The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

471 ratings
By Compilatron
The most detailed, spoiler proof guide you will ever find, no joke! I garantee 98.3% I have every single ending in game, no matter if it is intended or not! I have poored quite a few hours into this thing so I hope you enjoy it!
How to use this guide
Hello, and welcome to my guide!

This guide I had made with the express purpose of hinting others of endings they may not have found yet, yet still want to discover for themselves. Simply scroll through the text below and look for a title you like, and do it! I have ordered the guide into to categories, "Forced Endings", "Unforced Endings" and "Optional Endings".

A forced ending is when:
  • The "the end is never the end" loading screen appears
  • You automaticly restart in your office and after the restart can continue to play to any other ending (this is to not have every restart of "The Confusion Ending" be considered it's own ending, and on my behalf, require its own title and description)
you may notice that the forced endings section is in 2 parts this is because steam has a flipping char limit on each section, thank you steam!

An unforced ending is when:
  • You are unable to continue to another forced ending
  • The only way to acquire another ending is for the user to restart

An optional ending is when:
  • You are free to continue to another ending
  • The game suggests in some way that this IS an ending (this is to avoid every single moment of the game being considered an ending, which in turn would result in alot of typing!)

In it's own respective category, I have sorted each ending by it's closest relationship to the cannon storyline (i.e. endings that occur when you make choices latter on will be higher in their category). As a side effect of this, playing them in order will usually result in the least amount of spoilers (but not always!). When reading this guide, the first few instructions will be readable, however, the rest will be hidden until you hover your mouse over them. This is to avoid spoilers. If you are struggling to achieve an ending (or are lazy) simply hover over the desired step to see the outcome.

Forced Endings
Cannon (storyline) Ending
not to be confused with "The Escape Pod" ending
This is the most obvious ending, you simply follow the narrators instructions. It is a good idea to complete this one before anything else, such as to get the least amount of spoilers latter on.
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the left
  3. Continue through the meeting room
  4. Continue up the stairs
  5. Enter the bosses office
  6. Type in the keypad behind the desk 2-8-4-5 (the narrator reveals the code anyway)
  7. Enter the secret passage and enter the elevator
  8. Continue down the corridor and ignore the route which says "escape"
  9. Press each of the buttons as they are revealed in the monitor room
  10. Continue through the control room and into the power control room
  11. Press the "off" button
  12. Walk out the exit

Explosion Ending
This is a ending closely connected to the Canon (storyline) Ending, so it would be tempting to try it.
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the left
  3. Continue through the meeting room
  4. Continue up the stairs
  5. Enter the bosses office
  6. Type in the keypad behind the desk 2-8-4-5 (the narrator reveals the code anyway)
  7. Enter the secret passage and enter the elevator
  8. Continue down the corridor and ignore the route which says "escape"
  9. Press each of the buttons as they are revealed in the monitor room
  10. Continue through the control room and into the power control room
  11. Press the "on" button
  12. Blow up
It is important to note, so you don't end up wasting 4 hours of your life It is impossible to survive the explosion ending. The narrator never lies in "The Stanley Parable", and that isn't going to change now. No matter how hard you try or as many buttons you press, you will always die in this ending

Museum Ending
WARNING! contains heavy spoilers for just about every other ending there is, so do this one LAST!
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the left
  3. Continue through the meeting room
  4. Continue up the stairs
  5. Enter the bosses office
  6. Type in the keypad behind the desk 2-8-4-5 (the narrator reveals the code anyway)
  7. Enter the secret passage and enter the elevator
  8. Continue down the corridor
  9. Take the route labelled "escape"
  10. Meet your doom in the form of a massive crusher
  11. Find out that the narrator has a narrator
  12. Exit the crusher and browse the museum and its many exhibits
  13. Find the exit
  14. Get crushed anyway

Escape Pod Ending
I frankly have little understanding of this one.
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the left
  3. Continue through the meeting room
  4. Continue up the stairs
  5. Enter the bosses office, but immediately leave before the doors close
  6. Go back to your office, and you will find the door to the right has been opened into a black space, which you go into
  7. Climb up a flight of stairs labelled "Escape Pods"
  8. Go into an empty black space and eventually restart

Madness Ending
Aka: Poline Parable, Dream Ending
This is personally my least favourite ending, and you'll see why.
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the left
  3. Continue through the meeting room
  4. Continue down the stairs
  5. Become the victim of insanity
  6. Die

Coward Ending
  1. Don't leave your cubicle
  2. Close the door
  3. Get an answer

Confusion Ending
not to be confused with the "Madness Ending"
Another one of my favourite endings, it is really long though (as you can see!), so I've ordered it by every restart the narrator instigates

Note that during this ending, the loading screens show the "the end is never the end" loading screen. However, they act as a normal loading screen, forcing the player to their inevitable conclusion. However, should the player restart manually, the game will perform as normal

Restart 0 (because you haven't actually restarted yet)
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the right
  3. Go through the employee lounge (or stop to admire it, your choice)
  4. Take the door on the left
  5. Don't continue through to the meeting room and use the elevator to your left
  6. The narrator will end up struggling to find the way to the story
  7. The narrator ends up spoiling the story anyway
Restart 1
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Pick a door There are now 6 doors to chose from! it doesn't matter which you chose, you will still end up restarting.
  3. Have an Adventure! "This is one of the worst adventure I've ever been on!" - narrator
Restart 2
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. There are now no doors to chose from!
  3. The narrator will tell you to go back and see if you missed something, as it turns out we missed a world portal
  4. You come across a dead end and go back
  5. End up in a slightly freaky old wood room
  6. The narrator will claim that you have won, then feel disappointed at the fact that it was just too easy, and thus feels obliged to restart
Restart 3
  1. Find out about the Stanley Parable Adventure Line™, whom you will follow throughout this load. Note the ™ after The Line™'s name. If you enable subtitles, every time the narrator talks about It™, even in pronoun, it will have a ™ after it!
  2. The Line™ will end up going along some random path through the rest of the office building
  3. The Line™ starts off along the floor, until eventually doing strange patterns and even going up walls at points! In the meantime, the narrator starts doing some weird philosophy and stuff, then plays adventure music to brighten the mood
  4. You will find the peer reviews of employee 432, a lot of them
  5. Look at a plant, for some reason
  6. Find out that the Line™ you've looped back to the office
  7. Unsurprisingly, the Line™ has taken you to the monitor room again
Restart 4
  1. You will respawn with The Adventure Line™ again, but the narrator will instead ignore It™ and go down a different path to make a new story
  2. As you go down the corridor, you will find The Line™ again, and the narrator comments that he wants It™ to have no part in his new story
  3. Come to a round room with two doors on the other side, but the narrator will make the decision for you
  4. Find "The Confusion Ending Schedule" with another 3 restarts to go! You may also notice that whichever door the narrator had chosen, he would end up at this place.
  5. You will break the cycle and restart as normal

I would like to note that the list above is NOT a copy and paste of The Confusion Ending Schedule" found in game!

Forced Endings cont.
Power Ending
Moral: don't get too cocky!
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the right
  3. Go through the employee lounge (or stop to admire it, your choice)
  4. Ignore the door on the left and go straight on through to the loading bay
  5. Take the freight elevator
  6. Jump off the freight elevator on transit (and onto the floor, if you end up on the catwalk, you'll end up with the "Zending" or the "Developer Ending")
  7. Be respected (not really actually)

Apartment Ending
get owned by a maniquine!
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the right
  3. Go through the employee lounge (or stop to admire it, your choice)
  4. Ignore the door on the left and go straight on through to the loading bay
  5. Take the freight elevator across to the other side
  6. Answer the phone
  7. Appear in some sort of an apartment block
  8. Hear your "wife's" voice
  9. Find out you don't have a wife and that it was just a maniquine
  10. Follow the keyboard instructions
  11. Follow the keyboard instructions too well
  12. Die

Not Stanley Ending
Find out you're not Stanley, then watch an educational video!!
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the right
  3. Go through the employee lounge (or stop to admire it, your choice)
  4. Ignore the door on the left and go straight on through to the loading bay
  5. Take the freight elevator across to the other side
  6. Instead of answering the phone pull out the phone's plug
  7. Find out that was the wrong response
  8. Watch an educational video about choices
  9. Find out that the map is breaking
  10. Walk back to the two doors
  11. Choose a door
  12. If you take the right door, you will find the map has broken, and you will restart back at the doors
  13. Continue through the meeting room
  14. Continue up the stairs
  15. Enter the bosses office
  16. Be met with a voice activated lock instead of a keypad
  17. Be unable to trigger the lock, due to the fact that like so many other source engine characters (chell for example) you cannot speak
  18. Have an out of body experience

(so called) Zending
Not to be confused with the "Madness Ending" which aliases to the "Dream Ending"
This one is actually pretty sad, don't do it if you are feeling a little depressed.
  • Walk through the spawn office
  • Choose the door on the right
  • Go through the employee lounge (or stop to admire it, your choice)
  • Ignore the door on the left and go straight on through to the loading bay
  • Take the freight elevator across
  • Jump off the elevator and onto the cat-walk
  • Take the red door
  • Enjoy the light show
  • Eventually get bored, and find a bunch of stairs
  • Jump off them two times
  • Feel empathetic for the narrator
  • Realise that this is a video game, and jump off anyway
  • Die

Developer Ending
visit Dev-land! (or rather get stuck there for the rest of eternity)
  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the right
  3. Go through the employee lounge (or stop to admire it, your choice)
  4. Ignore the door on the left and go straight on through to the loading bay
  5. Take the freight elevator across
  6. Jump off the elevator and onto the cat-walk
  7. Take the blue door
  8. Take the blue door again
  9. Look behind you and take the blue door again
  10. Find a larger empty space with a few point lights and developer textures
  11. Play a game involving the murder of babies (or not)
  12. Playtest a new version of "The Stanley Parable" with an extra door
  13. Vote as low as possible!
  14. Playtest a new version of "The Stanley Parable" with a leaderboard (note that you are the worst scoring at the moment)
  15. Vote as low as possible!
  16. Play Minecraft!
  17. Watch the narrator build a dirt shack
  18. Go caving for diamonds to make the narrators house even worse
  19. Play Portal!
  20. Do some basic cube and button testing
  21. Get owned by the elevator
  22. Fall into Dev-land!!
  23. Wander around a bit then get lost
  24. Find some half-life console equipment, then restart
Unforced Endings
Office Window Ending
  1. Attempt to climb onto the desk of employee 434, via his chair
  2. Crouch and then proceed to the desk of employee 433 and out the window
  3. You will be met by some narration by the narrator and then an option about whether you are enjoying this gag Note that each option has a different outcome!
  4. Should you press the "yes" option: The Narrator will express his frustration to the fact you haven't restarted the game, and then play a slightly rude song until you do
    Should you press the "no" option: The Narrator will then question whether you, now that you have selected that option, would then come back and try the other option after you had restarted the game

Heaven Ending
This one is slightly finicky to categorise, because it requires the user to do specific actions during a normal playthrough, in which case you could continue on to another ending of your choice (mostly) however, once you have completed these actions you are now stuck until you restart the game.

You may notice that all the steps are hidden, or missing information this is because this ending requires you to find computers showing "awaiting input" on there display. These are computers already in the office, but each time a different computer will need to be pressed to achieve the ending. If you are unsure of where the next computer is, feel free to reveal the appropriate step.
  1. Click the computer on desk 419 and restart
  2. Click the computer on desk 423 and restart
  3. Click the computer on the boss's secretary's desk and restart
  4. Click the computer on desk 434 and restart
  5. Click the computer on desk 427 (because it is your own computer this time!)
  6. Go to heaven (or at least, Stanley's heaven)
  7. Repeatedly press the buttons that encircle you, or just ram into them to make them stop moving
  8. Realise just how boring heaven is (restart!)
Optional Endings
The Whiteboard Ending
If you've played The Stanley Parable a few times, you may notice that occasionally you spawn in offices that are not the normal variants, this one requires that you spawn in the "Blue Room Office" which is distinct because the walls will be blue.

This is most likely the result of a developer being to lazy to implement an actual ending

  1. Restart a few times (or continue playing) until you acquire the 'Blue Room Office' beginning.
  2. Click on door 426. If you do not want to reveal the spoiler, simply press on random objects in the office (don't leave it) until you find which one is correct.
  3. Discover the whiteboard ending

The Broom Closet Ending
I love this one!

  1. Walk through the spawn office
  2. Choose the door on the left
  3. Continue through the meeting room
  4. Open the "Broom Closet" and enter
  5. Hang around for a while
  6. The narrator will show his initial confusion in you entering the broom closet
  7. The narrator will then realise you are trying to find a secret, and start to get a bit cross It's fun to note that due to this, once you achieve the broom closet ending, the narrator will board up the broom closet so as you cannot do it for the rest of the session!
  8. The narrator will then mention you talking about a "Broom Closet Ending"

before you spam the comments to say that the "Broom Closet Ending" is not an ending, I would like you to scroll up to the top and read the section on how I categorised this guide. this ending DOES allow you to continue to another ending AND it does mention a "Broom Closet Ending" in game (specifically from the narrator). This is my guide and I consider this an ending!
Notes and Conclusions
So, there you have it!
Every ending in my recollection to The Stanley Parable! If I missed any, feel free to put them in the comments below.

thanks for reading!
1yng-Gamer Jun 24, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
Is the alternate office building with a bunch of papers on the floor have an ending? Thanks!
adrastia9 Mar 27, 2023 @ 7:50pm 
If desk 434 is bugged keep trying. This happened to me and 434's screen looked glitchy. At first I thought it was part of the path to the ending. But I think it's just a bug in the game itself. I had to press it a bunch of times but eventually it did work. Try walking away from the desk and coming back. Sometimes that unglitches the graphic on 434's screen too.
Daddy Dec 17, 2022 @ 11:01pm 
desk 434 is bugged on the heaven ending. Won't let me press it -_-
Virulence Oct 28, 2022 @ 7:25pm 
bro thank you
Rosiegirl15 Aug 11, 2022 @ 8:29am 

In the Not Stanley Ending, since the game is now "Broken" You can't go through the meeting room because the table is blocking the way. The narrator says something and then it resets. How did you continue?
sharlot Apr 15, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
you dont need to vote as low as possible in the developer ending
no Dec 28, 2021 @ 4:35pm 
There's another ending in the section of the Developer ending where you are playing portal you can get the companion cube, throw it towards the exit, get on the button, and have the cube go through the door. You're softlocked, and need to restart from there.
ookacha Nov 21, 2021 @ 12:01am 
Joseph Oct 31, 2021 @ 1:52pm 
thanks it was really fun to do all of these
Drope Jul 16, 2021 @ 9:41am 
when I try to do "the escape pod ending" and I enter the boss's office, I go back and the staircase is closed. What can I do?