Madballs in...Babo: Invasion

Madballs in...Babo: Invasion

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Oculus' Guide to Epic Combat! (BDI Action)
Por Validior
Learn how to take down your enemies with style from Oculus Orbus!! Yeah!!
Introduction!! Yeah!!
Hi!! I'm Oculus Orbus, Stone's newest recruit! But don't think that a stranger to this universe doesn't know how to fight. I don't only fight, but I fight epicly. (Is that even a word? I don't care.) I'll show you the basics of each BDI recruit, then give tips on how to make their abilities do their job with style. I'll begin in the order that they appear on the loadout screen. SO.... let's start with Robo!
Man, Robo can be boring sometimes, but he's downright deadly when you meet him on the battlefield. His first ability is an electronic whip that zaps away a madball's weapon. The victim can pick up his weapon again, or just respawn it into his hands after a while, but until then, he's defenceless. If you're Robo, try to use his Electro Whip whenever you're fighting one-on-one, to save energy.Robo's ultimate ability, Magnopulse, shoots a short-range wave of energy that disarms anyone near him. This is obviously most effective when you're in a group of enemies, but if you're only fighting one character it's best to stick with Electro Whip.Robo's abilities are pretty straight forward, but knowing when to use them is a good way to show your enemies who's boss.
Extra tip: Using any of these abilities on chompiis will send them rolling in the opposite direction.
Me, Oculus!!
Oh ho, now we get to the good stuff! I am ready to admit something to you: I have a hard time being patient. Thus, I have moments when I just have to apply a little harmless burst of speed now and then. On the battlefield, of course, it isn't as harmless.
My first ability is Fast Forward. When activated, I zoom forward extra fast and slow back down to normal speed afterward.This is a good move for a couple of reasons. While I'm using it, I can still use the weapon I'm holding. This means that even if I have a short range weapon, (especially if it's short range) I can quickly get close enough to do some major damage. This is also good for escapes and charges.
AWESOME MOVES FOR FAST FORWARD: You know those bouncy things that jump you up to hight places? Try using Fast Forward in front of one. You'll do an extremely epic jump in the direction of your choice! Also, you can use Fast forward in mid-air to quickly change the direction you want to land.
My ultimate ability is RAMMING SPEED!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!! When used, I charge forward and reak havoc on the nearest enemies!! I go much faster than Fast Forward, and it looks so much more epic. Believe me, this one's worth getting to know. You can't change which direction I go once you've hit the button, but if you see that you're going to miss you can hold the left or right key to make me lean over slightly to hit any enemies that I might miss.
AWESOME MOVES FOR RAMMING SPEED: If you're me, sometimes a battle can start to get really active. If you find yourself airborne, Ramming Speed is an awesome way to get back on your feet, and maybe even cause a little damage on the way! I don't think I can use any weapons while doing Ramming Speed, so you'll have to rely on good 'ol impact and tact!
"The fog of war is easily lifted with a few strategically placed grenades." -Stone's Honor Scrolls, #26 or something

I want to take a moment and give some credit to one of our best friends: grenades. These explosives are so awesome when used correctly! Just make sure you don't blow yourself up!

I can't tell you how satisfying it is to successfully use a grenade from the high ground. The high ground is the best place to use a grenade, but they're just as effective when fighting on even ground. Just throw a grenade where you know you're opponent will go. If you're smart,(and if you're enemy's smart) you can even throw a grenade somewhere so that your opponent will avoid that area and go where you want them. It works! I would advise not ever throwing a grenade in front of you while you are rolling forward unless the grenade will go to lower or higher ground, or unless you are purposefully trying to blow yourself up. Now, we could go into a whole nother discussion about the ethics there, but seriously, it's not a good idea to blow yourself up.
Jenkins is a great part of the team, partly since he's the medic and partly because of his ultimate ability!! His first ability, Life Bubble, drops a little machine on the ground that creates a healing bubble large enough for about one or maybe two madballs. It takes almost as long to recharge as his ultimate does! Isn't that crazy? As far as I know, the bubble only heals madballs on your team. Don't hesitate to use it yourself, though. It can mean the difference between splattering and being splattered. If you can find a more awesome way to use this than just tossing it on the ground and sitting in it, please leave a comment. Cool moves are mostly for the madballs out there that have a way of throwing themselves into the action!
Jenkins' ultimate ability is by far more epic to watch! At the bootcamp, I always wondered what my buddy Jenkins did during the fifteen minute break. He makes bombs. Not just grenade sized bombs, but truly epic, awe-inspiring bombs! Jenkins' ultimate drops on of them on the ground in front of him, where it remains until he presses the ability button again. When that happens, the bomb explodes violently, sending all nearby balls either to death or to the hospital! It is great for making traps, although most smart balls will go around it. For that reason it is most effective to place it around tight corners!
AWESOME MOVES FOR SCIENCE BOMB: The knockback for that explosive is rediculously powerful, so you might consider using it to give you a boost. In exchange for a bit of health, of course! If you're desperate, try using it like a normal grenade: drop it near an enemy and immediatly detonate! It's pretty effective if you can time it right!
Molotovs are very useful, especially if you know how to use them epicly!! When thrown, a molotov will either...
A. Hit the ground and burn there for a few seconds
B. Hit a madball and burn on him for a few seconds
C. Miss what you were aiming for and hit either A or B
In my opinion, the best use of a molotov is a direct hit on your opponent. It will do continuous damage, and your enemy will know what a good shot you are with a molotov!! Another way to do things is to put a molotov right in front of an enemy so that he will have to go around, witch, depending on where you are, might take longer than rolling right through.
Ah, the famous intergalactic bounty hunter.(I don't know if it's just a coincidence or if they're trying to make a point) Boba can do some cool thing with his jetpack, but it's also extra important to choose your weapon wisely!
Boba's Jet Jump gives him a little boost from his jet pack, allowing him to jump to high ground! It's important to keep your balance as Boba especially, because you'll often find yourself balanced precariously!
AWESOME MOVES FOR JET JUMP: Aside from just getting higher ground, you can use this to confuse your opponents by jumping as you charge at them! Now, done incorrectly, this can make you look stupid, which is the exact opposite of what you want to have happen. Just make sure to make a threatening jump as you near them so you can get a few hits in the air. Also, try using it while bouncing on a bounce pad!

Boba's ultimate is Rocket Boom, which uses the full power of his rockets to fly really high for a second or two! This is usually good for looking for enemies and viewing the land. It can also be great for quick escapes and surprise attacks! Is that merc cool or what?!
AWESOME MOVES FOR ROCKET BOOM: I'm not saying you should try this at home, but an awesome thing to do to show off would be to rocket away just as you're about to get skewered on some spikes! You can also reach unbelieveable new hights by rolling on a bounce pad and activating this ability in the air!

I wish I had a rocket pack...
Don't judge her by her size! She's one of the deadliest madballs here! Eidolon has some really high tech equipment, and let's hope you can use them too! Her first ability is called White Out, and I'd say it's her best move! She throws a unique grenade that makes a huge flash of light that blinds everyone nearby. You can tell she's going to do it when she says, "Eyes down"!
AWESOME MOVES FOR WHITE OUT: Since Eidolon is so fast, you might try using it while rolling forward! It's possible that you'll roll over it in time that you won't be blinded! Drop it behind a corner if you're being tailed.
Eidolon has a really awesome armor vest that grants her invisibility for a short time! If you look hard you can still see her, though, so I advise not using this one too often in player V.S. player! This ability, Ghost, can still be used well if you're an expert!
AWESOME MOVES FOR GHOST: In the open you're pretty easy to spot even when invisible, but the bushes and vines might grant you more secrecy. And, of course, don't get set on fire while invisible! You know what will happen! P.S. Can you see her in the picture?!
Weapon pairs!! Yeah!!
Here are some weapons that I know would usually be a good match with this or that madball! Hope this helps! Go Madballs!!

Robo - Zooka, Stormer
Oculus - Stitcher, Shotty, (many other weapons)
Jenkins - Riffer, (possibly others)
Boba - Beamer, Striker (see Madballs' other guides about the Striker)
Eidolon - Crackler, Shotty, Ruptor

Good luck looking AWESOME while taking down your friends! But don't abuse the information in this guide, privates! I've got my EYE on you... "See" ya on the battle field! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.. okay. Cool moves for the win!!
7 comentarios
Validior  [autor] 16 FEB 2020 a las 3:11 p. m. 
Yeah, it's an awesome game, it just needs some extra involvement from the developers.
jrdngdwn 11 FEB 2020 a las 3:50 p. m. 
im glad poeple still like this game
Validior  [autor] 23 FEB 2018 a las 2:40 p. m. 
It does sound like it.
Roentgen 3 ENE 2018 a las 8:06 a. m. 
good guide
Validior  [autor] 29 NOV 2017 a las 12:35 p. m. 
Giroshi Games 25 NOV 2017 a las 7:19 a. m. 
Best guide i've ever seen!
Validior  [autor] 20 NOV 2017 a las 5:00 p. m. 
Coming soon... Hornhead's Guide to Ruthless Combat! (Scorched Action)