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BALLISTICK Achievement Guide. (Finished!)
By Pumpkinhope
This guide may help you obtain various achievements in this game. It covers all the categories and gives detailed instructions on routes and completing levels for the timed achievements.
"No one can hide from my sight"
"Get spotted by 20 cameras" Simply have 20 cameras go red indicating they spotted you. This is likely to obtained via normal play but if you want to grind it I would not recommend doing it in missions labeled stealth (example: "Best served cold" since the mission restarts if you get spotted by the camera. [Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: "I thought I was out..."]

"Immediate Gratification"
"Out of the Steam backlog" This is obtained by simply opening the game up for the first time or going into the main menu for the first time

"Beat Game" "Obligatory Beat Achievement" This achievement is earned upon completing the game. I'm not sure if you have to play through the whole game or just do the last(10th) mission "The Death of a Behemoth"

"Like a ♥♥♥♥♥"
"Die in cover" This achievement is done by going into cover (LB on controller or Left SHIFT on keyboard) where an enemy can shoot you. I'm not sure if standing up while in cover (by tapping up on analog stick or W on keyboard.) counts it or not. [Earliest mission(s) you can achieve this in: Tutorial(?) or "I thought I was done..."]

"PANDAMONIUM!!!" This can be obtained by going to the mission "Smoke on the Water" Play through the first floor normally until you get to the end of the hall and see a red door labeled stair and a white door in the foreground. go through the white door and go as left as you can avoiding cameras and enemies. Upon getting to the end of the hallway make your way up the white door past the camera next to the first objective and the first objective and you should see a white door labeled stairs.For clarification, it is next to some red wires to the right and a life raft to the left. Go up the stairs and you should see the panda poster to the left. Go up to it and you should get the achievement. [Only mission you can get the achievement for this: "Smoke on the water"]

"Become Average"
"Don'ts be squealin' 'bouts my boozin!" This can be obtained by simply going to "Extras" from the main menu, and selecting the "Drunk" filter (Note: you don't even have to go into a mission. simply selecting it if you have it unlocked will get you it to my knowledge) which is obtained by beating the mission "The Death of a Behemoth"

"Pop goes the Cherry"
"Simply kill 1 enemy" [Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"Heating up"
"Kill 50 enemies" This will most likely be obtained by playing the game casually. [Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"He's on fire!"
"Kill a total of 200 enemies" This may most likely be obtained during normal play but if not it can be farmed.[Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"Take down one enemy" Perform a takedown by sneaking/walking up behind an enemy and using your knife on there back for a 1 hit kill and an animation of the takedown. This is likely to be obtained by normal play.[Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"Interactive Madness"
"Take down 10 enemies" This is likely to be obtained through normal play once you learn how to do it as explained above.[Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"All about the back door"
"Take down 100 enemies" This can maybe be obtained through normal play but may also need to be grinded.[Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"Cleanup aisle 2"
"Blow up 10 enemies" This can be done via grenades or claymores that were given to you by pulling out your knife and then press LT for controller or G for keyboard and following the on-screen instructions for the grenade. This may likely be obtained through normal play.[Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]

"Well that's just excessive"
"Blow up 100 enemies" This can be obtained through normal play.[Earliest mission(s) you can get this achievement in: Tutorial/"I thought I was out..."]
Tool/Gun action use.
"STFU""Use the noise maker 20 times" This can be obtained through normal play or just spammed. Pull out your knife and then press the RB for Controller or F On Keyboard.[Earliest mission(s) you can achieve: "Who's Next" (3rd mission)]

"Hiding something?"
"Use 1 ECM" This can be done by pulling out your knife with Y on controller or E on keyboard, and then using LT on controller or G on keyboard. [Earliest missions(s) you can achieve: "Best served cold" (2nd mission)]

"Call tech support"
"Use 50 ECMs" Same actions as "Hiding something". But I recommend turning down your volume for this one if you're gonna use all of them at once cause it is loud and a bit annoying. [Earliest missions(s) you can achieve: "Best served cold" (2nd mission)]

"Don't get cocky"
"♥♥♥♥ gun 1 time" I would like to give a shout out to the people over at the discussion form on this game. Specifically the people in this one For indirectly helping me figure this out. If you don't feel like Clicking the link what they say is to "Press the analog stick" (The left/move stick in) or "Press Q" on the keyboard. [Earliest mission(s) you can achieve:"I thought I was out..."(Mission 1) (For shotgun) "Best served cold" (Mission 2) (For pistol) and Tutorial/ "Who's Next" (Mission 3) (For assault rifle)]

"Gratuitous Cocking"
"♥♥♥♥ gun 50 times" Do the same thing as you did for the first time. For quick succession, I recommend doing it with Pistol or the Assult rifel since you have to do the reload action everytime you do it with shotgun. You also may need to fail the mission due to running out of ammo [Earliest mission(s) you can achieve:"I thought I was out..."(Mission 1) (For shotgun) "Best served cold" (Mission 2) (For pistol) and Tutorial/ "Who's Next" (Mission 3) (For assault rifle)]

"Some dirty joke"
"♥♥♥♥ gun 100 times" same thing as you did for before except 99/50 more times depending on what point your reading this guide. Again you may need to purposely fail the mission if you run out of ammo. [Earliest mission(s) you can achieve:"I thought I was out..."(Mission 1) (For shotgun) "Best served cold" (Mission 2) (For pistol) and Tutorial/ "Who's Next" (Mission 3) (For assault rifle)]
"Office Complex" (Timed achievements mission 1 through 4)
"He's going"
"Beat "I thought I was out..." in 30 seconds" Simply run and gun making sure you kill all the enemies but try to avoid not moving forward

"The Distance"
"Beat "Best Served Cold" in 60 seconds" Once you first load into the level, you're gonna want to imminently switch to your knife and place down an EMP. Once you've done that drop down the vent but don't go down the other vent. Although the door to the right is guarded, if you enter at the
edge of the door you won't get spotted. Once you've gone through the door. depending on where the camera is facing you may have to quickly put down and EMP or you won't have to. Go left with your knife out and disable the cameras completing the first objective. Go right and walk past the door you came from and head to the door on the right of it. Once you've entered the room walk all the way right. There isn't any guards or cameras that should give you trouble or slow you down. Proceed to the only other door in that room. Once you've entered the next room walk all the way right to the elevator and go up as many times as you can. You know you're in the right room cause you'll see the game displaying the controls for the map for players that choose to halo jump. Enter the door on the left and back takedown the person to the left. If you've down this fast enough, you should get the achievement.

"He's going for"
"Beat "Who's Next" in 180 seconds" This one gives you the most time and is debatably the hardest to learn/route and potentially the most confusing. To start off you're going to want to choose the vent route (Option 2/the bottom one) When you first go into the mission walk towards the door while switching your gun on (preferably to auto). Then head left shooting (or knifing) the first guy you encounter. Head into the first door you come across while walking left. In the room, there will be two guys. One not looking at you and one looking at you. Shoot or knife the person on the right. You can ignore the guy on the left or take him out because sometimes he'll turn around and start shooting and other times he won't. your call. Once you've done that go active the objective on the right and leave the room from the door you entered it from and head right towards the elevator shooting or knifing the guy on the way towards the elevator. Head as far up the elevator as you can, at one floor there will be two guys aiming at you but if you're fast enough to go up or down the elevator they won't shoot, although sometimes for some reason they will shoot you regardless so again your call if you wanna take them out. Once you've reached the top activate the objective on the left. If you're badly damaged there is a door in front of that objective with a health kit. Once you've done head back down the elevator to the room where it tells you about using claymores (the second floor from the bottom or to be more specific the floor under where the two guys were aiming at you.) In that room, there should be two doors in the foreground in front of you. Enter the first door. There should be no trouble in that small room. simply head left and activate that objective. We're going to save the other door for later and for now, head left running and gunning (There are 4 sticks in that room if you wanna be careful and count. Take cover when you need to.) Once you've made it to the far left of the room head up the elevator once into a small room and activate the objective. Head back down walking back right but this time entering the door we've ignored before which should be the first door to you're right when walking back. The room is similar to the one the previous one where you need to head to the far left taking out four enemies along the way. (Again take cover when you need to). Head up the elevator as much as you can. (which is twice) and there should be a single stick in the room once you've gone to the top. If you're at EXTREMELY LOW health I would recommend to taking out your knife and doing a takedown on him. If you have the health to spare I would run and gun him. Enter the door on the right and activate the objective. Now head back out the same door (don't take the roof path), go into the elevator, and go back to the right of the room. Enter the door and head back down the elevator on the right and head left to the first door you see. The room should be the room you first started in with the vent to the right. Head into the vent to complete the mission and if you've done it fast enough get the timed achievement as well.

"Beat "Tip of the Iceberg" in 45 seconds" This one is quite simple and is a nice break from the previous one. At the mission preview, choose the rooftop path with the two vents in the picture. (The first option/ top left option/ the picture where you jump down the vents not go up them) And choose the Shotgun and armor. At the start of the mission head to the left vent and go down it (I'm not sure if there's a way to go into the right vents without exploding from the claymore.) Once you've gone down the left rooftop vent there is a stick in the room, you can choose to ignore him or shoot him or knife him (your call) and proceed down the elevator. The room you enter when you get out of the elevator will look scary but it's quite simple. Imminently go right and don't stop going right, Running and gunning non-stop. You may see a claymore in the room but if you keep running and gun right it'll blow up an enemy not you. Keep heading right till you grab the objective. (it may lag for a moment when you do) and head down the vent and go through the door. Once you've gone through the door, walk left and reload your gun and shoot any sticks on the way to the far left. Once you've gone to the far left you should complete the mission and if you've done it fast enough you should get the achievement.
"Arms Warehouse" (Timed achievements missions 5 through 7)
"He's all"
"Beat "Breaking New Ground" in 75 seconds" This one is going to be a bit tight. At the mission preview, select the shotgun and armor. At the start of the mission turn the safety off on the gun and pull out the knife all while moving right and heading up the elevator all the way to the top. once you're at the top head right and you choose if you want to take him out or go straight down to the vent and take a hit or two. once you've gone down the vent you should land on some metal cargo crates. Instead of waiting for the platform to come back jump down and head right and repeatably jump to avoid bullet damage. Head up the crates and through the vent and in the door. head left and at some point, you should see a stick or two but what you're really going to look out for is a box with a WHITE top. you can jump on stuff on this mission with white tops. After jumping on the box with the white top jump over to a white pallet to the right and on to the boxes to the right of that pallet. then head up the next white topped box then turn and head left up to the next set of pallets and boxes. keep platforming till you are under a room and a vent opens up so you can jump up to that room. Once you go into that room. take out the two guys in that room and head up the elevator once. Activate the objective and head through the door in front of it. Head left and down the vent. Walk left until you see the elevator again. Go down the elevator and go left to the start and you should complete the mission and if you're fast enough get the achievement.

"Beat "Bringing Down the House" in 120 seconds" This is a stealth mission, so try to not get caught. To start of choose to halo jump to the roof (first option). When the mission starts turn the safety off and head left. JUMP OVER the first opening on the roof to the lower roof where there is another opening. Jump on the moving platform and jump on the window balcony. enter the room, activate the objective and get out using the window. You can jump on the little server towers in the room below. jump or walk off onto one of them and wait for the stick to turn and walk to the right. when they do jump down to the left quickly active the objective, head right, knife the first stick and go out the door. After the door walk right, take-down the stick and use your gun to take out the two sticks toward the left. Active the objective at the left where the two stick was and head to the far right of the room and use the elevator (make sure you have ammo in your clip) when you enter the room head right turn around and shoot the stick. Pull out your knife and use an EMP to walk left and activate the objective. Use another after you activated it and head back right and up the elevator. There will be a stick Immidently when you go into the room jump left and shoot him from a distance or you get a second of being undetectable when exiting an elevator you can use this to jump over him and take him out (not sure if this is considered an exploit or not. if it is I'll edit the guide to not use the exploit) go through the door on the right and imminently use an EMP to disable the camera. walk left and active the final objective and complete the mission and if done fast enough get the achievement as well.

"All alone"
"Beat "Special Delivery" in 90 seconds" This is another elimination mission. A good way about going about this is choosing the grapple route/2nd option/bottom option and going with the Shotgun and armor. Upon starting the mission I recommend going left to the open ceiling window and jumping down. Take out the enemies with your shotgun. A tip is a closer you are to your enemy the more damage it is likely to do. Also, them having their backs toward you also seems to increase damage. Go through the floor and before going through the first door, go up the elevator and take out the guys on that floor. Proceed to go back down and go through the door. Take out the guy on the left and proceed to go to up the 2nd elevator. Kill the guy on that floor then head back down and proceed through the next door. Head up the Third elevator and taking out all the sticks on the floor, but be careful of your health and ammo. upon finishing the floor go back down the elevator because if you proceed to go left through the window you may be bombarded by multiple guys with low or no armor. but if you still have a fair bit left I'd recommend it. Take out the guys on the floor and proceed to the door on the left. After going through turn right and take out the guys on the crates then turn left and go to the yellow striped loading dock.

"U.S.S. New Ground" (Timed missions 8 through 10)
"In his"
"Beat "Smoke on the Water" in 150 seconds" This mission gives you the most time out of any other mission. When you load in, turn your safety off and head right taking out any sticks along the way. On the way you'll encounter a camera and a tad bit from it is two doors. A red one in the background and a white one in the foreground. Get as close to the camera as you can and use an EMP. Quickly run past it and the red door and head through the white one. Head left and use another EMP and run past the first camera in the room and go into the vent. Once you've done that climb up the cargo crate and take out the guy on it either by shooting or performing a takedown. Once you've gotten off the other end of the crate place an EMP and shoot the stick to the left. Active the objective and head back right to where there should be a platform going up and down on the cargo crate you just jumped off from. (If you head left you and through the door, you can grab the "PANDAMONIUM!!!" achievement). Go back to the cargo crate and jump and grab the platform as it's coming down. once at the top jump onto the crates on the left and continue running and jumping across till you get on a roof with a vent. There is a stick in the room under the vent. You can use the map to see where he is facing so you know when to go in (Note: you can not use your knife or switch weapons when in map mode but you can still shoot and open the vent). Go down, take out the stick and active the objective. Proceed down the next went and through the white door again. You want to go through the red door but there is a stick in the room where the door leads. Use your map to check where he is facing and time your movement off that. (Red doors lead you to a room in the same part of the building so it teleports you instantly to the spot where the door goes). Go up the red door and you can either take out the stick or don't, your call. Head up the boxes and go left and wait for the platform to come over. Ride the platform to the other part of the level and onto the roof. In the room below watch where the stick is facing. When the stick is facing away go down the vent and quickly through the red door. and walk towards the green door to the right and complete the mission. If you've done it fast enough you should also get the achievement.

"Time of"
"Beat "Fire in the Sky" in 120 seconds" To start of this mission you Can either choose the shotgun and armor or the Assault rifle, there are a lot of enemies in the level but they can be dealt with either weapon choice. To start off you have a very straightforward path. Continue down the first hall and go through the door. After the door head right and take out any sticks you see. Head down the vent and proceed left and go into the white door in the foreground. Head down the vent and go through the white door on that floor. Take out the stick and pull out your knife if you haven't already, walk left and activate the objective. Go back through the door you've entered from and proceed right. and jump up the crate. When you're on the crate to the right is another objective. You can reach it one of two ways. You can jump and try and climb the ledge of the platform it is on but for some reason, it dosesn't seem consistent. Or the safer way is to climb up the other platforms to your left and jump down on it. Active the objective, climb back on the crate and go up the platforms to the left side of the crate. once on the most top platform take out the stick, jump down to the floor on the right and you can choose if you want to take out the other stick. Head right and up the crate and there will be a platform with another objective on it. Active the objective and go down to the door under it. Head up the door with the stair sign next to it in the background, active the objective to the right and go back down the stair door. Proceed to the vent to the right. After the vent head right to the red door and active the objective (and grab health if needed). Once you've done what you need go back out the door and turn left and jump down to ground level. Keep walking down the hall until you see a white door head through the white door. After that head left through the green door and complete the mission and if you did it fast enough, get the achievement as well.

"Beat "The Death of a Behemoth" in 75 seconds" This is it. The final level and thankfully probably the second simplest mission to speedrun. You can choose anything you want in terms of weaponry, there are not many groups of enemies. At most 3 enemies in a group. When you load in go down the hall and through the door. After the door climb on top of the box and jump to the ledge on the left. Head right and up the stairs then head left and up the other stairs taking care of any sticks on the way. Once in a small narrow room head through the right door in the foreground. Once you are outside again head right and up the ledges. If you are extremely low on health. Go up the ledge and walk above the enemies. If you have the health to spare gun through them. Head through the door and down the hall. Head up the stairs and go left through the hall and into the green door. You'll be on the top floor of the ship. Simply walk over to the left and walk in front of the green door. You technically completed the mission and you'll either get the achievement here or after completing the short sequence after. (Spoilers: Simply walk up, grab the ammo on the table, reload and take him out).
Raging Demon May 30, 2021 @ 3:04pm 
"Out of the Steam Backlog"

You know it
Smectik Apr 19, 2021 @ 9:31pm 
Dunno why no comments here
Many thanks for the guide, very helpful! :good:
ToxicDog Sep 3, 2017 @ 1:01pm 
Hello, I added your guide here:
I hope you enjoy it ^^