Left 4 Dead 2
50 คะแนน
19-Shot Snakeshot Handguns 1.5
25.160 KB
23 พ.ย. 2017 @ 2: 29pm
21 มี.ค. @ 5: 33pm
31 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

19-Shot Snakeshot Handguns 1.5

New version 1.5! Now you may pause the game even if using the console and there's no friendly fire. This ammunition kills anything with one shot and was made with 19-shot 9mm's in mind, so it gives you 19 shots EVEN WITH THE MAGNUM! Real snakeshot is for vaporizing heads with one shot, so this mod has far more pellets per shot than my buckshot mods.

On 1/25/2023 I went from retired to semi-retired and will be releasing both mods and mutations on occasion. I simply do not have time to respond to comments anymore though. Sorry about that!

Should you have trouble I recommend making sure Enable Developer Console is on in Keyboard/Mouse under the Options menu. This will make it possible to hit the ~, get into the console and tell which mod(s) are interfering with my mod.

One of the subscribers to one of my my mods once said the following (though I can't verify it is true, I do believe them):

"script mods dont work in multiplayer? yeah they do lol the server host just has to type sv_consistency 0 and bada bing bada boom it wont kick people out any more

So, if you want to try using this or any other script in multiplayer you may want to try the above advice.

Remember this: with ANYONE'S SCRIPT MOD, not just any of mine, subscribe to it, load the game, makes sure it shows up in Addons (and that it doesn't conflict with other mods- it will show up red if it does) and then exit the game. Now launch the game again and it will work. If you don't do this, it might not work!

Why try?

* 19 shots with ALL handguns including the MAGNUM!

* 1 shot kills of specials, even from afar.

* Many commons can be killed per shot, especially if bunched togeher.

* Extensively tested, as always.

* If you are down, you aren't necessarily out!

* Due to reload frequency hordes and panic events can still be a challenge (I got killed once by a Smoker during testing.)

* Doors and sometimes walls can be shot thru.

* Infiinite reloads and no invisible arms!

* The magnum still handles differently and has more power, range, etc.

* Pistols have 4X the pellets of my 17-Shot Buckshot Handguns mod and the Magnum has 5X the pellets!

* Sometimes, if bunched together, more than one special can be killed with one shot!

19-shot handguns do exist by the way- such as the Springfield-Armory XD(M).