Star Trek™: 25th Anniversary

Star Trek™: 25th Anniversary

44 vurderinger
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary - Complete Walkthrough - Updated for Steam
Af Navrin
This was one of the first computer games I ever played, and the first Star Trek one. After watching the Original Series – the thrill of commanding the Enterprise in a brand-new mission was astounding. This guide, will help you become the Captain you always wanted to be – that means earning 100% and earning all available Commendation points.

Captain, the chair is yours!
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Guide Notes
This was one of the first computer games I ever played, and the first Star Trek one. After watching the Original Series – the thrill of commanding the Enterprise in a brand-new mission was astounding. This guide, will help you become the Captain you always wanted to be – that means earning 100% and earning all available Commendation points. Captain, the chair is yours!
There are ways to complete the game faster, no doubt, but this guide will ensure you receive full commendation points. As always with walkthroughs – tons of spoilers ahead. As is, it should take you about 2.5 to 3 hours to complete this game.
Controls – Enterprise
Let’s first talk about controls – this is what you’ll need to be an efficient Captain.

     i. Combat & Movement
          1. Impulse Engines: 1-0 (1 stop, 0 full speed)
          2. Reverse: ~
          3. Analyze Target: A
          4. Arm/Disarm Weapons: W
          5. Raise/Lower Shields: S
          6. Emergency Power: E
          7. Damage Control: D
          8. Roll Clockwise: INSERT
          9. Roll Counterclockwise: DELETE
     ii. Text/Speech
          1. Skip Speech: ENTER
          2. Navigate Pages: PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN
     iii. Captain’s Commands
          1. Talk to Commander Spock: T
          2. Order Sulu to orbit a plant: O
          3. Navigation/Star map: N
          4. Hail a planet or ship: H
          5. Talk with the computer: C
          6. Captain’s Log: K
          7. View Screen Magnification: < and >
     i. Phasers: Left mouse button
     ii. Photon Torpedos: Right mouse button
Controls – Landing Party
Here are the controls you’ll need to not be a redshirt on the planet’s surface!

     i. Walk: W
     ii. Talk: T
     iii. Use: U
     iv. Inventory: I
     v. Pickup/Get: G
     vi. Look: L
     vii. Skip Speech: ENTER
     i. Confirm: Left mouse button
     ii. Menu: Right mouse button
Star Map!
Courtesy of Live Love Play:
Chapter 1: Demon World
  • You start off this chapter under a mock battle with the USS. Republic, with Captain Patterson commanding. Use this time to practice space combat, and the skill of leading your shots.

  • Wait for Kirk, Uhura, and Spock to speak, then raise shields (S) and arm weapons (W)

  • Fight the USS Republic

  • Turn off shields (S) and weapons (W)

  • Starfleet command will come on hail the Enterprise, afterwards, use the computer (C) on Pollux V, Mount Idyll, Demon, Acolytes, Nikolasi and Robert Angiven.

  • Travel to the Pollux System (N), number 19 on the Star Map

  • Orbit Pollux V (O)

  • Talk with Spock (T), Hail the planet (H), beam down (K)

  • Once on the planet, wait for Prelate Angiven and Dr. McCoy to finishing talking, then look at the Mr. Angiven, look at the sign, and then talk with Mr. Angiven – answer 1, 1, 1

  • First look, then talk with Brother Stephan. Use the medical tricorder on the bandaged man.


  • Once you leave the building, you’ll be ambushed by 3 Klingons! Don’t panic – STUN all three Klingons.

  • Use the science tricorder on the hand that broke off one of the Klingons, and then on the Klingons themselves, also use the medical tricorder on the Klingons. Get the hand and continue up the cave entrance

  • Use Dr. McCoy’s medical tricorder on the berries in the bushes on the right, and then get some of those berries.


  • Continue to the cave entrance – use both tricorders on the rock piles. Use your phasers (disintegrate/kill/red) the rocks in this order (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).

  • Use the medical tricorder on Brother Kandrey, let Bones do his thing and use the medical kit on him. Once recovered, talk with Brother Kandrey.

  • Use the science tricorder on the closed panel, and then the Klingon hand. Return to the settlement.

  • Return to Brother Stephen and use the berries on him. Use the science tricorder on the synthesizer, then use the berries on the Ardak-4 Synthesizer. First can using your medical tricorder, then use your newly acquired Hypo-Dytoxin on Brother Chub (the bandaged man scanned earlier). Talk with Chub once healed, as well as Brother Roberts and Brother Grisnash.

  • Back in the laboratory, use the Klingon hand on Brother Stephan, and then on the workbench.

  • Look at the computer screen on the bottom left, use the science tricorder, and then use Kirk on the display case. Answer the dialog question with the second option – 2 – and lastly answer 6 to end the conversation. Get the display case, and pick up the Key (piece of metal) and Skull.

  • Look at the computer again, use Spock’s tricorder again, and then use the computer again.

  • Continue back up to the cave entrance, and use the repaired hand on the door panel

  • Use the science tricorder on the panel with the three drawings. Then use Kirk on the panel. Position all three buttons to the middle.

  • Answer 2, 2 to Nauian. After Dr. McCoy reminds you of the skull, use it on Nauian and answer with 1.

  • Finally give over the key / piece of metal.

  • After the dialog, you’ll automatically be transported back to the Enterprise.

  • Mission completion.
Chapter 2: Hijacked
  • After speaking with Star Fleet, talk with Ensign Chekov to learn out Beta Myamid and raise shields and arm weapons.

  • Use the Enterprise computer to learn about Beta Myamid, USS Masada, Keeler and Elasi Pirates

  • Plot a course for Beta Myamid, #15 on the Star Map

  • You’ll need to fight your first real battle, albeit an easy on, against one Elasi Pirate

  • Once you win, let the ship flee, don’t destroy it, let it leave completely from your sensors before ordering Sulu to orbit Beta Myamid.

  • When entering orbit, you’ll discover the USS Masada, ask Uhura to hail the ship to discover it’s currently commanded by Elasi Cereth.

  • Use dialogs 1, 2, 1

  • Talk to Spoke, and use the computer to research Menalvagor, Andorian, Cereth and Masada

  • Have Uhura hail the USS Masada again and use 2 – input 293391-197736-3829

  • Lower the Enterprise shields, and send your landing party to the transporter room

  • Once aboard the Masada, use the medical tricorder on the officer on the floor, followed up by the med kit

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the Runcinate Transmogrifier, and get it.

  • Use Spock’s tricorder again on the on the transporter control console, and then Spock

  • Use the Runcinate Transmogrifier on the transporter console

  • Continue through the door on your right

  • Look at both doors, and use the science tricorder on the item pile in the bottom right-hand corner, continue to pick up that pile.

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the red beam, follow this up by using Dr. McCoy’s tricorder on the same beam.


  • Walk through the right-hand door

  • Stun, don’t kill, but stun the two pirates.

  • Use the science tricorder on the panel and the bomb

  • Use the medical tricorder on the crew in the brig

  • Get the wire and use Kirk on the panel. After the crewman finishes speaking get the spool of wire and the bomb

  • Building time – use your phaser, select inventory and select the welder – the phaser welder should be charged. Use your new toy on the bits of metal making a comb bit, now use the comb bit on the transmogrifier.

  • Head to the transporter room, but before you go there, use the phaser welder near the shielded red door. The spot is hard to find, so keep trying, left of the door and a little off the ground.

  • The shield will turn off – don’t go in!

  • Go to the transporter room, use the transmogrifier on the control console, then the spool of wire.

  • Use the transport to beam directly onto the bridge

  • Talk to Cereth – choose dialog #1

  • Boom – mission completion and another 100%
Chapter 3: Love’s Labor Jeopardized
  • After your brief from Star Fleet, use the computer and research Ark 7, Marcus and… Romulans!

  • Raise shields and arm weapons. Talk with Chekhov and plot a course for Ark 7 (3 on the Star Map)

  • As soon as you arrive, you’ll fight a Romulan ship – defeat it Captain

  • Once the Romulan ship has been destroyed, talk with Spock, talk with Uhura, lower shields and beam down to the planet.

  • Once on Ark 7, have Dr. McCoy check out Spock, then have Spock use his tricorder on the computer in the middle of the bridge.

  • Use Spock on the computer, and then use McCoy TWICE on the computer. You’ll be learning about Oroborous Virus, TLTDH gas, Nitrous Oxide, Ammonia and Di-Hydrogen Oxide. Finally, answer with #6 and continue via the red door.

  • Once inside the laboratory, use the science tricorder on both pieces of machinery.

  • Use Captain Kirk on the freezer and obtain a sample of the Oroborous Virus, and be a good Captain and close the freezer once you’re done

  • Continue to the door on the left – right of the freezer – and pick up the wrench behind the step ladder.

  • Use Kirk on the closet, and get the Antigrav Unit, closing the closet once gotten.

  • Continue to the red curtain, right and up, behind which you’ll find the Nitrogen tank. Use the antigrav unit here, and get the wire insulation in the panel.

  • Go back to the laboratory and use the wire insulation on the Compound Distillator – this will produce Polyberylcarbonate which you’ll need to pick up.

  • Enter the door behind the freezer, back to the synthesizer, use the wrench on both tanks, opening them, and then use the console – get the water you just made.

  • Put the Polyberylcarbonate in the small chamber, and use the console on the left – congrats, pick up the TLTDH gas you made. Head back to the main laboratory.

  • Use the wrench on the Nitrogen tank, followed by the anti grav unit, head back to the synthesizer room.

  • Use the wrench to close the Oxygen tank, and then use the anti-grav unit on the Oxygen tank – put the Nitrogen tank in its spot.

  • Open up both tanks, and place the Oroborous virus in the chamber, use the console. Use the medical tricorder on what happened.

  • Use the console a second time to make some ammonia, pick it up and head back to the main laboratory.

  • Pick up another sample of the Oroborous virus, closing the freezer again when you’re done.

  • Put the Oroborous virus sample in the replicator (light blue machine), and the ammonia in the anti-agent nozzle (green machine), use McCoy on the console, and finally get the cure!

  • Head back to the synthesizer and put the cure sample in the chamber – use the console and you’ll have a vaccine in a hypo-spray. Pick it up, and use it on Spock


  • Back in the main laboratory enter the door in the middle of the screen – to where you picked up the anti-grav unit, use the wrench on the ventilation cover to remove it. Use the TLTDH gas you created in the shaft. Nighty night Romulans.

  • Return to the main laboratory, and use the ladder to go down. Use the medical tricorder on the Romulans, and yes, the vaccine/cure as well.

  • Quench the thirst of the Romulans – using water on them, and head back to the main lab to make more water

  • Wrench to turn off gas flow, anti-grave on Nitrogen and put Oxygen in its place, open the gas back up, use console, get water – phew

  • Go back down the latter, and this time in the door in the middle

  • Use the science tricorder on the torpedo

  • Use Kirk to free the hostages

  • Use the vaccine on the Romulan – Preax, and give him some water.

  • Talk with Preax, answering with your second dialog choice and…

  • Voila – 100%
Chapter 4: Another Fine Mess
  • After another rousing speech by Star Fleet, follow our standard routine and arm weapons and raise shields.

  • Use the computer and learn about Harlequin, Vardaine, and Elasi.

  • Travel to the Harlequin system (4 on the Star Map), once there, battle two pirate ships – let them flee.

  • Use the computer again, and research Harrapa, and Mudd. Set course for Harrapa (5 – right next door)

  • Talk with Mr. Spock, lower shields, and beam over.

  • Look at, open, and use the science tricorder to scan the yellow spheres, the box of white objects, and the pile on the floor.

  • Once identified, GET/pick up the three items. Combine the lens and the degrimer, and then use it on anything in the room (not people).

  • BOOM!

  • Head down, and look at the Life Support System, use Spock’s tricorder on it.

  • Return to the cargo bay, and then to the doors in the back – heading to the weapon’s bay.

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the console, look at the buttons. Use Spock on the Blue button, then on the Pink button – answer with #2.

  • Head through the green door into sick bay – use McCoy’s tricorder on the capsules, and continue through the next door onto the bridge

  • Look, use the science tricorder, then get the Repair tool laying on the ground.

  • Continue using the science tricorder on the computer, then use Spock, left chair. Head out the bottom left door

  • Use the science tricorder on the yellow sphere elevated on the floor, then use Spock. Use the science tricorder again, after Spock, then use the Dodecagon you picked up in the cargo bay on the yellow sphere. Head back to sick bay.

  • Use Spock on Mudd and place him on the bed.

  • Use McCoy on Mudd, then the medical tricorder on the multi-colored capsules – get a capsule.

  • Use the green capsule on the console (triangular buttons) and then McCoy on Mudd

  • Head back onto the bridge and use Kirk on the left chair, view sensors, navigation, engineering, then the right chair and view communications and the view screen.

  • Head to library (bottom left) answer Mudd with #1. Head to engineering (right door, south twice)

  • Answer Mudd with #2, use the repair tool on the life support system

  • Go to the weapon’s bay (where Spock pressed the blue button) and use Spock to press the Red/Pink button. Use dialog #2.

  • Use the door on the left to go to the library, use the science tricorder on the yellow sphere again

  • Head back to the bridge, use the right chair, communications, talk with Mr. Scott, dialog #3, then #1.

  • Boom again – Four 100%s in a row
Chapter 5: The Feathered Serpent
  • After your brief from Star Fleet Command, use the computer and research Hrakkour, Klingon, Zamphor, Digifal and Kenka

  • Unlike previous times, do not arm weapons or shields, instead talk with Chekhov and head straight to the Digifal system (#7)

  • After Spock speaks, answer with 2 then 1, this avoids fighting with the Klingons, which you want to do if you want 100%.

  • Have Sulu orbit the planet, and beam on down to the surface.

  • Look, use the medical tricorder and then talk with the Quetzalcoatl. Answer with 2, 1 and 1.

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the snake. Get the rocks, and use the rock on the hole in the ground, then get the snake

  • Use the rock on the vine hanging from the top of the screen, do this twice, then climb out of the pit – Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Lt. Stragey. Go left twice

  • Look at Tlaoxac and then use the snake on the priest, then on Kirk. Get the knife he offers you. Go left, then north

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the plant, water, and then the creature in the water, switch to the medical tricorder and do the same. Use the knife Tlaoxac gave you to get the plant – now called a fern, and use the fern on the creature – walk left over the log

  • Look and use Spock’s tricorder on the red crystal, use the knife on the crystal, and you’ve just acquired a Dilithium Crystal – exit stage left.

  • Answer Quetzalcoatl with 2, 2, and 3.

  • Back on the Enterprise, answer 2 then 1

  • Back on the surface, walk up to the Klingon symbol – answer 2 then 1

  • Use McCoy’s tricorder on the electric creature, then Spock’s. Continue with the science tricorder and scan the floor by the rods.

  • Use your phaser, maximum setting (red) on the floor where you scanned, then get a rod.

  • Use the rod in the lava pool making an iron rod (very minecrafty)

  • Use the iron rod on the creature.

  • Use the science tricorder on the keypad and communicate with Uhura, answer with 2 and 1.


  • Use Spock on the bottom panel

  • After Ensign Bennie speaks, use the Spock’s tricorder on the yellow field.

  • Acquire all three green gems and use them in the holes in the left console.

  • Walk into the yellow light and answer with 3.

  • Captain, you’ve saved the day again. Well done!
Chapter 6: The Old Devil Moon
  • Finish your conversation with Star Fleet Command and use the computer to research Proxtrey, Scythe, Sofs, Lucrs, Base 3 and 4.

  • Have Chekhov set a course for Alpha Proxima, 12 on the star map – no need for weapons or shields.

  • Have Sulu orbit the planet, talk with Mr. Spock, and finally beam down.

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the door, ground, big rocks and planet in the sky.

  • Use McCoy’s tricorder on Captain Kirk. Get a rock and head for the door.

  • After Mr. Scott speaks, use the Spock on the keypad and enter the code 10200

  • Once inside, use the science tricorder on the computer, the door, and the red and blue keypad.

  • Use Spock on the keypad and enter 122 – walk on in.

  • After Uhura speaks, use the science tricorder on the door, the panel, and the right wall itself – walk right

  • After McCoy and Spock are done talking, use Spock’s tricorder on the laser and the console.

  • Open the box in the middle, and get the wire with connectors.

  • Use Spock on the console – answer with 3.

  • Use your rock on the template and use Spock on the console again, this time answering with 1 – pick up the Pass Card

  • Back in the other room, use the Pass Card on the panel and enter through the door.

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the middle computer, the right and then left computers, the door, and the missiles.

  • Use Spock on the right and then left computers

  • Use the wire on the left computer and Spock on the right computer, then finally the left computer. (you need to do this in this order, otherwise you won’t get 100%)

  • If you followed the computer order – you’re awarded with a nice fat and juicy 100%
Chapter 7: Vengeance
  • OMG no briefing form Star Fleet! When prompted, answer with #1

  • Once on the USS Republic, and after McCoy speaks, use Spock’s tricorder on the computer (Spock’s usual spot), the view screen, and the Captain’s Chair.

  • Use McCoy’s tricorder on the body to the right (science officer), then the Captain. Exit by walking down the left side

  • Head down to Auxiliary Control – use Spock’s tricorder on the door, and Captain Kirk on the panel. Pick up the saw.

  • Back on the bridge, use the saw on the beam on the left to get the Support Beam – walk down


  • Head to Sickbay, use McCoy’s tricorder on Marata. Get the Hypo Spray and the Laser drill – walk to the right.

  • Get the Cable hanging from the door, use the beam on the pile blocking it. Finally use your phaser on maximum (red) on the pile to disintegrate it.

  • In Engineering, use Spock’s tricorder on the debris pile, also use your phaser on maximum on it, and pick up the Power Pack – exit stage left

  • Use Kirk on the closet, use the Hypo Spray on the top canister to get Oil and the Engineering Journals. Close the closet doors once finished.

  • Use the science tricorder on the machine, the black area above the stairs, then exit right and down

  • Go to the transporter room, pick up the cable. Use Spock’s tricorder on the transporter control console, then Spock himself on it. Exit right and down

  • Head back to engineering via the weapons bay. Use both cables on the holes under both consoles. Exit right and down

  • Head to Auxiliary Control via Sick bay, and use the laser drill on the panel, then Kirk on the panel. Use the hypo spray on the panel, and then Kirk on the panel again. Walk up

  • Use Spock’s tricorder on the right station, then the middle one. Finally, the small black console in the left and then the left station. Pick up the Record Decks on the floor and use them in the right station 3 times, then use the engineering journals on the same right station.

  • Back in Engineering, use Spock on the junction box and scan the black area above the stars again.

  • Back in Auxiliary Control, use both tricorders on the small black console, then use Spock on the left station. Respond with 2 and 2.

  • Walk down twice, head to Sick Bay, walk up, then to the Transporter Room, then left – feet sore yet?

  • Use the power pack on the lot in the right wall – top one.

  • Use Spock on the transport control console 3 times.

  • Go to Auxiliary control for the last time.


  • Use your communicator to hail Uhura, answer with 1 and 2.

  • Use Spock on the left station – answer with 1

  • Use Kirk on the middle station – green lights.

  • Back on the Enterprise, answer with 1, 1 and 1, and raise shields and arm weapons. Time for your last battle!
Final Comments
Yes, I know this is from Discovery, but it's cool and the phasers are close enough ;-)

There are some fun little secrets in Chapter 5: The Feathered Serpent - when you are at the point where you're placing the gems in the console - you can actually play around here with some other communication of gems and see what happens. For example, all blue gems will trigger the Light of Transport, and all red gems will trigger the Light of War. Play around and let me know of any cool combinations that should be added to the guide.

I hope you enjoy the guide and find it helpful. If you did, please rate up and favorite. Feel free to send me a friend request, always welcoming to Star Trek fans, and shoot me a message if you have any ideas of improvements for this guide.

Don't forget to check out the sequel to this game - Star Trek: Judgment Rights - and of course my walkthrough of that game should you get stuck or became addicted to 100%s and accommodation points.

Live long and prosper!
10 kommentarer
Rex Bellator 16. maj kl. 0:09 
This game is great as a Star Trek fan but it is riddled with bugs and/or bad logic for some of the puzzles. If you do something out of order it WILL break things.

I want to bring the guide's author attention to the instructions on "Another Fine Mess," which seems to have a logic bug which I think is connected to Mudd's Degrimer. If you attach the lens to it right away and activate it many of the other events with Mudd won't activate later (except for the med bay one), such as the sav-a-ship life support malfunctioning. Unfortunately following your directions leads to these events not happening and subsequently a less than 100 point score.
Rex Bellator 16. maj kl. 0:09 
My advice is to leave the degrimer until after you've picked up the Doover repair tool and re-activate the alien computer in the next room. Then proceed to the life support system repair it,

Also I think you need to use McCoy's medbag on Mudd in the medbay scene, simply using McCoy didn't work for me. Feel free to double check these points and update the guide at your convenience.
RuggedPineapple 3. juli 2023 kl. 2:05 
To jefflpearsonii: They drop several hints that its just the same number in a different base then decimal. You even have to look up other base systems then decimal to get full credit.
Tobar 14. feb. 2023 kl. 10:26 
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: The final mission Vengeance
Make sure when you can divert power in Auxiliary Control that you FIRST TRY to divert it to weapons systems BEFORE Shields. That unlocks dialog and actions that you need to access the weapons bay later on. Otherwise if you just follow the guide as written you'll be trapped with a functioning transporter with no ability to set a destination and no way to finish the game.

Also of note, you contact the Elasi at the end NOT Uhura as communications with the Enterprise have been jammed.
FalcoPhoenix821 30. mar. 2022 kl. 7:37 
During the last combat mission focus on the Elasi ship with the 3 torpedo launchers first, then go after the second Elasi ship. The fake Enterprise has a looping pattern that makes it easy to target. Surprisingly the fake Enterprise isn't that tough.
jefflpearsonii 8. apr. 2021 kl. 19:35 
How the heck are you expected to figure out the codes for That Old Devil Moon without a walkthrough
Axel Law 30. mar. 2021 kl. 23:39 
People, when using this guide, proceed with caution.
In the last mission, make sure you have Spock try to reroute power to the transporter room to initiate the conversation involving the torpedo bay. When you are in the transporter room, make sure to have Spock use the transporter BEFORE using the power pack on the wall. The game will glitch and you have to start over, like I have to. The guide does not give the proper order in this regard. Save yourself a headache and be sure to follow the extra instructions I listed. Thanks.
amills1 30. okt. 2020 kl. 0:48 
That last battle is just too brutal. You pretty much need to defeat the first ship before the second two appear. That isn't easy since it seems to be very good at staying out of your weapon sights. Against all three you'll just get cut to ribbons.
cf.barbossa 10. apr. 2020 kl. 15:53 
Spoilers ahead:

I have tried all combinations in chapter 5.

Most of them only result in a message that the combination requires a neural link and is only available to "higher order functions".

Combinations containing 2 blue crystals are likely to trigger a message that the selected teleport target does no longer exist.

There is one combination to activate internal security (green-blue-red, I think, but nothing happens), while another three-colour code will deactivate it (same effect). Two combinations will trigger scans of alien vessels (again, no real effect).

Two messages will try to explain the basics of combinations, but they aren't useful.

Stay away from 3 red (instant game over) and 3 blue (which will let you end the mission, but I don't believe it can be completed 100% this way).
Oliziby ★ 20. juli 2019 kl. 7:09 
nice, thank you.