STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

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FOC Alliance - Playing Guide
By Nomada_Firefox
This is the complete playing guide for the FOC Alliance. It adds all the neccesary things for a complete game experience.

(This guide will grow with the past of the time with new content)
Alliance Rebellion Encyclopedia
Here at this link, you can find the complete Encyclopedia from the Alliance Rebellion with info about all the units inside it, how build them, description, resistance, speed and more

Alliance Rebellion Encyclopedia[]
Skirmiss-Ground & Space
The FOC Alliance requires to play the space skirmiss customized maps from the mod. Other maps will not let you build the additional units because they have not the new customized pads added in the maps.

In space battles, the customized maps and their additional pads are the unique way where you will be able to build most of the units from the mod.

Ground battles do not require any special map and you can build everything in any map if it has the correct structures from a skirmiss map.
Type of Galactic Conquest - Description
The Galactic Conquest is the part more deep and full of new features from the mod.

There are several Galactic Conquest. Some of them are Campaigns where the player can play following a story. These campaigns are thought for to play as the originals without an IA active attacking you are every moment, just it will attack you are some special moments.

At this video you can watch a complete introduction to the Galactic Conquest.

Check the data down if you need a more deep description.

Normal Galactic Conquest without story missions:

The Clone Wars - 22 BBY/19 BBY - A
The Clone Wars - 22 BBY/19 BBY - B
  • CIS vs Republic, two sizes of galaxy starting in the begining of the Clone Wars.
Empire at War - 0 ABY/4 ABY
  • Galactic Empire vs Rebel Alliance. Between Episode IV & VI.
Rogue Squadron - 4 ABY/9 ABY
  • Galactic Empire vs Rebel Alliance. Between Episode IV & the Trilogy of the New Republic. The time era from most of the Rogue Squadron comics.
Trilogy of the New Republic - 9 ABY
  • Galactic Empire vs New Republic. After Rogue Squadron story. It follows the creation from the New Republic and the counterattack from Thrawn.
The Emperor Reborn - 9 ABY/11 ABY
  • Galactic Empire vs New Republic. The Dark Empire Galactic Conquest based in the comics with the same name.
Dark Saber - 12 ABY
  • Galactic Empire vs New Republic vs Black Sun. A Galactic Conquest based in the book with the same name.
The Black Fleet - 16 ABY/17 ABY
  • Yevethan vs New Republic . A Galactic Conquest based in the trilogy books with the same name.
Total War I & II- Small - All Factions
  • A special Galactic Conquest where you start always with one single planet and you must choose with several options in the begining your enemies. These options are only when you play with the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance and Black Sun. When you play with the Clone Wars factions, Legacy factions or the FreeSide, your enemies will be the same and you can not change it. There are two versions with different planets and in both the Black Sun is default AI faction.
Total War I & II - Small - Without Black Sun
  • A special Galactic Conquest where you start always with one single planet and you must choose with several options in the begining your enemies. These options are only when you play with the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance and Black Sun. When you play with the Clone Wars factions, Legacy factions or the FreeSide, your enemies will be the same and you can not change it. There are two versions with different planets and in both there is not the Black Sun.
  • A new special way of play designed by me where you play in a small Galactic Conquest where you can build almost everything and even in the space battles you can build additional new units. It is a fight to the death with everything you got. This Galactic Conquest is only for the Galactic Empire & the Rebel Alliance.
EAW - Campaign
  • The old EAW campaign re-made with some customized changes from the mod. It can be played with the Galactic Empire & the Rebel Alliance.
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - Empire at War
  • This is the first part from my new campaign, with the factions Galactic Empire vs Rebel Alliance. Between Episode IV & VI. It has several additional missions following the story.
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - Rogue Squadron
  • This is the second part from my new campaign, with the factions Galactic Empire vs Rebel Alliance. Between Episode IV & the Trilogy of the New Republic. The time era from most of the Rogue Squadron comics. It has several additional missions following the story.
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - New Republic
  • This is the third part from my new campaign, with the factions Galactic Empire vs New Republic. After Rogue Squadron story. It follows the creation from the New Republic and the counterattack from Thrawn. It has several additional missions following the story.
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - Dark Empire
  • This is the fourth part from my new campaign, with the factions Galactic Empire vs New Republic. The Dark Empire campaign based in the comics with the same name. It has several additional missions following the story.
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - Dark Saber
  • This is the fifth part from my new campaign, with the factions Galactic Empire vs New Republic vs Black Sun. A campaign based in the book with the same name. It has several additional missions following the story.
The New Controls-Playing with the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance & Black Sun
Playing Galactic Conquest with the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance and Black Sun, you must use the filters. These are a special set of buttons filtering the units showed. Without this system, there are not chances from to run the mod adding all the new amount of units for each faction.

Making click/unclick in each one of these boxes to the left from the building tab will show different units in the building bar.

Filter description:

Playing Galactic Conquest - Empire, Rebel, Black Sun Filters&Building New Units
The Galactic Conquest adds several new features and some of them are different with each faction:

You can watch the Basics playing galactic mode video.

Some of the campaigns have videos in the begining and after some missions, you can avoid them with the key Esc.

The Filters:

In the begining playing with the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance and Black Sun, after the Galactic Conquest or Campaign description , always you will see a message telling you about the filters.

When you close the message and click the flashed button, you will be able continue.

Only the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance and Black Sun can use these filters. Before you click one of them by first time, you can see all the units available but when you click it, the filters will be activated and you should choose the different filter for each unit or structure.

All the type of units are in the filters but not all will be seen clicking them. Some special units are not showed clicking the filters. (Check the section about how build special units in Galactic Conquest)

The filters will let you see all the type units but they are not perfect. Sometimes, you can click two at the same time as in the image because structures and space untis are two different things. Anyway the point from the filters is to let to build all the type of units when you can build all them because there are a lot.

How can I build space units?

First select the space units bar, next click the structures filter. You will see the different structures for the planet.

Shipyards are not builded in all the planets. If you want build capital starships, you will need a Capital Shipyard.

If you want build smaller starships, frigates, corvettes, medium cruisers, you will need the smaller shipyard.

The icon can change with each faction.

How can I build ground units?

Ground units from the Rebels, Empire and Black Sun require the Advance Command Center. You need select the ground units bar, next click the structures filter, you will see the different ground structures for the planet.

The Advance Command Center requires the Advanced Construction Ship in orbit.

These are the Advanced Command Centers from Empire, Rebels and Black Sun.

After you build the Advance Command Center, you can use the filters selecting the different ground teams.

(The Advanced Command Center were fully neccesary for a multiplayer game mode where you can build all the space and ground units in galactic conquest, there is not any other possible way).

How can I get new heroes with the Empire and Rebel Alliance? Some mayor heroes can recruit several other heroes in recruit missions. Just put them in orbit and you will see a icon with the mission in the space units building bar.

This is the list from heroes which they can recruit new heroes:
-Galactic Empire.
Emperor Palpatine.
Darth Vader.
Admiral Isard.
Admiral Zsinj.
Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Emperor Palpatine Reborn.
Carnor Jax.
Admiral Daala after get the Knighthammer.

-Rebel Alliance.
Mon Mothma.
Leia Organa.
Han Solo.
Luke Skywalker.
Admiral Ackbar.
Borsk Feylya.

Some heroes can be recruited only by some heroes. In the Total War Galactic Conquest, you can build all the heroes but you will need lose in battle some heroes as the Emperor Palpatine or the Grand Admiral Thrawn. If it happens, you will get the Emperor Reborn and the Grand Admiral Thrawn from the New Republic Trilogy era.

Admiral Daala gets the Knighthammer upgrading the Gorgona in Delvardus. Additionally, the Vice Admiral Pellaeon with the Firestorm recruited by Daala with the Knighthammer can be upgraded in Officer Academy to the Bloodfin.
Playing The Clone Wars Galactic Conquest - How build units
Nothing better than a video showing how build things in the Galactic Conquest:
Rebellion Galactic Conquest Tech Levels Description
The Galactic Conquest named Rebellion add a new type of Research levels. This guide will help you to understand how they run.

At this type of GC, the Research Stations will be unlocked as they are needed with each Tech Phase. After the different Tech is unlocked, the build of units is exactly equal to the normal GCs.

There are 6 tech levels and you will see the complete amount of research per level and information about how to realize them.

In the windows opened by the game showing the Research from each level, you will see two or more Research in red text, the other in blue text. Just if you make the Research in red text, they will unlock the next level.
Star Wars - Insurrection
Insurrection is a special GC playing in different time eras. It starts in the Clone Wars and finish in the Legacy era.

This GC uses the factions from Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire. In the begining, the Galactic Republic is created over the Galactic Empire and the CIS over the Rebel Alliance. By this reason, it shares some buildings and other things from the main factions.

But in the Clone Wars era, you will build only ground and space units and structures from this era. The main thing shared is the Starbase but in Clone Wars era, it spawns units from this time era.

In this GC, you always select units with the filter buttons used by the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance.

The changes of time era are set by accomplish several objectives. These are the objectives from each change:

*From Clone Wars to Galactic Civil War (Galactic Empire era).

Playing with the Galactic Republic-->Conquer Geonosis, Neimodia, CatoNeimodia, Muunilinst, Mygeeto, Felucia, Sulon, Fondor, Hypori, Duro, Jabiim, Mustafar + almost 12 weeks of time.

Playing with the Galactic Republic All planets--> Conquer Fondor, Geonosis, Jabiim, Sulon, Muunilinst, Christophsis, Serenno, Tythe, Felucia, Mygeeto, Sluis Sector, Atravis Sector, Saleucami, Hypori, Utapau.

Playing with the CIS--> Conquer Coruscant, Kamino, Kuat, Carida, Tralus, Bilbringi, Corellia, Fondor, Rothana, Kashyyyk, Belderone and Naboo + almost 12 weeks of time.

Playing with the CIS All planets--> Conquer Coruscant Sector, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Dac, Kuat Sector, Corellia Sector, Naboo, Rendili, Rothana, Malastare, Fresia, Alderaan.

You can watch at this video how it works.

*From Galactic Civil War (Galactic Empire era) to Legacy era.

With both factions. Research all the Tech Levels explained in the Rebellion GC section, check the previous section from the Guide.

+ almost 12 weeks of play.

Depending from the size of the GC, the change between eras can reveal some hidden planets.
How Build Corellian Units
Better than any description, a video. It is with the Rebel Alliance but other factions build the Corellian units in the same planets and following the same rules.
Building the Fighter Factory
    Fighter factory can be builded only in these planets: 

Fresia, Chardaan, Corulag, CorulagCh, Belsmuth, Ession, Halmad, Kidriff5, Lavisar, Dandalas, Doornik_628, Doornik_881, Doornik_1142, ILC_905, Kojash, New_Brigia, N_zoth, Polneye, Tizon, Wakiza, Z_Fell, Zhina

When you build it, you must use the fighters filter. Check the section about filters. Probably you can not build all the fighter squadrons in all tech levels or without the different Research Stations.
    Fresia, Chardaan, Corulag, CorulagCh, Belsmuth, Ession, Halmad, Kidriff5, Lavisar, Dandalas, Doornik_628, Doornik_881, Doornik_1142, ILC_905, Kojash, New_Brigia, N_zoth, Polneye, Tizon, Wakiza, Z_Fell, Zhina

    When you build it, you must use the fighters filter. Check the section about filters. Probably you can not build all the fighter squadrons in all tech levels or without the different Research Stations.[/list][/b]
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - Empire at War - Rebel Alliance Missions
If you play this campaign, you must understand several points.

Playing with Rebel Alliance:

You start some default planets before the Death Star attack to Yavin IV and you must get a force for defeat the Galactic Empire. The beginings are difficult, the Galactic Empire is strong in the galaxy and you will have several problems defending your planets, specially in orbit. Get resources, planets and avoiding the enemy getting them must be your priority.

-Death Star attack at Yavin.

You must defeat the Death Star with the Red Squadron. If you do not retreat before the Death Star arrives to Yavin, you will play the battle at Yavin. With destroy its escort ships, you will win.

-Sarapin mission.

When you conquer the planet, you will launch the mission. This mission require special tactics against the enemy force. A frontal attack will end in a complete defeat.

-Attack in Dekker factory.

It happens one week after the Sarapin mission. You get a special force and you must attack a orbital factory defended by several Imperial units.

-Defend the shipyard.

One week after the Attack in Dekker factory. The Admiral Senn is attacking a hidden shipyard in the border regions, you must defend it.

Hoth mission.

Hoth planet is reveal one week after Sarapin mission. 5 weeks after this point, you will get a base in Hoth and you will detect a enemy force attacking the planet. Two weeks after you get the ground base, the Battle of Hoth will happen. The space attack can be considered a bonus.

Attack in D34 starbase.

One week after the Hoth Battle, Javin planet is revealed. Attack the planet will start the mission. The goal is conquer the planet.

Defend the Lulsla.

One week after you conquer Javin. Lulsla is a Light Calamary Cruiser in the time after the Battle of Hoth. The Empire is attacking it and you must defend it.

Attack the Imperial Station in the border.

Another special mission, it happens one week after the previous Lulsla mission.

Sepan Civil War.

One week after the previous mission Sepan planet will be revealed. Your mission will be conquer the planet. There is a special battle in orbit.

Attack in the NL1 starbase.

One week after you conquer Sepan, Pakuuni planet will be revealed. Conquer the planet is the main goal. There is a special battle in orbit.

Kothlis mission.

One week after you conquer Pakuuni. Conquer the planet is the main goal. There is a special battle in orbit.

Imperial big attack.

When you conquer Kothlis, one week later there will be a big attack launched from Coruscant. Some of your planets can be attacked.

Battle of Endor.

One week after you conquer Kothlis, it will happen, the destiny of the galaxy will be in your hands. This is the last main mission.

The Battle of Endor will unlock the Unknow Sector, if you enter at this planet, you will jump to the next campaign. If not, you will be able continue conquering the galaxy.

This campaign has several additional missions where you get new units or additional credits.

Upgrade the Station.

Upgrade the Mon Calimari station will give you 8500 additional credits.

Build some structures.

When you conquer Kalaan, you can get some Mon Calamari troopers if you build some structures in the planet.

Accumulate Credits.

When you accumulate 20000 credits. You will get the mission from accumulate 100.000 credits. It will let you build the Research Station I.

Build Units.

Build a Mc85 and a Mc120 will give you Mc120 command ship and a Mc80 MKII in Kuat or a closer planet controlled by you.

Conquer Ylesia.

You will get a Mc85 in Mon Calimari or a closer planet controlled by you if you conquer Ylesia.

Scout planets.

Send a longprobe Y-Wing to several planets will give you 15000 additional credits.

Planet WindFall.

If you conquer Coruscant, other planets will join your cause.

Hunt Capital Ships.

Defeat the Admiral Giel in battle. You will get 50000 additional credits.
Star Wars - Grand Campaign - Empire at War - Galactic Empire Missions
If you play this campaign, you must understand several points.

Playing with Galactic Empire:

You start some default planets before the Death Star attack to Yavin IV and you must attack the planet.

-Death Star attack at Yavin.

Conquer Yavin IV is the goal, destroy it is not neccesary at 100%. After you conquer the planet, you will get Vader with the Executor and the Admiral Giel's forces.

-Sarapin mission.

One week after you conquer Yavin IV. The Rebel Alliance will conquer the planet and it will launch the mission. This mission require special tactics against the enemy force. A frontal attack will end in a complete defeat.

-Attack in Dekker factory.

It happens one week after the Sarapin mission. You get a special force and you must defend a orbital factory from a Rebel Alliance attack.

-Defend the shipyard.

One week after the Attack in Dekker factory. The Admiral Senn is attacking a hidden shipyard in the border regions.

Hoth mission.

Hoth planet is reveal 4 weeks after the battle of Yavin. You will get the mission from attack the planet.

Defend the D34 starbase.

One week after the Hoth Battle, Javin planet is revealed. Attack the planet will start the mission. The goal is conquer the planet.

Attack the Lulsla.

One week after you conquer Javin. Lulsla is a Light Calamary Cruiser in the time after the Battle of Hoth. You must destroy it.

Defend the Imperial Station in the border.

Another special mission, it happens one week after the previous Lulsla mission.

Sepan Civil War.

One week after the previous mission Sepan planet will be revealed. Your mission will be conquer the planet. There is a special battle in orbit.

Attack in the NL1 starbase.

One week after you conquer Sepan, Pakuuni planet will be revealed. Conquer the planet is the main goal. There is a special battle in orbit.

Kothlis mission.

One week after you conquer Pakuuni. Conquer the planet is the main goal. There is a special battle in orbit.

Rebel Alliance big attack.

When you conquer Kothlis, one week later there will be a big attack launched from Jabiim. Some of your planets can be attacked.

Battle of Endor.

One week after you conquer Kothlis, it will happen, the destiny of the galaxy will be in your hands. This is the last main mission.

The Battle of Endor will unlock the Unknow Sector, if you enter at this planet, you will jump to the next campaign. If not, you will be able continue conquering the galaxy.

This campaign has several additional missions where you get new units or additional credits.

Upgrade the Station.

Upgrade the Coruscant station will give you 8500 additional credits.

Build some structures.

When you conquer Kalaan, you can get some Inquisitorium DarkTrooper if you build some structures in the planet.

Accumulate Credits.

When you accumulate 20000 credits. You will get the mission from accumulate 100.000 credits. It will let you build the Research Station I.

Build Units.

Build a ISD MKII and a Dominator will give you two ISD MKII in Kuat or a closer planet controlled by you.

Conquer Ylesia.

You will get a Praetor MKII in Kuat or a closer planet controlled by you if you conquer Ylesia.

Scout planets.

Send a longprobe Y-Wing to several planets will give you 15000 additional credits.

Planet WindFall.

If you conquer Mon Calimari, other planets will join your cause.

Hunt Capital Ships.

Defeat the Rebel One in battle. You will get 50000 additional credits.

Unlock some special units.

The Yavin mission will unlock the Tarkin Station.

The Death Star I is a builded unit in the begining. The Death Star II never will be builded by you because it is part of the Endor mission.
Special features-Capturing enemy ships in battles
Some special units can capture enemy space ships in battles, just you must move them closer to the enemy target ship and it must have the shields at less of 80% and the engines online.

It uses a ability, when a enemy unit is in range and the ability is capture, if there is sucess in capture the enemy unit, you will see a effect under the enemy ship.

The enemy ship will change of faction and some time later, it will jump to the hyperspace. After it, you will see it in your reinforce panel and you will be able to use it.

When you return to the galactic map, you will see the capture units in your side in the orbit of the planet.

Empire-StormCommando-Ground Barracks and the Advanced Command Center.
Rebels-Infiltrator- Ground Barracks and the Advanced Command Center.
Black Sun- Saboteur-Ground Palace and the Advanced Command Center.
Republic-Clone Commando-Ground Officer Academy and special infantry filter for this faction.
CIS-Droid Commando-Ground Officer Academy and special infantry filter for this faction.

Recomendations playing with them:
-Do not capture a enemy ship if the enemy is retreating or it is the last enemy ship alive. Perhaps you need to use the autoresolve if you want finisht the battle.
-You should not capture an enemy unit if you have 20 different units in the reinforce panel or the battle, you can see some graphic troubles if you try it with these amount of different units.
-Sometimes with some systems can crash the game in the end of battles but.....lately with the last Windows 10 updates (29/04/2019), I have not see this problem.

Other information:
These units use special ships, by example the Imperial StormCommando uses a Corvus Raider and the Infiltrator the Rebel Corvus Raider.
Campaign missions - Walkthroughs
There is not better walkthroughs than a video. In my blog and my youtube channel, there are videos from me playing all the missions in the campaigns from the mod.

You can find all the campaign missions here completely ordered.
Advanced Construction Ship - Special features
This special unit builded with the Empire, Black Sun and Rebel Alliance can make several additional features.

When it is in orbit, the Advance Construction Ship can build a Capital Shipyard, Frigate Shipyard or a Golan III in any planet. It can be very useful if you want build one of these in a planet where you can not build these structures.

Build these space structures in a planet where you can find them will have not any effect and you will lose your credits building them.

Tycon Station - Special features
The Tycon Station is a massive station with a similar size to the Death Star I but instead of station with a Super Laser, it was createad as a mobile shipyard.

However in the mod, instead of show a list of space units which you can build when it is in orbit, it shows the option from to build a special shipyard. It prevents than when the Tycon Station be in planet with a Capital Shipyard, all the building positions be used and you do not see all the possible units.

When you build the special shipyard and only with the Tycon Station in orbit, you will see a group of additional space units when you click the Factory Ship filter.

Even if you have builded the additional shipyard, you will not see these units if the Tycon Station is not in orbit of the planet where you have builded this special shipyard.

In addition, the Tycon Station can build a Hypergun or Iongun space stations in any planet. It can be a very good defense addition in a planet from Level 1 Station.

First Order, the Supremacy & the Resistance
By the moment, the new factions as the First Order and Resistance are not added in the Galactic Conquest. It is a feature under development.

But the First Order units and Resistance are present in the mod and they can be builded by the Empire and Rebel Alliance with some conditions:

Unlocking First Order units:
In the Galactic Conflicts where you can build the Research Station Level III and in a planet with a Level 5 Starbase and a Super Star Destroyers Shipyard, you can build the Supremacy commanded by Snoke. It will cost you 180.000 credits more or less.

The Supremacy is the mobile factory from the First Order, with it in orbit you can build several new ground structures and orbital shipyards unlocking the First Order units.

At this video you can watch how you can build space and ground units from the First Order playing with the Galactic Empire.

Unlocking Resistance units:

In a similar way, the Resistance in the Galactic Conflicts where you can build the Research Station Level III in a planet with a Level 5 Starbase and an Advance Command Center. You can build a Resistance Advance Construction Ship and it can build additional shipyards.

Because they Resistance has not additional new ground units yet, you can not build their ground buildings by the moment.

Remember just the new shipyard from First Order and Resistance builded by that special units can build their space units. Build that shipyard does not require anything more in orbit.

At this video you can watch how you can build space and ground units from the Resistance playing with the Rebel Alliance.

The Ninka can builded only in the planets from Corellia, Tralus, Duro, Commenor, Nubia, Tynna, Naboo, Balmorra.

*(Most of the big or advanced units in the mod require more than a Level 1 station).
*(Soon or now, feature under development).
Nomada_Firefox  [author] Nov 30, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
I do not need it. I found the problem yesterday and probably I go to upload the update tomorrow.
Niet_Melvin Nov 30, 2023 @ 11:30am 
@nomada_Firefox I could do that. Where could I send it to? Also at this point I assume I won't be able to finish this campaign?
Nomada_Firefox  [author] Nov 29, 2023 @ 2:43pm 
I would like that somebody helped me sending me a savegame about that.
Nomada_Firefox  [author] Nov 29, 2023 @ 2:12pm 
I have not an answer for that before I release the next update.
Niet_Melvin Nov 28, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
This is probably a silly question but I am currently doing the EAW GC campaign as the Rebels and at one point I have to steal tech using C-3PO and R2, but I appear to be unable to do so. Am I missing something?
Nomada_Firefox  [author] Nov 24, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
He is at GC.
SIOR542 Nov 24, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
Boba fett in galactic conquest ?
Nomada_Firefox  [author] Nov 18, 2023 @ 11:18am 
SIOR542 Nov 18, 2023 @ 5:50am 
who is boba fett
Nomada_Firefox  [author] Oct 26, 2023 @ 2:22am 
It is not builded any more. I recomend you follow more my youtube channel. I will update the guide when I can. Remember I make these things with free time and it is a free work.;)