Spy - Snipe that, ya freakin' punks!
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Líbilo se Vám toto video? (Kategorie:TF2, Replay)

Počet komentářů: 8
Sügor 26. lis. 2012 v 14.59 
First, it was a scout killing a sniper...
Then, it was a scout killing a robot sniper...
Now, it's a SPY killing TWO snipers! Oh, and a medic, too. ... so amazing
Unicat 24. lis. 2012 v 5.29 
OH MY GOD so much skill !
Mochi 20. lis. 2012 v 20.03 
That is an amazing hat. Must be worth a couple buds(At least)
Chaney 18. lis. 2012 v 9.14 
So you backstabbed a couple of stationary snipers? Did you honestly expect this to win anything?
TwoLegumes 17. lis. 2012 v 16.47 
This is just a clip of you playing in a very average fashion. Sorry, nothing really outstanding here.
Honster 16. lis. 2012 v 12.04 
Entries have to be at least 720p.
Adam Bomb 15. lis. 2012 v 20.56 
Only thing I find wrong with this: The Gibus.
Knox 15. lis. 2012 v 20.55 
that f2p guy was practicing and hes good at that i vote yes