A Tale of Two Kingdoms

A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Map with important locations
作者: Helvel
A Tale of Two Kingdoms has a map of its own, but it does not contain all of the important locations. This guide contains a map that will help you navigate through the game more easily.
Warning: spoilers ahead!

The following map shows the different locations in the game. You can click on the image to zoom in.

Blue tiles are the ocean.

The lines between the locations show where you can travel to when you're in a certain location (or screen). If a line is dashed, it means that it's an optional route that is most likely unlocked later in the game, or a route that you will only use once.

Locations marked with an asterisk (*) contain special events that are unlocked as the story progresses.
  • The ocean is broad, so it's possible to travel further to the right than is shown in the map. I haven't included that since there is nothing special in the ocean besides the island.
  • I haven't marked specific locations where you can find the squirrel, the coin, etc, since those locations are different for each playthrough.
  • The map of the city itself doesn't match with the map of the whole area. I was going to divide "city" into "market", "castle", "cliff" and "harbor" until I realized that would mess up the entire map.
5 件のコメント
Helvel  [作成者] 2017年12月6日 0時59分 
@Radiant Edited. Thanks for the suggestion!
Radiant  [開発者] 2017年12月5日 10時46分 
Looking good. You may want to omit the words "wizard's tower" as that's a spoiler even if the island itself is not. And yes, the ocean is basically unbounded except by your stamina, and there's little point in mapping all of it.
Helvel  [作成者] 2017年11月25日 0時22分 
@ASwagman I drowned the first time I went swimming, because I got excited Maeldun could swim and wanted to explore the entire ocean (bad idea).
Tolkien Book Fan 2017年11月24日 21時17分 
I missed the wizard's tower the first time I looked for it. You can swim quite a way directly east, but there's nothing there and if you try to swim south it says there are rocks there.

It's possible to get tired and drown if you swim too long. I did not find that out intentionally.
mirshaloon 2017年11月23日 11時01分 
Tnx this might prove very useful getting around :)