Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

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Newbee guide for Secret World Legends players
Készítő: uppastbedtime
TSW has been streamlined , revamped and relaunched as SWL! This makes for a strange combination sometimes as there is 5 years of experience and development butting up against totally new systems. From a lore, story and mission perspective it is fine to use resources from TSW, as the bulk of these things have not changed drastically. On the mechanics side though there have been extensive changes, and the playerbase doesn't yet have a firm lock on builds and theory crafting yet.

It is an exciting time to start playing, as a new player arguably gets the best story experience coupled with the chance to experiment and discover things about the combat and build systems without having "you're doing it wrong!" bashed over their head.

This is not meant to be a comprehensive guide, there are good ones out there already that cover the mechanics of the game in depth. However a new player will probably run into some questions immediately, and this should explain things and answer oft-repeated worries, especially about "wasting" experience, gear or currency.
Don't overthink the beginning of the game
Leveling (your character)
Leveling (your equipment)
Dungeons and other non-solo content
Patron status, is it worth it?
What is the point of the game?
List of guides mentioned and thanks to contributers
2 megjegyzés
EasTxRedHead 2021. febr. 23., 8:57 
I guess they gave up before completing the guide. :(
Koisein 2020. júl. 7., 4:46 
where the rest of explaination?