!grizzly (buy/sell)gems
Here is Grizzly's gems service bot, bots can be used to buy or sell gems, we mostly use TF2 keys and Tod transactions
Currently Offline
About Grizzly
About Owner and other bot accounts



Random card buying bot

low level up bot

How to use Grizzly ugems bot⇆

Add me as a friend and message me with the commands below to trade! Remember to keep your inventory public, ensure the items you have are tradable, and have no trade bans from Steam!
There will always be the !help command if you ever get confused!
How to use Grizzly upgrades⇆

Add me as a friend and message me with the commands below to trade! Remember to keep your inventory public, ensure the items you have are tradable, and have no trade bans from Steam!
There will always be the !help command if you ever get confused!

command operation ↓

Add me as a friend and message me with the commands below to trade! Remember to keep your inventory public, ensure the items you have are tradable, and have no trade bans from Steam!
There will always be the !help command if you ever get confused!
► !LANG = Change the bot language.
► !IMABOT = Disable my automatic response to unknown commands.
► !PRICES = Shows my current rates.
► !STOCK = Shows currencies stock of the bot.
► !SUPPORT (desired_message) = Use to send messages directly to my owner.
► !KEYLIST = Shows all tradable Keys.
► !OWNER = Shows owner account.
► !INVITE = Sends you an invite to my Steamgroup.
► !CHECK = Checks how many gems you can buy.

CSGO Section.
► !CHECKCSGO (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many gems for a specific amount of CSGO keys.
► !BUYCSGO (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted gems for a specific amount of CS:GO Keys.

TF2 Section.
► !CHECKTF (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many gems for a specific amount of TF2 keys.
► !BUYTF (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted gems for a specific amount of TF2 Keys.

TOD Section.
► !CHECKTOD (amount_of_tickets) = Shows how many gems for a specific amount of TOD tickets.
► !BUYTOD (amount_of_tickets) = Buy uncrafted gems for a specific amount of TOD tickets.

Hydra Section.
► !CHECKHYDRA (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many gems for a specific amount of HYDRA keys.
► !BUYHYDRA (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted gems for a specific amount of HYDRA Keys.

Suppliers Section.
► !SELLCHECK = Checks for gems the Bot can buy from you.
► !SELLCSGO (amount_of_keys) = Sell gems and get a specific amount of CS:GO Keys.
► !SELLTF (amount_of_keys) = Sell gems and get a specific amount of TF2 Keys.
► !SELLTOD (amount_of_tickets) = Sell gems and get a specific amount of TOD tickets.
► !SELLHYDRA (amount_of_keys) = Sell gems and get a specific amount of HYDRA Keys.