Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story

Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story

209 ratings
Another Lost Phone: Clues and solutions
By Concept and 1 collaborators
Hello !
Through this guide, you will find advice and clues to help you to keep playing if you are stuck, and solutions if you're not interested in the investigation part and want to focus on the story.
Spoilers are everywhere so they're all hidden.
Part 1: Understanding the game
Long answer with clues
  • "I've just launched the game, I don't know what to do."
    You have just found someone's phone. Look through it to understand what happened to its former owner.

  • "I've searched for a while and I still don't know what to do."
    You can't access some of the apps because they need you to connect to the Wi-Fi first. Try to connect to the Wi-Fi.
Quick answer with the solution
You’ve just found a phone. You have to dig through the different apps to understand what happened to its former owner. Some of them require passwords. Good luck, have fun!
Part 2: Connecting to Wi-Fi
Long answer with clues
  • "I can’t find the Wi-Fi code."
    Laura probably keeps this code somewhere she can easily find it, where it won't get lost among other things

  • "I couldn’t find it."
    Wi-Fi codes are kept in one of Laura’s notes, in the Notes app.

  • "I couldn’t find it."
    The code for the PublicFreeWifi is 6389856.

Quick answer with the solution
The code for the PublicFreeWifi is 6389856. It can be found in the Notes app, specifically in the note saved on September 14th where Laura keeps all of her Wi-Fi passwords. The only one that is not out of range is the PublicFreeWifi.
Part 3: Unlocking PowerJob
Long answer with clues
  • "Now that I have an internet connection, what do I do?”
    You can dig through the other apps. Some applications may have additional content now that you’re connected to the internet.

  • "I can’t figure out the identity of the people on PowerJob’s lockscreen."
    • Who is the red-haired woman?
      You can find another picture of this person elsewhere on the phone, and this other picture might help you.

      "I can’t find the other picture."
      In the Email app, you can download more messages once you're connected to the internet. You will then be able to find an e-mail sent to Natalia with an attachment in the Sent folder. You can download this picture to view it in the Gallery.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      Reading the other conversations with Natalia might help you.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      Laura had as SMS conversation with Natalia, in which Natalia asked Laura to send her a picture of Amelia. The red-hair woman is Amelia F.

    • Who is the woman with black hair and a pink hairband?
      You can find another picture of this person elsewhere on the phone, and this other picture might help you.

      "I can’t find the other picture."
      In the Gallery app, it’s the picture of the woman sleeping on a train.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      The photo seems to have been taken in a train, on September 9th 2016. In an SMS conversation with Carmen, Laura talked about a train trip with a friend of hers. The woman in the picture is this friend.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      In the Calendar app, on September 9th 2016, you can see Laura spent the week-end in Wexderry with Emma. The woman with black hair and a pink hairband is Emma M.

    • Who is the man with the red tie?
      You can find another picture of this person elsewhere on the phone, and this other picture might help you.

      "I can’t find the other picture."
      In the Gallery App, it’s the picture of the person with a red tie.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      The picture was taken on October 4th 2016. This man looks like he is giving a conference, and Laura mentioned a “Zero Waste” conference in her calendar app and in an SMS conversation with Charlotte.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      Look for other information about this conference in the other apps.

      "I don’t know where to search."
      In the Email app, you can download more messages once you're connected to the internet. You can then find an e-mail confirming Laura signed up for a conference about “Zero Waste”, given by Ethan Hillman. The email also mentions that the conference is going to be on October 4th. The man with the red tie is Ethan H.

    • Who is the long-haired man with glasses?
      You can find another picture of this person elsewhere on the phone, and this other picture might help you.

      "I can’t find the other picture."
      In the SMS app, it’s the picture sent by Elsa. You can download the picture to view it in the Gallery app.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      In the conversation with Elsa, you discover that this person's nickname is "Kitty".

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      Look for other information about a person with this nickname.

      "I don’t know where to search."
      In the Email app, you can download more messages once you're connected to the internet. You can then find an e-mail conversation with Melanie, where you learn that her partner is someone called Gabriel, and that Gabriel’s nickname is "Kitty". The long-haired man with glasses is Gabriel P.

    • Who is the short-haired woman with glasses?
      You can find another picture of this person elsewhere on the phone, and this other picture might help you.

      "I can’t find the other picture."
      In the Email app, you can download more messages once you're connected to the internet. You can then find an e-mail group conversation, in which Laura asks if anyone wants to adopt a kitten. You can download the picture to view it in the Gallery app.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      Thanks to this picture and conversation, you now know that this person is Laura’s former neighbor, and she has kittens up for adoption. Look through the other apps to try and find out more about this person.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      In the SMS app,there is a conversation with Sarah when she says she has kittens up for adoption. The short-haired woman with glasses is Sarah T.

    • Who the fair-haired man with a goatee?
      You can find another picture of this person elsewhere on the phone, and this other picture might help you.

      "I can’t find the other picture."
      In the SMS application, you can find a conversation with Charlotte where she shares a picture of her brother. It’s the fair-haired man with a goatee, wearing a bear hat. You can download the picture to view it in the Gallery app.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      Thanks to this picture and conversation, you now know that this person is Charlotte’s brother. Look through the other apps to try and find out more about this person.

      "I don’t know what to do with this information."
      In the SMS application, there is a conversation with Daniel. He shares a picture of his sister, a fair-haired woman wearing a bear hat. This means the fair-haired man with a goatee is Daniel S., Charlotte’s brother.

    Quick answer with the solution

    You have to find 3 out of 6 randomly generated people. All the information you need to work out who is who is scattered throughout the applications.

    The red-hair woman is Amelia F.

    The woman with black hair and a pink hairband is Emma M.

    The man with the red tie is Ethan H.

    The long-haired man with glasses is Gabriel P.

    The short-haired woman with glasses is Sarah T.

    The fair-haired man with a goatee is Daniel S.

Part 4: Access the second e-mail account
Long answer with clues
  • "I don’t know how to connect to the second e-mail account"
    By launching the Email application and then by clicking on Laura’s portrait, you can switch from one account to another.

  • "I can’t find the password."
    Somebody on PowerJob talked about the password with Laura.

  • "I still can’t find the password."
    Claire talked about the password with Laura in the PowerJob application.

  • "I can’t find the information in the conversation with Claire."
    Claire told Laura the password is Ben’s birth year. You have to look for this information.

  • "I don’t know where to look for this information."
    One application gives you information about people’s ages, and another application gives you information about their birthdays

  • "I still don’t know where to look for this information."
    Ben’s age is available on his PowerJob profile page. You can work out his birth year once you know his birthday thanks to the Calendar application.

  • "I still can’t find the password."
    On Ben’s profile page on PowerJob, you can see that he is 30 years old. In the Calendar app, you learn that he was born on March 15th. The story takes place in June 2017, which means his birth year is 1987. The password is therefore 1987.
Quick answer with the solution
To access the second e-mail account, you have to click on Laura’s portrait in the Email application. The password is 1987. The information was in a PowerJob conversation with Claire, where she said the password was Ben’s birth year. You then have to work out his birth year thanks to his age on PowerJob and his birthday in the Calendar app.
Part 5 : Log in to SecuryChest
Long answer with clues
  • "I don’t know what the SecuryChest password is."
    After trying and failing once, you will get a hint for the access code. You will need information that can be found in the other apps.

  • "I can’t work outLaura’s first boyfriend’s birth year, I don’t know who he is."
    Laura sent an e-mail to her first boyfriend.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Laura’s first boyfriend was Alex.

  • "I still can't work out Laura’s first boyfriend’s birth year."
    There is an app where people’s ages are indicated.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    On Alex’s profile page on PowerJob, you can see that he is 26 years old. You still have to find his birthday in order to calculate his exact age.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Alex’s birthday is mentioned many times: in the SMS application, the Email application and in the Calendar application.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Alex is 26 years old, and is birthday is on December 31st. The story takes place in June 2017, which means he was born in 1990.

  • "I can’t work outLaura’s penultimate boss’s office number"
    Laura probably mentioned this number in a professional context.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    The office number is mentioned in a PowerJob conversation.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    The conversation in which Laura mentions her boss’s office number is the one with Emma.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    By reading the conversations with Adam and Michael, we can understand that Michael is Laura’s last boss, whereas Adam run the event agency where Laura used to work before. Adam is the penultimate boss, and Laura told Emma that Adam’s office number is 107.

  • "I can’t find out the street number of the place where Laura met Amanda for the first time."
    Laura and Amanda have mostly had conversations in a professional context.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Laura and Amanda exchanged information in a conversation in the PowerJob application.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Amanda told Laura to meet her at a tea shop on February 24th. She said it was in a street with a large mural, and the entrance of the tea shop was under an octopus.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    There are pictures of a mural in the Gallery application, dated February 24th.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    There is a picture of a door under an octopus in the Gallery app. You can’t see the number on this door, so you have to find out what it is.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    The pictures of the mural are like puzzle pieces. By finding out the correct order of the pictures, you can work out the street number of the tea shop.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    The tea shop entrance is to the right of the picture of door number 22. The door on the left is door number 20, therefore the tea shop must be number 24.

  • "I have all the information, but I can’t unlock SecuryChest."
    The code to unlock SecuryChest is the sum of all the information.
    1990 + 107 + 24 = 2121
Quick answer with the solution
The code to unlock SecuryChest is 2121.
Part 6: Access CloudSave
Long answer with clues
  • "I don’t know how to access the content of CloudSave."
    After unlocking SecuryChest, you can access the CloudSave application. By clicking on the "Laura B." account, you can access and synchronize Laura’s professional phone content.

  • "I can’t find the password"
    Someone on OUR Messenger advised Laura on how to choose a secure password.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Alex is the one who gives advice to Laura on OUR Messenger.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    Alex advises Laura to use an 8-character password, made out of a code she uses often on her phone followed by a code she uses in her everyday life.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    It looks like Laura uses OUR Messenger a lot. To access it, she has to go through SecuryChest, which means she probably uses its password. Alex also said he personally uses the alarm code of the restaurant he is working at. This might have inspired Laura when she had to choose a password.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    The first part of the password is the SecuryChest password. The second part is the digicode of the place Laura lives in. You only need to find this digicode now.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    By reading the SMS conversation with Ben and the conversation with Carmen on OUR Messenger, it’s possible to work out that Laura moved to Ben’s place. He gave her his digicode at the beginning of their relationship.

  • "I still don't know what to do with this information and I want another clue."
    The password is 21214004. Afterwards, you need to synchronize the Notes application and the SMS application to access the content saved by Laura.
Quick answer with the solution
In SecuryChest, you have to open the CloudSave application, then click on the "Laura B." account. The password is 21214004. You then need to synchronize the Notes application and the SMS application to access the content saved by Laura.
Part 7: Finish the game
  • "I don’t know what to do now."
    After synchronizing the content from CloudSave, you are now able to read the saved content from Laura's professional phone. To do that, go the the SMS application and read the new conversation with Amir and check the new messages in Charlotte's conversation. Then, you can read the two new notes in the Notes app.

  • "I just did that, but I don't know what to do now."
    Once both notes are opened and both conversations have been read, going back to the main screen should trigger an e-mail from Laura.

  • "I just did that, but I received no email."
    The e-mail is only sent once you have carefully read the SMS conversation with Charlotte, the SMS conversation with Amir and the two notes about domestic violence. Then, you have to go back to the main screen or home screen. Make sure you completed all of these steps.

  • "OkI did receive the emailbut I still don't know what to do"
    Laura is asking you to send a notification to Ben through the I-Am-Here app. You need the secret code she sent you in the attachment to unlock the GPS in the settings. Then, go to the I-Am-Here app and send the notification. You can also choose not to do it and instead erase the phone's data. You can do this in the settings. Be careful, erasing the phone's data will take you to the epilog only if you have received Laura's e-mail; in any other case, it will just restart the game.

  • "I don’t know what to do now."
    This is the epilog. You can see the messages from Laura to her close ones after she left. To go from one screen to another, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen.You can go forward or back, and the last screen allows you to see the full credits

Thank you for playing!
Romaki Mar 25 @ 2:37am 
Great guide!
SAmaryllis Nov 24, 2023 @ 8:29pm 
Thank you for this! The style in which you wrote the guide & hints was really lovely
xrayman Jul 23, 2023 @ 10:19am 
Thank you for the hints - I don't own it on Steam - Amazon Games gave it away tp Prime gamers at some point. Your walkthrough was ideal :)
SpookBolt May 20, 2023 @ 7:41pm 
Wow this is perfect! I never would have known how to access the 2nd email account without this! Thx! I wish there had been some hints in the game for when ppl are stuck, but your guide was even better than in-game hints would've been
reaper Sep 9, 2020 @ 1:16pm 
thank you very much for this thoughtful guide! :rep2:
非玩家 Feb 10, 2020 @ 8:33am 
thank you
XiverVoid Jan 11, 2020 @ 8:32pm 
thank you!
超高校级的路痴 Jul 2, 2019 @ 2:59pm 
Thank you:slimehappy:
Denilson Sá Apr 28, 2019 @ 8:56am 
Interestingly, for me, accessing the second e-mail account was the last thing to do (right before finishing the game). Have you accidentally changed the order? Or did I play a different revision than you? ;)
(Anyway, that's a minor detail. Excellent guide!)
FalconRedux Mar 24, 2019 @ 1:51am 
Thank you for creating this! A subtle hint without ruining the game is exactly what I was looking for. Great work!