Talisman: The Horus Heresy

Talisman: The Horus Heresy

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Hints for grinding character achievements (requires 'Shadow Crusade'-DLC)
By Aetius
This guide provides some hints for those people who are grinding the character achievements. This can be quite time-consuming, especially if you want to get them all. After the release of the 'Shadow Crusade'-DLC there is now a relatively 'easy' (for Throne's sake, don't take this verbatim!) way to obtain them. Check it out and secure some rare achievements!
The following hints and suggestions are for those people who either want to get all achievements or just want to speed up their stats-progression for a single character. If you don't care about time and stuff and love playing this game for the sake of playing you might want to skip this guide entirely but if you're interested you might want to give it a try.
N.B.: This guide will NOT deal with all the other, not-character-related achievements. There already exists a very decent and useful guide for those by Guylanda: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=931847688.
Grinding 1 (the decisive matches No. 1 and 2)
Ok, first off you have to start a game (how obvious). Just you and one AI-opponent.
Select the character you want to grind. Next: Select the weekest AI-opponent. In my opinion that's either 'Praetor' or 'Archmagos Draykavac' (of course your opponent is a traitor, who the hell is playing this game as a traitor?).
You may want to select the 'Prospero' and 'Shadow Crusade'-DLCs (both optional) to make it a bit more varied but NOT the 'Isstvan'-DLC. Start your game and select 'Battle for Terra' as your ending of choice (appears only when 'Shadow Crusade'-DLC is activated).

Now you might ask what this is all about. Here's the clue to it: You use that match (and - if you're playing tenaciously - one more like this) to fill up most of your different stats: Close Combat - Ranged Combat - Resources - Fate - Quests (not that important, we'll get to that, cf. 'Grinding 2') - Victories vs. Warlords - Legion Forces - Equipment Carried and Stratagems.
This is a lot easier against just one AI-opponent because to fill up your stats you have to go a looong way: Picking up equipment, defeating enemies, using fate and resources, and now and then defeating (and killing) the AI-warlord takes time and there are two things you don't want to look after: Another AI-opponent and an overenthusiastic ally that wins the game too early.

In the end there a just 2 major rules for this kind of game:
1. 'Control' you opponent: You must not let him get too strong so take resolve from him and kill him now and then. This will be getting remarkedly easier the more powerful you get yourself. The 'controlling' of your opponent is also the reason why you must not activate the 'Isstvan'-DLC because this way your opponent can get a Talisman the easy way which makes it much more difficult for you. There's also an opportunity to get a Talisman via the 'Shadow Crusade'-campaign but AI-players don't seem to use it.

2. Do the things mentioned above: Kill enemies, use fate, spend resources, gather equipment, assemble an army, use stratagemes, defeat the enemy warlord. Do these things repeatedly, over and over and over and over (and over) again.

Below you'll find an example of a match that lasted for ca. 380 rounds (I played as Tylos Rubio). The first picture shows my character's game stats at the end of the match and the second shows the stats progress after just this one match. Off the cuff to 79%!
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Note that this game counted as a 'Team Victory' although I played alone against one AI-opponent. I don't know if this is a glitch that will be fixed and I don't care. In any case it's an unexpected bonus.

As you can see, even after 380 rounds not all stats are completed (this depends on your game style). Therefore you have to play another match like this to make sure that all stats are completed. But this second match will of course be much more shorter, just check which stats are still left and concentrate on them.

If you have done well, there should now only be two stats missing: 'Quests Completed' and 'Team Victories' (even with glitch a least 10 matches). That's where we move on to step 2 and the next 10 matches.
Grinding 2 (the remaining matches No. 3-12)
This is where you need the 'Shadow Crusade'-DLC, because it provides alternative routes to win a match and there's one in particular that's interesting for us. It's called 'The Silent War' which means that the first warlord to complete an Errant or Infernal Quest wins the match.

The rules for the remaining matches are therefore as follows:

1. Start a match with the above-mentioned ending and re-start it until you start your turn in the middle region.

2. Travel to Titan and obtain an Errant Quest.

3. Fulfill the Quest and through it win the match.

4. Do this 10 times altogether and you should obtain the achievement!

If you've already completed your 'Quests'-bar don't worry: Just move on with completing quests until you have all missing Team Victories.
Concluding remarks
Well, I hope these suggestions might prove useful for at least some of you. ;)
If you have questions, hints or comments feel free to leave your feedback, I'll be glad about any remarks!
Narcissistic Cannibal Apr 22, 2020 @ 1:14am 
"Team victory" is not a glitch. Whether it is a 1vs1 or 2vs2 match, any win is taken into account.
uhryab Jan 12, 2020 @ 12:07am 
Loyal Viggo Mar 14, 2018 @ 12:24pm 
The endless, joyless, grind is what lets this game down. Thanks for making it a letter less like I want to blow my own head off with a bolter.
Aetius  [author] Nov 11, 2017 @ 6:19am 
Because 'Battle for Terra' is the ending which gives you the most 'free time' to roam around, kill the AI player and gather battle xp, units and equipment, etc. If you have eliminated the AI player in 'Purge the Enemy' - or the AI player gets killed himself - the match is over. By playing two very long games with 'Battle for Terra' ending and ten short ones with the 'The Silent War' ending you should travel the 'shortest' way to your envisaged achievement.
StDrake Oct 11, 2017 @ 12:21am 
Why battle for terra ending? I found hunting for the ai player tiring and preferred to pick purge the enemy - chance was id get some extra wins vs enemy warlord at the end, though him powering up did require more matcher from me
Gaius Marius Oct 10, 2017 @ 7:36pm 
In the interest of helping people get all the best info they can I have also included a link to your excellent guide in my lowly one. :hhLoyalist: