Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Admin Chip
Assets: Scripting
標籤: Misc, Templates
18.181 KB
2017 年 8 月 25 日 下午 3:21
2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 2:42
4 項更新註記 (檢視)

Admin Chip

Ever wish you, or promoted players in your game, had a wider variety of admin commands for chat? No? Well, GOOD NEWS I solved a problem that doesn't exist! It comes with a variety of built-in commands and, if you are one with the Lua, you can add your own without having to tear the entire system apart. Just put this chip into your game and you'll have a bunch of admin commands available on that table. This uses the new onChat() feature.

When you need to enter a player into a command, like with blind or kick, the script looks for a color name as first priority. If it doesn't find a match on color, it will then compare what you entered to all seated players.

Built-In Commands
  • !help: Gives a list of commands in chat. All commands start with a ! (commands starting with / are intercepted).
  • !flip: Flips the table.
  • !blind/!unblind player: Blindfolds or unblindfolds a specific player.
  • !blindall/!unblindall: Blindfolders or unblindfolds everyone seated.
  • !kick player: Remove an unwanted player.
  • !promote player: Promote a wanted player.
  • !mute: Prevents a player from using chat. Submitting it again will unmute them.
  • !roll number: Will simulate a die roll. You can do a straight number (!roll 20) or use #d# (!roll 3d6). Only prints what was rolled as well as a total, but a simple script edit could change things.
  • !player: Selects 1 randomly seated player and announces their name. Useful for picking a first player randomly.
Future Plans

At the end of the script I've put a few ideas for other features. This system can be used to trigger just about anything and I am on the lookout for ideas. If you want to see something added or have a neat idea, feel free to leave a comment.

I want to make improvements in general to my ability to read the strings. As-is, this should be very functional but it can be trickier than it has to be on the back end. Lots of room to improve to make this a nicer platform to use.
16 則留言
Unreal Ed 2018 年 7 月 17 日 下午 1:34 
You know what I just realized you could do with this system? Specific rules questions. Like you could type something like "!explain_actions" and it would explain the action system in the game. I bet nobody would bother to type all that stuff in though. But if you're making a mod and you're reading this, please consider it!
ritardo milos 2018 年 7 月 17 日 上午 9:30 
Great addition to the moderation system, btw. It really does help to have someone watch over the server while the host is AFK.
ritardo milos 2018 年 7 月 17 日 上午 9:24 
It is actually possible to crash the game simply by rolling an insane amount of dice. Just wanted to warn you about this fact.
ChizBallz 2018 年 3 月 29 日 上午 3:19 
I have a few ideas if you ever have some time and don't mind adding these in, what about using the new webcall function to look up a dictionary definitions for a word... such as 1) !define <word> and it will search the web for the meaning and put it in the chatbox. 2) !flipcoin will return a random text string of either heads/tails. 3) !queue will add the user that typed the command to the waitlist if all seats are full and once a seat becomes available wlil automatically seat them. !afk will spawn an afk chip and place it next to that players name, and if they type it again, will remove the afk chip.
Shinji 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 5:00 
Promoted players can't seat players (oddly enough).
MrStump  [作者] 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 3:52 
It does partial name matching. If you could manage to type the special character than it will accept it, but otherwise just put the chunk of their name that isn't special characters in and the script will match what you types against everyone's name.

I don't imagine enough people with names made of nothing but special characters are invading spectator mode. In the rare case it did happen, a promoted player could just assign them to a color seat and then kick the seat color.
Shinji 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 3:43 
What about people with special characters in their name. Like stars...
MrStump  [作者] 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 2:43 
Easy change. Now all functions targeting name will work.

I did not enable targeting to kick grey, because grey can be more than one person. If you want to kick a grey, use their name.
MvatolokoS 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 12:46 
can you add a way to kick/target spectators?
aswell as ban
MrStump  [作者] 2017 年 9 月 2 日 上午 11:45 
My concern is someone who doesn't know any Lua would be able to pick out the banning functionality and then use it to be a dick. It isn't very tough for someone who knows Lua to work out, but most people aren't interested in learning it.

Any bar for entry for being a game-ruiner is better than no bar, in my eyes.