

127 ratings
100% All the Trimmings (all levels 3 stars)
By ready2b and 1 collaborators
Videos and tips on how to get 3 stars rating on every level in Overcooked. Following this will help you unlock all the achievements (except "Does not play well with others" - which simply requires you to play a versus match).
This guide is written with 2 player co-op in mind. It can also be done with 3-4 players, but I would not recommend trying it single player.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask anything in the comments and I will get back to you asap.
General advice
  • Overcooked isn’t easy. Be prepared to make mistakes and try more than once. But also remember, you can make some mistakes and still get 3 stars, as you will see in the videos.
  • Communication is key. Lots of things will be going on at once so make sure you talk to your partner. This is a team game, when things get crazy, help each other out.
  • Have a game plan. Know the design of the map, the gimmicks involved, and where all your ingredients, cooking, cleaning, and cutting stations are.
  • Learn to prioritize. This may sound obvious but maybe it isn’t. Finish the orders that come first. You get a – 10 coin penalty for late orders, which could be the difference between 2 stars and 3 stars. Do tasks that take longest first (usually the cooking part). For example: instead of chopping up 3 onions and then putting them in the pot, start the cooking process by immediately putting 1 chopped onion in the pot and then chopping up more.
  • Make sure you get the order right. The wrong order means a big time loss because you have to make it again. Pay attention to the ingredients.
  • Always do something. Don’t wait for things. Is your soup cooking? Good, while it’s cooking, chop up more vegetables, or prepare a plate, or clean the dishes, etc.
  • The floor is your friend. You can throw food, pots, plates on the floor with no consequence. This is a fast way to collect ingredients or create room when your work space is limited.
  • Know when to dash (and when not to). Dashing is great because it can save you a lot of time. However, it is also a great way to slip off the platform or knock back your partner. The 5 second respawn time is not worth it. Dash securely, or just walk.
  • Food takes a while to burn. You will get a warning long in advance. Don’t panic, know that you still have a little while before you need to take the food off the heat.
  • Food has to go on a plate to be served. Some levels don’t require that you clean your dishes, but some do. Make sure you clean your dirty dishes. If there is a sink, you must clean them.
  • You can stack dirty plates.
Introduction level 1-0
Coin requirement for 3 stars: unknown
Recipe(s): salad (chopped lettuce, chopped tomato)
Ingredient(s): lettuce, tomato

Level 1-1
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 80
Recipe(s): soup (3x chopped vegetable in one pot)
Ingredient(s): onion

Level 1-2
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 150
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato

Level 1-3
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 200
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom

Level 1-4
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 280
Recipe(s): hamburger (chop meat, fry meat, put in bun, maybe add chopped lettuce/tomato)
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato

Level 1-5
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 160
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom
Tip(s): try to always move counter clockwise

Level 1-6
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 200
Recipe(s): hamburger
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato
Tip(s): if burgers are cooking make sure there is one person on top

Level 2-1
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 240
Recipe(s): hamburger
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato
Tip(s): throw ingredients on the floor to save time; have one person on each side

Level 2-2
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 200
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom
Tip(s): be wary of mice

Level 2-3
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 180
Recipe(s): hamburger
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato
Tip(s): put the cooked hamburger on a plate instead of giving the frying pan (saves time)

Level 2-4
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 160
Recipe(s): hamburger
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato
Tip(s): put the cooked hamburger on a plate instead of giving the frying pan (saves time)

Level 3-1
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 220
Recipe(s): fish and chips (chop up fish or potato, put in fryer)
Ingredient(s): fish, potato
Tip(s): ice is slippery; be careful when dashing; try to always move counter clockwise

Level 3-2
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 160
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom

Level 3-3
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 270
Recipe(s): soup, fish and chips
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato, fish, potato
Tip(s): throw ingredients on the floor to save time; have one person on each side

Level 3-4
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 180
Recipe(s): fish and chips
Ingredient(s): fish, potato
Tip(s): ice is slippery; be careful when dashing; take your time crossing

Level 4-1
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 200
Recipe(s): pizza (chopped dough + chopped tomato and cheese, sometimes chopped mushrooms or sausage; put in oven)
Ingredient(s): dough, tomato, cheese, mushroom, sausage

Level 4-2
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 110
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom
Tip(s): know where everything is

Level 4-3
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 120
Recipe(s): hamburger
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato
Tip(s): try to always be located in opposite quadrants (if one is bottom left, the other is top right) so you don’t get stuck on the same side

Level 4-4
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 120
Recipe(s): hamburger, pizza
Ingredient(s): meat, burger buns, lettuce, tomato, dough, cheese, mushroom, sausage
Tip(s): you have your teammate’s ingredients, so when you are on the top side, passing ingredients is the priority

Level 5-1
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 150
Recipe(s): burrito (chop meat/chicken and cook; put rice in pot; put cooked rice and meat/chicken on tortilla)
Ingredient(s): tortilla, rice, meat, chicken
Tip(s): collect your ingredients quickly and press the button for the bottom part to shift

Level 5-2
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 110
Recipe(s): burrito
Ingredient(s): tortilla, rice, meat, chicken
Tip(s): when a platform sinks, one will rise as well; fireballs and lava kill you

Level 5-3
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 120
Recipe(s): burrito
Ingredient(s): tortilla, rice, meat, chicken
Tip(s): communicate so you know when to stand on the pressure pad to open doors

Level 5-4
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 110
Recipe(s): burrito
Ingredient(s): tortilla, rice, meat, chicken
Tip(s): my least favourite level, good luck

Level 5-5
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 80
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom

Level 5-6
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 65
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom
Tip(s): communicate so you know when to stand on the pressure pad to open doors

Level 6-1
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 160
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom

Level 6-2
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 260
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom
Tip(s): avoid using the conveyor belt

Level 6-3
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 260
Recipe(s): soup
Ingredient(s): onion, tomato, mushroom
Tip(s): ice is slippery; be careful when dashing; take your time crossing

Level 6-4
Coin requirement for 3 stars: 200
Recipe(s): salad, soup, hamburger
Ingredient(s): lettuce, tomato, onion, mushroom, meat, burger buns,
Tip(s): know where everything is

Final level (the Peckoning)
Coin requirement for 3 stars: unkown
Recipe(s): all of them
Ingredient(s): all of them
Tip(s): don’t panic, you have 12:30 to finish; during the third phase (pizza, and fish and chips) get off the middle platform before it rotates

Self promotion
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OutOfTimeMan Apr 12 @ 6:55pm 
The cooperation is so astonishing
葡萄不会过季🍇 Apr 30, 2022 @ 2:57am 
ready2b  [author] Mar 27, 2020 @ 3:29am 
Aang Mar 27, 2020 @ 2:31am 
ready2b  [author] Mar 27, 2020 @ 2:00am 
@Брунгильда for the achievement (All the Trimmings), you have to earn a 3-star rating for every level. You can do this in any order (you don't have to go through the game again). Hope this helps
Aang Mar 26, 2020 @ 1:50pm 
Please tell me, I did not fully understand the achievement of "All the Trimmings
Be awarded three stars in every kitchen "do you need to go through the entire 3-star game, or can you earn 3 stars at the same level in each location?
ready2b  [author] Mar 4, 2019 @ 4:57am 
I'm not sure, you need 74 stars to unlock stage 6-4, and you have to beat stage 6-4 to unlock the final boss. Does that help?
InsteinSUN Mar 1, 2019 @ 8:03am 
How many stars in total is required for final level?
ready2b  [author] Feb 3, 2019 @ 7:23am 
Thanks! I corrected 6-2 :cozyspaceengineersc:
Blix Feb 2, 2019 @ 8:27am 
Thanks for these. Video 6-2 is incorrect BTW.