

Not enough ratings
By MaitreVaati
Squeezone is pretty short and yet, sadly, explains nothing of its game-play. So let's break it down and beat the game in an hour!

You have 2 characters. (pick whichever you'd like, it makes no difference)

You then have 3 levels which turn out to be the same level with a different environment each time, the first being a forest, the second a cemetery, the third an island. You must beat level 1 to unlock level 2, beat level 2 to unlock level 3, beat level 3 to fight the boss, beat the boss to beat the game.

As you start, you spawn next to what you must protect from slimes for 7 waves: the Main Tower. The red gauge under it represents its HP, once depleted, you loose.

Your character also has HP called "LIVES" in the top right corner.

The slimes are the same and have the same spawn-rate, no matter the level, thus, if you manage to beat level 1, you can safely assume your strategy will work on level 2 and 3 as well. Killing a slime gets you a drop, pick up as many of them as you can. (especially coins)

Touching a slime makes you loose HP and slows you down for a few seconds.

The game is keyboard+mouse only. Control your character with WASD, aim with the mouse. Beware, your character will only aim in 8 specific directions, 4 being up, down, left and right, the other 4 being slightly above and below left and right, you'll have to get used to it.

Pressing ESC will pause the game. Due to a bug, the character can sometimes still move around and pick up coins while the game is paused. Think it triggers when you pause after being hit and thus slowed by a slime. Use this if you want, although.... Only found out about it while replaying the game. You probably shouldn't need it.

There is also a bug worth mentioning, in which you can reset the timer on a wave by clicking under the timer, in the spot where the slow-icon appears when a slime touches you. You may use this to fight more slimes than usual and accumulate coins. (Thanks to SoSo. for pointing it out!)

Time to complete the game: 55 minutes.

The achievements are very simple to obtain:

> Mutual Language was broken, you now obtain it by launching the game.

> every other achievement will be obtained as you progress in the game. You will reach 100% completion by the time you beat the game.
Upon finishing any wave (excluding wave 7), you will enter Building Time. During this in-between waves moment, you may spend your money in:

> the gun shop, left to the Main Tower.

  • Machine Gun : 900 gold. Good range, fire-rate and damage. Also known as pricier best gun.

  • Rocket launcher : 250 gold. Deals actually normal damage and rockets only go to medium range. Explosion doesn't deal any damage.

  • Flame-thrower : 650 gold. Good range, fire-rate and damage. Also known as best gun.

  • Spiked Canon Gun : 200 gold. Shoots spiked canon-balls at a decent fire-rate which kill slimes in one hit.

  • Pistol : 250 gold. Also known as pricier Spiked Canon Gun, except it shoots hadoukens.

> the tower build menu, bottom left of your screen.

! Tower prices actually increase after level 1 !

  • Gun Tower : 300, 300 gold. Shoots starting gun's projectiles.

  • Flame-thrower Tower : 400, 600 gold. Shoots fire at a decent fire-rate.

  • Laser Tower : 700, 1200 gold. Shoots a low damage laser continuously.

  • Spiked Canon Tower : 850, 1600 gold. Shoots a spiked canon-ball at decent fire-rate, which, unlike the Spiked Canon Gun's, doesn't kill slimes in one hit, even needs more hits than the Gun Tower.

  • Machine Gun Tower : 850, 1600 gold. Shoots just like the Machine Gun. Also known as best tower.

  • Rocket Launcher Tower : 1000, 2000 gold. Shoots just like the Rocket Launcher.

  • Pistol Tower : 1000, 2000 gold. Shoots just like the Pistol.
Upgrading a tower upgrades its damage. It first costs 250, then 300. An option to further upgrade the tower costing 350 appears, but doesn't work, probably a bug.

Whenever a slime is killed (not dies by attacking the Main Tower) it will drop loot. Most of the time, it will drop a single coin worth 10 gold, but it can also drop bonuses, such as a big green coin which heals the Main Tower, items you can use repeatedly with a cooldown or items with a passive effect.

You can drop the same item twice in the same level, however they do not stack.

Here are the items you may find and their effects:
  • -10% Discount : passive item. Reduces prices on items in the Gun Shop by 10%.

  • Bomb : active item. Creates an explosion at the player's location, dealing good damage to slimes caught in the blast.

  • Boot : passive item. Speeds up your character movement's speed.

  • Eye : passive item. Unknown effect.

  • Flask : passive item. Moving will leave a trail of poison behind your character, slowly damaging slimes passing over it.

  • Ghost : passive item. Your gun's shots will hit and pass through slimes. Also known as second best passive item.

  • Heart : passive item. Slowly regenerates your character's life.

  • Hourglass : active item. Slows down everything, including slimes, towers, time left for the wave and your character. Your character isn't slowed as much as everything else however.

  • Pouch : passive item. Increases coins' value from 10 to 15. Also known as best passive item.

  • Skull : active item. Summons an invincible skeleton which will go around and attack slimes, one at a time, killing a slime in 2 hits.

  • Soap : active item. Rids your character of the slow effect it is suffering from. Cannot be used if it isn't currently slowed down. Does not grant slow immunity after using it, only use it once you're slowed and not touching any slime.

  • Stake : passive item. Unknown effect.

  • Teleport : active item. Teleports your character back to the Main Tower. Also known as you could just walk you know.

Personal strategy
Wave 1 is all on you: you must protect the Main Tower from slimes with only your starting gun. Use this opportunity to get used to your character's aim. If you can't, resort to positioning yourself to shoot towards the 4 reliable directions. (up, down, left and right)

Slimes will die after 3 hits, try to focus on killing one slime at a time and pick up as many coins as you can. It's okay if your Main Tower gets some damage, try to get as much money as you can.

Once you're done with wave 1, you will enter the Build Time, which is where the Tower Defense part comes into play.

Build as many of the first tower as you can, place them close and around the Main Tower. Do not buy any gun.

Proceed with the following waves in the same manner. You should reach a point where towers will take care of most enemies and you only have to pick up loot, barely ever having to shoot at slimes. (especially if the camera shaking when you fire annoys you)

Passive items are all good, obtaining the Heart makes your character pretty much unkillable (although already hard to kill), Ghost makes you blaze through the first waves. As for actives, the Skeleton is surprisingly good coupled with towers, acting as a vanguard and very often aiming at the slimes which were out of towers' range. Teleport is completely useless, Soap is barely useful.

Personally used this strategy on all 3 levels and succeeded without a hitch.

If you can afford it on level 3, get yourself either the Flame Thrower or the Machine Gun.

Upon beating level 3, you will be brought to the Boss Fight, in which you will fight the Slime Princess.
During this battle, you will fight with the gun you were using and without any items, there is no Main Tower to defend, you only have to kill the Slime Princess.
It spawns slimes, moves around in straight lines and shoots bullets around it, each bullet deals 5 damage.
Any shot you fire that passes on the Slime Princess will damage it.
Run around to avoid it when it moves and shoots, make sure to position yourself so that you can always shoot it from one of the 4 reliable aiming directions, this way if it ever starts creating slimes, you can just keep firing in one direction, essentially spawn-killing the slimes and damaging the Slime Princess in the process.
Additionally, the slimes may drop items just like in the other levels, make sure to pick those up, they may make the fight even easier. Do note that the Bomb does not deal damage to the boss.

Once you've killed the Slime Princess, congratulations! You should've completed every achievement there was.

If you spotted any mistake or found some relevant information that could be added in one of this guide's sections, feel free to leave it in a comment!

Other than that, hope the guide helped you out or inspired you to give this game a go.

ABSOLUTION Sep 19, 2019 @ 5:46am 
thanks a lot :good:
Vergiu Jul 15, 2019 @ 9:24am 
Thx! :rd_love:
♿SoSo Jun 9, 2018 @ 10:46pm 
Hey, glad I could help :D Awesome guide btw, it helped me out. But basically reseting the timer 2nd and 3rd waive for most coins helped me out.
MaitreVaati  [author] Jun 9, 2018 @ 8:48pm 
@ SoSo. oh, so that's how it happens! I had that bug occur, but thought it was randomly doing that. Thanks for sharing, adding it now~
♿SoSo Jun 9, 2018 @ 1:16pm 
There is also a bug worth mentioning, in which you can reset the timer on a wave by clicking under the timer, in the spot where the slow-icon appears when a slime touches you.
uhryab Nov 12, 2017 @ 3:35am 