Brutal Runner

Brutal Runner

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Achievement Guide (555)
By Bushters
555 achievements, LETS GO!*
*please note that after the first time you play, the achievements might not work. i dont know how to fix it.
The Jump Achievements
There are many ways to do this, but there are three simple ways.
1. Play normally.
2. Spam jump on levels like Level 1.
3. Go on the endless level then die repeatedly. (might be patched)
The Death Achievements
Like the Jump Achievements, there are three main ways.
1. Play normally.
2. Go on a level with a short beginning platform.
3. The same one from before. (Again, might be patched)
The End
And there you go! maybe after a few hours you might have all the achievements!
Bushters  [author] Jun 29, 2018 @ 9:41am 
Sorry it took me a while to reply, but good to hear that it has helped you.
Ves Nov 16, 2017 @ 3:52am 
The easiest way to get all achievements is playing on endless level and dying 2550 times. By the time you die so many times you will have all achievements (apparently the jump achievements aren't jump ones). I think they are score ones. Like get 50 score in all runs = jump 50 times. But it might not be even that as I got ~25 score = 50 jumps, lol. You can edit the guide.

Either way this guide helped me. :ss13ok: :rankstar: Thanks. 100% in 52 mins. :100percent:
Bushters  [author] Oct 22, 2017 @ 4:16pm 
Please note that the achievement bug has been fixed
Bushters  [author] Oct 20, 2017 @ 8:02am 
Please tell me anything i missed!