristo): Take Ciels. With Intellect 2 you'll succeed automatically. With Intellect 1, you'll need good reputation with Nobles and be polite to Ismene. However wIth Intellect 0 you'll fail.

Merchant Route: With Intellect 2 you'll succeed automatically. With Intellect 1 you'll need good reputation with Merchants and then choose Admit that I'm trying to find the date of the Architelone's visit. However wIth Intellect 0 you'll fail.

Then, later in Winter, during Weeks Seven to Nine (selected by hidden random values), you can conduct the Tax Collector raid. Do so by choosing this when it appears in your weekly activities list:

Rob the Architelone on her winter tax procession. (40 bandits, led by you)

Charisma 2: Choose I want to bring everyone who could possibly help. if the option is available. Otherwise, bring as many of Elery, Zvad and Radmar as you can - you'll lose the battle if you take too many casualties, and each one of those leaders you bring will reduce the number of casualties you take.

Combat 2: You'll win automatically, as long as you aren't ill / sick.

Intellect 2: Either do the same as Charisma 2, or use Theurgy to win.

Once the battle is won and the enemy surrenders, the achievement will unlock.
Chapter Two -- The Discreet Woodwright
The Discreet Woodwright - Trick a pair of nobles into revealing a vital secret.
TL;DR Scout the Architelone raid as Helot taking Zvad - and Breden if Combat 2 - using the choice to get info from Nobles. If Breden is with you choose to visit the Pandocheion, and protest the price with the guards. Done.

Requires: Be Helot. Zvad is available. With Combat 2, you'll need Breden available too.

During Winter, choose these options during or before Week Three (any later may cause failure due to hidden random values):

Scout for opportunities to raid the institutions of the Hegemony.
Tax collectors—a mission so sensitive it will require my personal involvement.
Find a noble who has good insider information—and will talk to me.

Charisma 2: You'll succeed automatically.

Combat 2: You'll need to take Breden in addition to Zvad.

Intellect 2: You'll succeed automatically.

Make sure you take Zvad with you and if you have Breden too, then take Zvad's advice instead and visit the Pandocheion. Then choose:

[Choose: Alias]
Protest that it's more than I can afford.

After some conversations the achievement will unlock.
Chapter Two -- The Highwayman
The Highwayman - Ride away from Rim Square on an Alastor captain's stallion.
TL;DR Scout the Architelone raid using the Telone Family Kidnap path as Aristo or Helot with Combat 2. If Intellect 0, ask Elery for help to start the mission or it will fail. Kill some Alastors during the kidnap mission in whatever way you can. After winning the fight you'll have a choice to burn the Alastor Barracks after the mission. Do so, and after you'll be able to ride the Horse away.

Requires: Either Combat 2 or be Aristo. With Intellect 0, Intellect 2, Charisma 2 or Ruthlessness > 65, you'll need Elery available for various reasons.

During Winter, choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid the institutions of the Hegemony.
Tax collectors—a mission so sensitive it will require my personal involvement.

With Intellect 0, choose this:

I'm not sure that clever, subtle inquiry is my strong point.

Then accept Elery's suggestion to kidnap the Telone's family. Otherwise, choose:

Coerce a local Telone into betraying the secret.
Threaten the Telone's family.

If you don't have Combat 2, or you have Ruthlessness > 65, then bring Elery too:

Bring Elery

Then, with Ruthlessness <= 65:

Let them alone and trust to stealth.
I have the outlaw deal with her and keep my attention on Bleys.
Send Bleys downstairs to reassure them.
This isn't going to work. We'll have Bleys invite the Alastors in and kill them, quickly and quietly.
When we're done with the kidnapping, set fire to the Alastor barracks.

Alternatively, with Ruthlessness > 65:

Ambush the Alastors and try to kill them silently.
I hold back.
When we're done with the kidnapping, set fire to the Alastor barracks.
I have the outlaw deal with her and keep my attention on Bleys.

Now blackmail Bleys. After leaving him, with Combat 2 or be Aristo, simply choose:

Ride the horse away.

The achievement will unlock immediately.
Chapter Two -- Our Telone
Our Telone - Brought a Telone to join your band.
TL;DR Scout the Architelone raid using Bleys' family kidnapping choice and don't hurt the family, then agree with Bleys to frame Alaine or Ismene. Later win the raid, and frame the chosen person to the Architelone after the battle. Just after this you can ask Bleys to join your band.

Requires: With Intellect 0, Intellect 2, Charisma 2 or Ruthlessness > 65, you'll need Elery available for various reasons. Without Combat 2, having Zvad and/or Radmar can also help.

This has the same start as the Highwayman and Nothing is Certain achievements, but we must finish the mission by agreeing to frame someone to protect Bleys. During Winter, choose these options:

Scout for opportunities to raid the institutions of the Hegemony.
Tax collectors—a mission so sensitive it will require my personal involvement.

With Intellect 0, choose this:

I'm not sure that clever, subtle inquiry is my strong point.

Then accept Elery's suggestion to kidnap the Telone's family. Otherwise, choose:

Coerce a local Telone into betraying the secret.
Threaten the Telone's family.

If you don't have Combat 2, or you have Ruthlessness > 65, then bring Elery too:

Bring Elery

Then, with Ruthlessness <= 65:

Let them alone and trust to stealth.
I have the outlaw deal with her and keep my attention on Bleys.
Send Bleys downstairs to reassure them.
This isn't going to work. We'll have Bleys invite the Alastors in and kill them, quickly and quietly.
When we're done with the kidnapping, set fire to the Alastor barracks.

Alternatively, with Ruthlessness > 65:

Ambush the Alastors and try to kill them silently.
I hold back.
When we're done with the kidnapping, set fire to the Alastor barracks.
I have the outlaw deal with her and keep my attention on Bleys.

Now blackmail Bleys. Choose to frame Alaine or Ismene. Then, later in Winter, during Weeks Seven to Nine (selected by hidden random values), you can conduct the Tax Collector raid. Do so by choosing:

Rob the Architelone on her winter tax procession. (40 bandits, led by you)

Charisma 2: Choose I want to bring everyone who could possibly help. if the option is available. Otherwise, bring as many of Elery, Zvad and Radmar as you can - you'll fail the battle if you take too many casualties, and each one of those leaders you bring will reduce the number of casualties you take.

Combat 2: You'll win automatically, as long as you aren't ill / sick.

Intellect 2: Either do the same as Charisma 2, or simply use Theurgy (secret or non-secret, either way) to win.

Now the battle is won, deal with the Architelone. Simply choose to frame Alaine or Ismene as agreed with Bleys. Then, shortly after you'll meet with Bleys. Say anything at first, then:

"Or you could join our rebellion."
"Well, that brings me to the third possibility: you could freely join my rebellion."
"I've got enough friends. What I don't have is a Telone."

Achievement unlocked!
Chapter Three -- The Strangers
I Cannot Tell A Lie - Caught de Firiac dissembling about the strangers.
Requires: Have recruited Simon / Suzane de Firiac into your band - see Noble Volunteer achievement.

At the very start of Chapter Three, choose:

The strangers are less important than confirming a safe camp for my band. I'll send one of the others to deal with them.

Simon / Suzane de Firiac.

"Relieve them of their swords and anything else of value. And find out what brings them here."

Then once you're back at camp talking to Simon / Suzane de Firiac, choose:

"But you recognized them?" I gently probe.

There's an extended conversation here, but make sure you choose:

"When exactly did you plan to tell me?"

The achievement will then unlock. By the way, after this you can then have Linos & Horion captured, killed, or left alone - so you can still get (some) other Linos & Horion related achievements in this playthrough.

The Archimandrite's Riddle - Guess the most dangerous doorway to Xaos.
Requires: Be Aristo. Capture Linos & Horion safely. Have excellent Linos & Horion reputation.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

The achievement requires very friendly relations with them, so start on this as soon as you meet them. You must also make no reference to taking them hostage at any point - if your Father visits you the night before the Interrogation, you must choose:

"No, father. He'll enjoy our hospitality, answer some questions…and in a day or two, he'll be on his way."

Then, when interrogating Linos, choose:

"What do you make of our rebellion?"
The answer is obvious.

Then type in "Compassion" (without the "").

Young and Daft - Heard Horion's tale of the Xaos-lands.
Requires: Capture Linos & Horion safely.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp. At the camp interrogate Horion and choose:

"What do you make of our rebellion?"


Aristo: "We'll end Harrowing."
Helot: "There'll be no more Harrowing."

There'll be further conversation and several options. You can ask questions about his story, but make sure you finish by choosing:

"And the Storms?"
"Did you go back in when the Storm passed?"

Law or Nature - Impress a noble with your grasp of philosophy.
Requires: Intellect 2. Capture Linos & Horion safely.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp. At the camp interrogate Horion.

If you are Aristo, DON'T choose any of the following options when asked your opinion on Harrowing or you'll be unable to get the achievement:

I lower my voice to a prudent level. "Angels, I don't want to bloody change their lot."
"We'll have a fairer system of Harrowing helots—that's all."

Otherwise, after asking your opinion on Harrowing, he'll mention a Nyr philosopher called Aygul. Choose:

"I don't know what's nature and what's law—and I'm not sure it matters."

Then choose either of the two following options to unlock the achievement:

"Any law that runs counter to nature will fail eventually. That's what 'nature' means."
"Your philosopher meant that law can change, nature can't. But everything changes. Even what we call nature."

Maker of Change - Begin to understand the underlying principles of Theurgy.
Requires: Intellect 2 and publicly-known / non-secret Theurge. Capture Linos & Horion safely.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

You must also make no reference to taking them hostage at any point - if your Father visits you the night before the Interrogation, you must choose:

"No, father. He'll enjoy our hospitality, answer some questions…and in a day or two, he'll be on his way."

At the camp interrogate Horion. End the interrogation by choosing:

"What next, then, kurios?"

He'll then ask about your Theurgy. Choose one of the two following options to unlock the achievement:

I give him an outline of what I've discovered and done.
I explain all my experiences in depth and show him the scroll.

Szeric? Truly? - Cajole a traveler into sharing his secret.
Requires: Capture Linos & Horion safely. Have excellent Linos & Horion reputation.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

You just need to treat them well as much as possible. If you have excellent Linos & Horion reputation, when you choose the following during the interrogation of Horion the achievement will unlock:

"Tell me more about where you're going, and why."

Your Mission Or Your Life - Terrify a traveler into sharing his secret.
Requires: Capture Linos & Horion safely. Have terrible Linos & Horion reputation.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

You must threaten to (or actually) take them hostage at some point. Then just treat them horribly as much as possible. If you have terrible Linos & Horion reputation, when you choose the following during the interrogation of Horion the achievement will unlock:

"Tell me, kurios, why I should take the risk of ransoming you—rather than leaving your body in Rim Square."

That Mysterious Masked Man - You have a pretty good idea who your rescuer was.
Requires: Be Aristo with Jailbreak intro, with Intellect 1 or 2. Capture Linos & Horion safely. Have good reputation with Linos & Horion.

Note: There is another way to get this achievement but it's a bit more fiddly - this method is much more reliable.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

Treat them kindly to ensure good reputation. You must identify Horion as a Leilatou. There are various ways to do this, but we need to do it a specific way. So to start, ensure you don't identify him correctly to begin with. This is achieved easily by using Zvad to bring them into camp.

The evening before the interrogation your Father will talk to you, and if you haven't already identified Horion, he'll tell you, and enable a hidden chat option with Horion later.

Later, when interrogating Horion, choose the following to unlock the achievement:

"Tell me more about yourself, kurios Horion."
"My father said that when he last visited Shayard, there were whispers that you would rise to the Archonate."
"Shall we ask him to explain what he heard, milord?" The discrepancy sits uneasily with you.
Chapter Three -- The Epiphany
Eclect - Convince your followers that you are the Chosen of the Angels.
Requires: If doing it without Linos' help, have Charisma 2. If doing it with Linos' help, capture Linos & Horion safely.

If using Linos, have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

Treat them however you like. Either interrogate Linos and he'll mention this at the end, or, if you don't interrogate them, he'll come and chat to you about it anyway. When he talks about religion, choose either of the following to unlock the achievement:

With Linos: Yes—I want Linos to proclaim me the Chosen of the Angels.
Charisma 2: No—I want to declare myself Eclect, without relying on the priest.

If Linos & Horion aren't there / alive, you'll instead be choosing:

Yes—I want my band to follow me as the Chosen One of the Angels.

The Inner Voice - Convince your followers that they can hear the Angels.
Requires: Charisma 1 and have Breden. Can't succeed with Charisma 2 or 0.

Must have good relations with Breden, and Breden must not have got the Strangers killed (either send someone else, or order Breden to only watch the Strangers).

Either by Linos asking you, or by your own suggestion, you'll have a think about religion during Chapter Three. Choose the following to unlock the achievement:

I want to lead them myself in a new ritual of devotion to the Angels—one which requires neither Eclect nor Ecclesiast.

With Charisma 1, choose:

I cast a glance to Breden, hoping ${xhis} charisma will succeed where I've failed.

Here the achievement will unlock!

Kenosis - Convince your followers to embrace skepticism.
Requires: Charisma 2. With Intellect 0, Breden mustn't be with you. Capture Linos & Horion safely.

Have Linos & Horion reach your camp by whatever method you prefer. The simplest is to send Zvad with orders to bring the strangers back to camp.

Either interrogate Linos and he'll mention this at the end, or, if you don't interrogate them, he'll come and chat to you about it anyway. When he talks about religion, choose:

I want to lead them in a ritual which will free them from fear of Angels, Xthonos, and all other phantasms.

Then at the ceremony, choose either of the following to unlock the achievement:

"No. But you don't wait for the Angels to cook your meals. I say, don't wait for Them to show us a way to justice."
"No, of course not. Just don't believe those who tell you they know the Angels' will."
Chapter Three -- The Nobles
Trysting - Summon a young noble you love to a secret rendezvous.
Requires: Be Aristo. Be attracted to Male gender.

When Hector Keriatou attacks in Chapter Three, you'll be asked how your relationship was. Choose:

The infatuation which I've never been able to escape, however unlikely a marriage alliance.

You can pick any relationship history after this. Then when deciding how to handle the situation, choose:

First, I try to get a message to cousin Hector in secret. Surely the two of us can stop this before it escalates further.

Upon visiting the Keriatou estate, the achievement will unlock.

What Doesn't Kill You - Survive being poisoned.
TL;DR As Aristo, Parley with Calea or Hector. Then be friendly to Calea at the Parley, and try to take her Hostage. She'll poison you, but you should survive if she likes you enough.

Requires: Be Aristo. Have friendly reputation with Calea. Have Intellect 2 or be attracted to Male gender.

When Hector Keriatou attacks in Chapter Three, you'll decide how to handle the situation. If you chose to be in love wth Hector, choose to parley with Hector. Otherwise, with Intellect 2, choose to parley with Calea.

Either way, you'll meet with Calea. Be calm and approach her to talk. Then, depending on how you came here choose:

Calea Parley:
"No. I came here today to save you." OR Well, yes. A little pointed gloating is irresistible.
"Why don't we discuss it further in my camp?" I raise my bow and aim for her heart.

Hector Parley:
"Angels, cousin. How many times have you resisted gloating to me about that? It must have been painful."
"Then give me whatever piece of your mind you deem worth the risk to your life."
"An interesting proposal. Why don't we discuss it further in my camp?" You raise your bow and aim for her heart.

In either Parley Path, there's a couple different ways to get poisoned. However, various other conversation options during the Parley can affect whether you survive the poisoning or not - you can fail, and die, which won't give the achievement. As such, I've outlined the above choices for the simplest paths to the achievement.

Betrayal - Betray one family member to another.
TL;DR As Aristo with Charisma 2, who's attacted to Male gender, choose to Parley with Hector. Then, have Calea give you information on his hunting party when you meet her. Then, choose to ambush Hector. Join the mule party, and Parley with Hector. During the Parley, choose any option to ask him to stop hunting you in any way except asking for his sworn and written word. Then, tell him you have something to tell him before he dies, and that it's that his sister betrayed him.

Requires: Be Aristo. Have Charisma 2. Be attracted to Male gender.

When Hector Keriatou attacks in Chapter Three, you'll be asked how your relationship was. Choose:

The infatuation which I've never been able to escape, however unlikely a marriage alliance.

You can pick any relationship history after this. Then when deciding how to handle the situation, choose:

First, I try to get a message to cousin Hector in secret. Surely the two of us can stop this before it escalates further.

You'll meet with Calea. Be calm and approach her to talk.

"Tell me everything you know about Hector's veneurs and their raids—and then, yes, I'll owe you."

Now, choose to ambush Hector:

We go after Hector and his hunters directly, using another mule train as bait for an ambush.
Bait—trudging alongside the mules.
I let them close with us and try to parley with them.
"Cousin Hector! We offer one chance at parley!"

Then, DON'T choose:

"Your sworn and written word that you shall not take up arms against me or my rebels again."

Then, choose:

"Before you die, there's one thing I want you to know."
"Your sister is the one who gave you all into my hand."


Healer - Use your arcane power to save a life.
Requires: Intellect 2. Either non-secret Theurge already, or willing to become one during this mission.

When Hector Keriatou attacks in Chapter Three, choose:

We go after Hector and his hunters directly, using another mule train as bait for an ambush.
Bait—trudging alongside the mules.
I shout, "Set spears!" and let the nobles close for combat.
I shout, "Hold! Keep formation!"
I cut my hand.
I use Theurgy to sharpen my outlaws' spears.

Then, choose any of the following four options to unlock the achievement:

I levitate him.
I blind him.
Must be in love with Hector: I shout, "Run, Hector! Run, and live!"
Charisma 2 or die: I bare my teeth in a grin. "Got you now…you bastard."
Chapter Four -- Story
'Til Death Us Do Part - Get married.
Requires: Have Breden alive, and have excellent Breden reputation.

Generally you start working towards this fairly early in the game - it's not too hard. Basically just be nice to Breden, and never choose any options related to not trusting Breden.

Early in Chapter Four - after the moot, and after you're able to spend Silver on various things - you'll have the following option, if you're close enough to Breden:

That morning, I ask Breden to marry me.

After choosing this, follow the conversation through as you like - it's pretty obvious which choices to avoid. You'll then earn the achievement.

Make An Accounting - You used a Kryptast code to escape from near-certain death.
TL;DR Marry Breden (See 'Til Death Do Us Part achievement) and get the secret code. Later, fail the final battle / escape and be captured. Use the secret code, keep yourself alive, then assassinate the enemy leader you're taken to.

Until and including the wedding scene (see above), Breden must remain alive and have excellent reputation with you. Immediately after the wedding there'll be a scene where Breden gives you a secret code ("I wish to make an accounting.").

After this, it doesn't matter what happens to Breden.

It doesn't matter which of the three plans you picked at the moot. You must make sure you're captured by the enemy, so ultimately you need to fail to win the battle or escape. There are so many ways to reach this point, I can't really make an effective guide for it.

In any case, you'll be captured somehow. Immediately choose:

"I wish to make an accounting!"

There's a variety of ways to die in the following conversation. However, here are some simple ways to succeed:

Charisma 2: Choose this option:
Breden Reaper.

Combat 2: Choose this option:
Breden Reaper.

Intellect 2: Choose this option:
My Theurgy will be answer enough.

The achievement will then unlock.

Rescue Mission - Rescue captives of the Archon's army.
Requires: Have Combat 2 or have recruited Simon / Suzane de Firiac. Complete Make an Accounting achievement in the same playthrough.

Immediately after killing the Tagmatarch and earning the Make an Accounting achievement, choose the following to unlock the achievement:

I want to try to rescue my captive rebels.

Into Xaos - Entered the Xaos-Lands.
Requires: Reach the very end of the story.

This isn't really a case of being difficult, as no matter what choices you make, you can (I think?) always reach some satisfactory conclusion to the game. Simply reach the final page (where Choice of Rebels II: Stormwright is advertised) and the achievement will unlock.
Chapter Four -- Battle
Martyr-Maker - Inspire an outlaw to successful self-sacrifice.
Requires: Be Eclect or Inner Voices with Simon / Suzane de Firiac recruited and good reputation, or Kenon with Elery alive. Choose Battle or Evade strategy at the Moot. Choose Harry tactics in the Forest.

You must choose the Battle or Evade strategy at the Moot as Chapter Four begins - don't choose to melt back into the Rim. Later, you actually pick your band's tactics in the forest. Choose to Harry the Enemy. After, you'll have the opportunity to assault the Theurges, the Supply Train, or both.

Generally the best way is to do both, starting with the Theurges. So:

Attack the Theurges, then the supply train.
The only thing I can think of is trying to get a few good fighters into the Theurges' tent by night—and they almost certainly wouldn't be coming back.

Your next choice will depend upon your Religion and selected Martyr.

Kenon and Elery:

For advice on how to attain a state of Kenon, see the Kenosis achievement. After this choice (even if you try to forbid it), Elery will proceed to commit Elicide and save the day - achievement unlocked:

I appeal to them to empty themselves and reflect on our plight in the cool of Kenon.

Eclect and Simon / Suzane de Firiac:

For advice on how to become Eclect, see the Eclect achievement. If you're using the Battle strategy, don't send Simon / Suzane de Firiac to lead a Flank before this. You'll want good reputation with him / her too, so be nice. After these choices (don't try to forbid it, or he / she will listen and give up the attempt), Simon / Suzane de Firiac will proceed to commit Simicide / Suzicide and save the day - achievement unlocked:

I appeal to them as the Angels' Eclect, setting their minds on their Elysian reward.
"Glory to the Angels for inspiring such selflessness."

Inner Voices and Simon / Suzane de Firiac:

For advice on how to gain Inner Voices, see The Inner Voice achievement. If you're using the Battle strategy, don't send Simon / Suzane de Firiac to lead a Flank before this. You'll want good reputation with him / her too, so be nice. After this choice (even if you try to forbid it), Simon / Suzane de Firiac will proceed to commit Simicide / Suzicide and save the day - achievement unlocked:

I ask them to listen to the voice of the Angels in their hearts. Is anyone being called to sacrifice themselves for an Elysian reward?

Theurge-Bane - Wiped out all the enemy Theurges in one blow.
Requires: Intellect 2. Be Secret Theurge. Choose Battle or Evade strategy at the Moot. Choose Harry tactics in the Forest.

You must choose the Battle or Evade strategy at the Moot as Chapter Four begins - don't choose to melt back into the Rim. Later, you actually pick your band's tactics in the forest. Choose to Harry the Enemy. After, you'll have the opportunity to assault the Theurges, the Supply Train, or both.

Generally the best way is to do both, starting with the Theurges. So:

Attack the Theurges, then the supply train.
Because they don't know I'm a Theurge, I have a chance to destroy them all with a single dramatic blow.

The achievement will unlock immediately. You can then assault the Supply Train without using Theurgy for the Cut the Line achievement.

Cut the Line - Cut off supplies to the Archon's army.
Requires: Choose Battle or Evade strategy at the Moot. Choose Harry tactics in the Forest.

You must choose the Battle or Evade strategy at the Moot as Chapter Four begins - don't choose to melt back into the Rim. Later, you actually pick your band's tactics in the forest. Choose to Harry the Enemy. After, you'll have the opportunity to assault the Theurges, the Supply Train, or both.

Unlike the previous two achievements, we'll do this by just attacking the supply train:

Attack the next supply train.

A variety of factors affect this mission's outcome: Better intel gained from good reputation with different factions and paid informants, various named followers and leaders in your band, amount of weapons your band has, your Combat skill or use of Theurgy, and a couple other things will affect the outcome of this raid. Generally if you're entering this with a strong band, you don't need to worry too much. You'll unlock the achievement as long as all the convoy guards die - enemy Theurges can still be alive no problem.

Stand and Fight - Defeat the army the Archon sends to deal with you.
Requires: Choose Battle strategy at the Moot. Engage and Win the Final Battle.

There are many, many ways to win the battle. If you've already played the game once or twice, you should have a pretty good sense of how to win battles. Here are some key tips:

  • Have great morale
  • Have many leaders
  • Have many followers
  • Have many weapons

Additionally there are a variety of ways to help win this specific battle, mainly:

Find the Campsite Yourself: At the start of Chapter Three choose to investigate the campsite and caves instead of the strangers in the woods. This can help in multiple ways later on - it's defintiely worth doing if possible.

Have great Intel. Gain this by having good (or better) reputations with the various factions. You can also spend Silver to gain paid informants to supplement this. Intel helps a lot, so it helps to keep at least some of the Helots / Yeomen / Merchants / Priests / etc on your side in this playthrough if at all possible.

Harry the Enemy: When you pick your band's tactics in the forest, choose to Harry the Enemy. Depending on other values (for example, how good your Intel is) you'll begin to damage the enemy army in preparation for the battle. This is generally the best option. Pick this if you're a strong, numerous, well-equipped band, or you're planning to kill the enemy Theurges.

Attack the Theurges and Supply Train: If you choose to Harry the Enemy, you'll have opportunity to kill the enemy Theurges and disrupt their supplies - see the Martyr-Maker, Theurge-Bane, and Cut the Line achievements for tips on succeeding here.

Don't Burn the Forest: If you're a reasonably strong force, then instead of burning the forest, choose to simply continue to harry the enemy. Your bonuses from being a well-prepared outlaw band should outweigh the costs and benefits of setting everything on fire.

Do Burn the Forest: Alternatively, if you've killed their Theurges already, it can be worth it to burn the forest. With the Theurges dead the fire will kill ~25% of the enemy force, although you'll take casualties too.

Have Literate Children: If you spent time on Literacy during Chapter Two Winter, you'll have some Literate Children - you'll have an opportunity to assign them to run messages to assist your band.

Gain Named Followers: At the end of Chapter Three, just after you finish dealing with Hector, you'll usually receive some reinforcements from a mix of sources. While these add to useful values like follower and weapon counts, some of these groups have named leaders with them. These leaders will give bonuses to your band at different times and from using different choices.

Have High Personality Stats: Ruthless vs Compassionate, Devout vs Skeptical, and Homelander vs Cosmopolitan. Having more than 75% in any of these when you finish dealing with Hector in Chapter Three should give you extra followers (and weapons, etc) for each stat. If you have multiple stats above 75% this can add up to quite a lot of bonuses, so be sure to specialise your personality traits in a battle playthrough. Some of these groups will have the named characters mentioned above, which help even more.
Chapter Four -- Evasion
Missionaries of Revolt - Send as many of your band as possible back to the Rim.
Requires: Choose the Split Up option at the Moot in Chapter Four.

At the Moot let these people speak to get the most support for your choice:

  • Breden
  • Simon / Suzane de Firiac
  • Helot Elder Joana Orchard

High morale and being Eclect will help, too. Then choose these options:

"Split up, melt away—and take our message back to helot camps all across Shayard."
I'm not changing my mind. We'll not win the rebellion in these woods.

If successful, the achievement will unlock just before you choose your final tactics in the forest. Here are some tips to maximise your chances of success:

Reputation: Having great reputation with Helots or Yeomen - ideally both - will help.

Charisma: Having Charisma 2, or Breden, or both, will make it easier to succeed.

Children: Having children still accompanying your band will also make it easier to succeed. The more children with you, the higher the bonus.

High Literacy: The more literate followers you have, the easier it will be to succeed. If you're planning this ending from the start, then try to train Literacy as much as possible during Winter Week Two. Some of the groups received from having 75%+ in your various personality stats at the end of Chapter Three will add more literate followers to your band, too.

Religion: Being Eclect or having Inner Voices will make it easier, but being Kenon will make it harder.

Ghosts in the Woods - Evade the army the Archon sends to deal with you.
Requires: Choose anything at the Moot. Then, when you're choosing final tactics in the forest:

Battle Strategy: "…start slowing them down." We're going to harry them from the woods.
Pick the above choice, and successfully harry the enemy. If you cut their supply line or demoralise them enough (killing Theurges is a good way), you'll slow them down enough that you can retreat to the caves campsite and then retreat from there safely, giving the achievement.

Evasion Strategy: "…divide their loyalties as best we can." I'll litter the wild with messages to sap their morale.
Pick the above choice and, with Intellect 2 or with Elery alive, you can then escape the encirclement at nighttime safely. Then survive the battle with the three Plektoi at the caves campsite. After this you can escape safely, giving the achievement. Note that depending on the strength of your band you could also choose to harry the enemy instead.

Split Up Strategy: "…move the band without leaving a trail." We're few enough to slip away without leaving any signs the army can follow.
Pick the above choice, then survive the battle with the three Plektoi at the caves campsite. After this you can escape safely, giving the achievement.

Non-Violent Resistance - Refuse to inflict or command violence against your enemies.
Requires: Reach the very end of the game without ever commanding or committing violence.

Note: Achievement will unlock on the very last page of the story - the same page that advertises Choice of Rebels II: Stormwright.

There is a hidden 'violence' stat, starting at zero, with seventy opportunities to increase by one and thirteen to decrease by one. At the end of the game the 'violence' stat must be zero or less to unlock. This is actually fairly easy if you dedicate a playthrough to it specifically. It matches well with the Lost Not A One achievement and any Simon / Suzane de Firiac-related achievements as they require low Anarchy. Here are some simple tips for planning your Non-Violent playthrough:

Have Charisma 2 and / or Breden: If you're planning to stop the Harrowing, you'll need this to stop the crowd from committing violence. In any case, you'll be begging regularly for food so Charisma is perfect and if you don't have Charisma 2 then you can rely upon Breden for plenty of good charisma.

Be Aristo with Jailbreak Intro: See Jailbreak achievement. This will let you start the Chapter Two Winter with a very small band, which is much easier to feed. Since they're much easier to feed, it's much easier to survive purely by begging Helots for food. This ensures you can survive all Winter long without ever committing any violence.

Investigate the Harrower: You can safely investigate the Harrower without penalty. Do so, and sift sand into it. Three weeks later, you should send yourself (with Charisma 2) or Breden to appease the Helot elders. Doing so will give good rewards, which can really help out - since you can't commit violence, you're severely limited in resource acquisition.

Smuggle Goods into Whendery: You can safely conduct the smuggling mission for Alaine the Fence. Again, this can give some great extra resources in a very frugal playthrough.

Be Defensive with Hector: When dealing with Hector Keriatou in Chapter Three, you can simply choose to play defensively. You'll lose some followers in clashes with his hunters, but not actually be considered to have committed violence.

Split Up or Evade: Choose one of these strategies at the Moot in Chapter Four.

Evasion Strategy: "…divide their loyalties as best we can." I'll litter the wild with messages to sap their morale.
Pick the above choice and, with Intellect 2 or with Elery alive, you can then escape the encirclement at nighttime safely.

Split Up Strategy: "…move the band without leaving a trail." We're few enough to slip away without leaving any signs the army can follow.
Pick the above choice.

Split Up or Evade: Then survive the battle with the three Plektoi at the caves campsite. If you took the Aristo Jailbreak intro, you'll have the Plektoi Spear. You can use that on the Plektos safely without failing the achievement. Then, flee.

Be Religious: Whichever your religion is, it's possible you may end up far down inside the caves and run into some enemies who are about to capture you. You can call out for the aid of the angels, and in some circumstances your followers will appear and sacrifice themselfs to enable you to escape - this is a perfect way to escape the endgame as a non-violent character.
10 ความเห็น
LogicToast 6 ก.ย. @ 8: 23pm 
Plektos dogs are super evil. It's doable if you have INTELLECT 2 / Theurgy/Wisardry/Magic, though.
What you want to do is....
1) LIFT.
2) HIDE.
LogicToast 28 ส.ค. @ 6: 47pm 
I cannot investigate the inside of a Harrower, even with Intellect 2!
(CHA : 1 \ FGT: 0 \ INT: 2)
Feral Beagle 10 มี.ค. 2021 @ 1: 26pm 
Thanks for the update! Glad to know the author found out about this and is going to fix it.
bb  [ผู้สร้าง] 10 มี.ค. 2021 @ 6: 05am 
For your curiosity re: Inner Voice achievement:

"Inner Voice was written to work for CHA 2 characters; if I’ve gated that off so Breden is required, it was a mistake."

- The Author.

So, will be fixed sooner or later!
bb  [ผู้สร้าง] 19 ก.พ. 2021 @ 2: 35pm 
Updated with the The Inner Voice achievement fixed. Thanks a lot for your kind words - I had a lot of fun making it.
Feral Beagle 18 ก.พ. 2021 @ 1: 18am 
Of course. This guide is a great resource for planning playthroughs, and it's clear how much work went into it. Thank you for making it exist!
bb  [ผู้สร้าง] 18 ก.พ. 2021 @ 12: 33am 
It's very possible the code's been updated since the guide was written - I've been looking forward to revisiting this book for some time so will give it a pass over soon and see what's up - thanks for the info!
Feral Beagle 17 ก.พ. 2021 @ 11: 28pm 
I love your guide, but "Inner Voices" isn't unlocking for some reason. Is there anything else you remember doing or do you think it's a bug?
bb  [ผู้สร้าง] 17 มี.ค. 2020 @ 7: 46am 
You're very welcome indeed. Congrats on finding your way through - it's really one of the best.
Coleman 15 มี.ค. 2020 @ 8: 10pm 
Thank you for taking the time to create this. I was having a hard time and thinking about giving up but this shows me the game is more flexible than I thought.