Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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[Outdated] How to: create backup of your profile/save game
By Slay___
Outdated, no longer valid or working.

This guide will list simple steps to backup your profile and why you should do it regularly.
The problem
Originally posted by Unlucky person:
OMG! I just lost everything I had!

If you see the EULA (after you have already agreed to it on first launch) your profile is empty and you have lost everything.

There are a few different scenarios currently in the game which makes you lose your progress in levels, bloodpoints, prestige clothing, perks, items, addons, etc. The only thing you get to keep is your online rank, DLC content and DLC clothing.

Some of these scenarios may include:
  • Steam maintenance (Every week on Tuesday around 00:00-01:00 UTC)
  • Connection loss to the host (killer) at any point of the game
  • Connection loss to the Internet or Steam, for any reason
  • IP address change, some dynamic IP addresses may change on the fly depending your ISP
  • Corrupted Steam Cloud download or upload of save game file

If you know other reasons or you have lost your save game for any reason, please comment how it happened to you. I haven't had this issue so I really don't know the reason(s). This has happened to me but I am not 100% sure of the reason, could be IP address change or the killer lost connection to me while loading my profile.
The fix
To backup your profile you need to navigate to this folder:
You can use this to find out your steamID3:

Inside that folder you will find a file named:

This file includes your profile.

You can just copy that file to another location anywhere you want, same hard drive, another hard drive, USB stick, cloud storage, etc..
In order to always have recent backup you should backup the file before you launch the game, always. Else you are stuck with old backup which may not have all the progress you gained in X days of playing.

You can automate the process with Windows scripting (*.bat file) but you still need to run the file each time you are starting to play the game.
Guide to that can be found here:

Advanced users may find this guide helpful for automation:

When/if you lose your progress all you need to do is to paste your backed up file back to that folder and make sure it's very recent or recent. If it's too old you may ask support for compensation of your loss.

Video showing the issue and applying the fix mentioned above
What if I have already lost my profile and don't have a backup!?
You need to gather some information about your account and your loss first, then you must email the support team.

Ok, so what do I need then?
1. Link to your Steam Community profile page (and set your profile privacy to public)

2. Your Player cloud ID (this can be found from the game settings, take a screenshot of this)

3. How many hours you have played (this can be found on your profile page or Steam library game page)
4. Which characters you had prestiged

When you have found everything send all of that to this email address:
Email subject: LOP (Loss of progress)

After you have sent the email you should get automatic reply which looks like this:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (<YOUR-CASE-NUMBER>) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

In order to handle your issue faster, please send us your steam ID, Gamertag or PSN name.

Thank you for your patience.

This email is a service from Dead by Daylight. Delivered by Zendesk

Now that you have successfully sent an email give them some time to review your case and compensate your loss with bloodpoints ~50k/hour played. Note that this is not instant or even same day, it's first to come first to serve - and you are not the only one having issues with the game.

Your loss of progress will only be compensated once!

Slay___  [author] Nov 6, 2017 @ 7:22am 
Steam backup feature backs up only the game files but not the actual save file since it's not inside that folder but in the Steam userdata folder.

Steam backup feature only backs up the ..\Steam\steamapps\common\GAME-NAME folder.

To get your loss compensated (bloodpoints only) you need to see the part of the guide which is titled: What if I have already lost my profile and don't have a backup!?

You wont get your levels, prestige rewards, perks, teachables, items, addons or offerings back.
Cartai777 (Citytreff Bebra) Nov 5, 2017 @ 12:25pm 
Yo i have a question so i didnt do the backup like this i went to the steam library right click then properties then i did like save game data or some shit is there some way i can get all my Things back when i did it that way?
Slay___  [author] Sep 12, 2017 @ 7:18am 
Updated the guide with a video showing the progress loss and applying backup file to fix it, the video itself does not show folders or Windows - just the game.
Slay___  [author] Aug 12, 2017 @ 11:14pm 
Updated the guide with link to another guide with automated backup script:
NinjaKatMeow Aug 12, 2017 @ 12:34pm 
Slay___  [author] Aug 12, 2017 @ 10:52am 
Scrappy, as far as I know the support only compensates progress loss once. I would guess you just have to live with it if they have compensated it once already.. So make a backup and you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
NinjaKatMeow Aug 12, 2017 @ 10:32am 
What if you lose your progress multiple times?
resey Aug 12, 2017 @ 9:26am 
Thx , u help one of my friends