Heat Signature

Heat Signature

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HEAT SIG! What I learned in the late BETA!
Por JaxterSmith
I played the crap out of tha last wave of the BETA, now that the game is out I want to give people a partial helping hand!
This is my first guide however so please have minimal expectations.
Good luck liberating!
What to take, and what to stash?
Assuming you made it to your first victim's ship after the tutorial, well you hit a few people in the mug with a wrench or sliced and diced or whatever, now you want to take ALL THE THINGS.
Heres the thing, you can send stuff you dont immediately need to the stash back at your home bases by pressing 'E' over it in the inventory screen, than upon leaving the ship wether by airlock or Breacher Pod all of those items will be sent there instantly, BUT, you shouldnt just take everything.

Heres how I do it:
If it is high capacity, rechargeable, self-charging, armor peircing, quick, long range, automatic, Long range, or extreme, then consider taking it, unless you already have a better (or recharging) version of it. You can sell it, but most things are almost worthless.

If it is a gun or item you have a ton of already, forget it, and before you ask, all weapons run off the same ammo pool, so you can have 5 guns, but you still only have 72 shots maximum.

Going furthur, those weapons you get from killing (or incapacitating) enemies are worthless, unless you plan to use them, they sell for nothing, SO DONT TAKE THEM ALL (keep one or two in storage for a rainy day though), I mean, you can take them all, but its a waste of time to have more than one or two.
So now what to use? (weapon overview)
For your weapon, I reccomend dual Wrench early game, you can swing one while the other is on cooldown, they take down any unshielded or non armored target, and 8 meters is plenty of range to clear a room.

You can also take a shortblade for the truly awful scenario where you have several guys in one smal room and no grenades. They have effectively no coldown but have awful range and kill instead of incapacitate. They are nearly silent though.

The Cuncussive Hammer is like the Shortblade of the wrench, as fast as the Shortblade but non-lethal. Has the same range as it too.

You can also use the longblade, I never did, but it seems mechanically the same as the wrench but kills instead of incapacitating. It does have a silent modifier, but I never found that important for melee.


The Pistol:
Fires one shot in a straight line. common early game weapon but still as deadly as literally everything else. Fires at a fairly slow speed, but the efficincy and popularity of the weapon make it easy to just have two.

The Shotgun:
Sending out a spread of 8 projectiles in a 20 degree spread the shotgun is a strong tool. Gives 8 shots for the price of one ammo. Fires reasonably fast and clears rooms nicely even withought a fire rate modifier. Can also be used to recover from being thrown into space with no pod, keep that in mind when playing.

Concussion guns:
Functionally the same as their conventional counterparts the concussion weapons will take out targets just as effectively with the same specs in every way, however, they leave the target alive which can be important for some missions and targets. Only have 16 shots usually.

The Everything Gun:
Fires all (or most?) of the objects lying around within the range of the gun in a shotgun-like pattern, most things seem to not be dangerous as 10 pistols to the face apparently doesnt phase anyone, but any wrenches can easily KO the player or guards, swords can kill like this as well. All objects make noise where they hit walls and such making the gun useful for leading nosy guards to where you want them, or knocking out windows. Fires extremely fast for the sheer potential available. Available for only a limited time, but permanently spawns for players who already found it.


Grenade: Detonates 2 seconds after thrown and kills in a considerable area.

Grenade Launcher: Same as grenade but has longer range, can get a self-recharging varient in late game.

Think they shouldnt be here? THINK AGAIN
All shields seem to be indestructable, allowing survival or unlimited hits both melee and firearm, including armor peircing and explosive, and are a weapon because all projectiles bounce off the shield and can hit anyone not protected. I mainly classify them here because the game literally tells you to use them as a weapon in some Liberation missions.


The Glitch Trap: You place it on the ground and select where it sends its victim to, which can, if you like, be SPAAAAAAAACE, where they will eventually suffocate and die.

The Swapper: Swaps the location of you and your target, can be used as a weapon with enough creativity or timing.
Example of what to do in a pinch
I once alerted an entire ship to my prescence, so as they streamed in I simply teleported their own concussion rifles to myself, fired one shot, droped it, and teleported another, it took about 20 shots to clear the wave, and I felt pretty proud of myself. For clarification, I had full inventory with non-weapon items and didnt have time to wait for the guns to recharge between shots, so taking advantage of the instant teleporter allowed me to clear the guards.
Here I will show my way of looking at modifiers and their value in order from best to worst.
Keep in mind that I may not know all of the modifiers either.

Self-charging - Item will recharge 0.1 point per few seconds until full. Lasts forever and allows technically infinate usage of that item withought stoping back home.

Rechargeable or Reloadable - Similar to self-charging, this will refill the uses of an item or weapon upon returning to a station

Armor Peircing - Kills targets both with and withought armour. One of the only ways to doso. AP ammo is seperate from normal ammo pool.

Extreme - 2x the range on most objects

Long Range - 1.5x the range on most objects

High Capacity - Increases the number of charges on an object (usually 5 charges)

Meduim Capcity - Basic capacity of many items, 3 charges.

Concussive - a weapon mod that means the weapon will not kill anyone hit by it.

Automatic - a gun mod that allows you to shoot as fast as you want with no recovery time.

Quick or Quick Recovery - highly reduced recovery time for a weapon

Silent - a weapon mod that reduces the detection range of a weapon, usually to 1 meter.

Quiet - a weapon mod that reduces the detection range of the weapon, but not completely eliminating it.

Lethal - a weapon mod that kills the target of that weapon

If you find other ones than let me know and I'll add them. I am intentionally trying to leave most of the ones that are weapon specific off of this.
Tech items / Tools

Crashbeam - Disables any tech in its line of fire. Turns off shields, turrets, heat detectors and maybe a few other things. Basically required, but a Subverter would be preferred.

Subverter - Turns tech against its users, turrets will become your friends and shields will contain their users within, including their projectiles if they attempt to attack you. Can also open locked doors but its an inefficient use of it. Basically a requirement. Will effect EVERYTHING in its firing line so keep that in mind.


Swapper - Swaps the location of the player with that of the chosen guard. Guard must be alive to doso and will be dazed afterwards, dazed guards usually stay in the same area you put them. Super useful, tactcical if used right.

Visitor - Teleports the plyer a considerable range, but brings them back to where they started shortly after. Time remaining is shown by a graphic going towards the player from where they started. Can be useful for loot rooms or to take out the pilot. Situationally useful.

Slipstream - Slows time to a 10 to 1 rate (as in you function at ten times the speed of everyone else, and see it at that speed as well). Bullet time. Lasts only a few seconds though. I would call it situational, but thats just me.

Sidewinder - allows the player to travel anywhere within range so long as it can be reached withought going through any doors or such. Super useful if used right.

Glitch Trap - only fits this catagory because of its ability to trasport corpses for you, not extremely useful, but kinda fun.


Stealth Shield - A directional barrier that prevents guards form seeing the player behind it, follows the direction of the cursor

Emergency Shield - an on-command shield that will protect you from all damage and reflect all projectiles. On guards it will be inactive until the guard is alerted leaving them vaulnerable until then.

Shield - A shield that will always be up, performs the same as E-Shield otherwise. Player cannot get this shield however.


Key Cloner - Copies the keycard from enemies or the doors themselves. Many consider it greatly useful. I just go and pickpocket keys if I can.
Tips for taking on ships!
Go for the pilot, if you can ever reach the pilot and remove them, then do it, Ive yet to see it be a bad choice and it will stop any alarms or timers from ruining your run.

From there on out it is completely situational.

If you see a ship that is too big to just fight through or the targets inside are too strong for you, then steal another ship that has missiles and pilot that into your target. right clicking from the pilot seat of anything but the pod will fire missiles assuming they are on that ship. The missiles may also lock on if you right click on your target. MISSILES WILL ACTIVATE ALARMS UPON FIRST HIT

You can connect the POD at any point that has been blown off, making for some creative entry tactics.

A level 3 keycard will open level 1 and two doors as well.

Be sure to check the difficulty of the guards and bosses for every mission.
Anything else?
Not at this point, There is an 'everything gun' floating around durring the first few days of the game that may never be available again, so thats what Imma be after right now. I figure better guides will be out soon to teach us all we need so until then I'll add anything new I learn!

Final tips:

Teleporting things from the ship to the inventory is INSTANT and the teleporter recharges in half a second, take advantage of it.

The stash seems to be limitless, but does not carry over between characters, I have yet to find a way to transfer items between them sofar.

Dont be scared of getting hit, you will only be thrown out the airlock to cach yourself somehow, If you were knocked out its only an oxygen timer thats pretty long, but if you are bleeding then youd better act fast as the bleedout timer NEVER REFILLS for that character, so dont be dumb around anything non-concussion.

In warzone missions there will always be a marker on the next tiles to get destroyed, so you can prepare accordingly.

If you need to kill an unconsous guard, then stand over them, hit spacebar, and click on the kill button on the right side of the screen. You do not need a weapon to do this.

Make liberal use of the 'F' key, it activates 6x speed when held down and makes the game much faster.

AP ammo is a seperate pool of ammo

Sometimes object like guns placed within the POD will remain there between missions, corpses seem to always stay however.

The Everything Gun has been added to the weapons section

10/7/17 UPDATE:
updated content a bit, added info from 'The Commisar' (thanks m8)
31 comentarios
JaxterSmith  [autor] 1 ENE 2023 a las 10:01 p. m. 
Far too much m8, 2017 feels like a lifetime ago
FREE PALESTINE! 1 ENE 2023 a las 5:32 p. m. 
JaxterSmith, what happened?
JaxterSmith  [autor] 20 DIC 2022 a las 11:01 p. m. 
That is truly an understatement...forgot I had even written this, its been such a long time
Yee 20 DIC 2022 a las 8:15 p. m. 
Ah, Simpler times
1978 FIFA World Cup knockout sta 14 OCT 2017 a las 6:50 p. m. 
I find the Slipstream super useful during missions with short alarm/finish times
JaxterSmith  [autor] 7 OCT 2017 a las 6:39 a. m. 
@The Commisar
Interesting, thanks for letting me know, I'll update the guide.
The Commissar 6 OCT 2017 a las 7:35 a. m. 
Great guide, just want to say that shotguns also only take 1 ammo, and that subverters open locked doors. Not the most efficient way to do so, but can be handy in a pinch, or if that guy you just glitch trapped into space had the only key. Also, key cloners can be immensely useful, and if you take a level 3 key, you unlock all level 1 and 2 doors with it.
JaxterSmith  [autor] 26 SEP 2017 a las 6:22 p. m. 
@The Scout
You have to unluck them by liberating their outpost, then you can purchase them in the pod shop on any owned station.

I dont have the pods in here because I never got to them
Fantasy System 26 SEP 2017 a las 12:16 p. m. 
How do you get diffrent pod types?
Bekky 26 SEP 2017 a las 1:39 a. m. 
Do note, angel ship prevents the timer from getting any lower after retrieval, so a 25 second char will still have 25 seconds to live when shot later if rescued by angel.