Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

39 次評價
Capitalist Conquest
標籤: UI, Gameplay, Resources, Other
8.568 KB
2017 年 7 月 17 日 下午 12:20
1 項更新註記 (檢視)

Capitalist Conquest

Allows Players to buy other Sponsors with Energy and take over their cities.

Works with all versions of the game.

Yes indeed. With this mod, you too can own your own pet Sponsor. Or maybe two? Or maybe... a whole planet? Well... I hope you have the Energy storages to make such a luxurious purchase, because you'll surely need it.

With this mod, players can buy other Sponsors and gain ownership of all their stuff. Well, most of their stuff, their units will be disbanded, and their outposts destroyed. But their cities and their workers, yes, you can have them. Well, the population might not like their new owner and rebel for a while, and the other Sponsors might see you as a filthy Capitalist Swine on the level of a warmonger, but let's not get bogged down by details, right? All of those shiny cities can be yours, and you don't even have to have military to conquer them.

The Energy Cost required to buy other sponsors goes up dynamically as they found more cities, gain more population and enmass larger Energy reserves themselves. Buying a sponsor is understandably quite expensive and will require the player to focus quite heavily on producing Energy.

I won't get into details about the formula here, but if you want you can go to the Mod folder (Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth\MODS) and open the file Costuomization.xml with a text editor to see and edit the variables involved to your liking. It's difficult to balance such a mod for all difficulties and player skill levels, so if you feel sponsors are too easy or hard to buy, go ahead and edit things to your liking. ;)

All Sponsors now also put a higher value on Energy.

Limitations/Known Bugs:
- If Outposts are destroyed as a result of buying a Sponsor, the outpost label will not be properly removed from the map. This bug cannot be prevented without replacing a base game file and thus creating compatibility issues, but can be resolved by reloading the game, but just ignoring the label will also not cause any problems.
15 則留言
Sugilite 2019 年 1 月 23 日 上午 12:40 
This could be awesome, look at Offworld Trading Company, their share system would work perfectly as an extension of this, it'd be so much fun XD
Mk Z 2019 年 1 月 16 日 下午 8:10 
ritasuma 2018 年 5 月 30 日 上午 5:51 
what actually would be a great mod would be a way to buy shares of sponsors to gain a fraction of their energy cost.
Since you have to remember that these sponsors act more like corporations than actual nations
Ryika  [作者] 2017 年 11 月 2 日 下午 1:21 
The whole mod isn't that serious, as obviously you can't just "buy" other cities and then they're yours, so I think that bit of meta is fitting. ;)

You can of course change it manually if you prefer a more serious message. The file to do that can be found in:

Users\<Username>\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth\MODS\Capitalist Conquest (v 1)\XML\Text

Text_CapitalistUI.xml can be opened with any text editor -> search for TXT_KEY_RYIKA_CAPCON_UI_CIV_OUT_OF_STOCK and edit the text in the the <Text>-Tag below, but make sure you leave the tags as they are.
Giaxo17 2017 年 11 月 2 日 下午 1:10 
I don't like how it says to, "Check back next game." Kinda breaks the immersion, don't you think? Just a small thing that bugs me, but otherwise looks great. I like the concept.
ritasuma 2017 年 10 月 26 日 上午 7:55 
Thanks goy, just what i was looking for
*hand rubbing intensifies*
bad at video games 2017 年 10 月 16 日 下午 6:05 
*Anti-Imperialism intensifies*
Petoria 2017 年 10 月 13 日 上午 9:31 
This has to be one of the best mods of all time
SeekingEternity 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 6:29 
Ooh, reminds me of the economic victory from Alpha Centauri (although that was actually more reminiscent of most Cive:BE victories, in that it had a timer during which everybody hates you before the takeover is complete). I like having more options that way.
Allikrid 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 5:44 
Can you do a share system like in "offworld trading company" game ?

For instance, I would buy some of my shares to secure my capital from buyout, then sell them to get extra cash to buy shares of a concurrent. More shares I have, the more it will cost to buy me, but if I'm not among the current winners, It could also be wasted money.

A financial system based on victory ratings would be cool too. For instance, If someone else is winning, its share values go up fast, and buying some will be a good investment (but also protecting him from buyout).

If Sponsors go into war or imbargo, prices will go down. So it could be a good idea to sell before a incoming war, and if someone sells his shares, then you know that he might plan something.

It would also be good to trade theses "shares" against something between human players.

Sorry for the bad english.