RetroBotMid Level Service
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RetroBot *Beep Beep*
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RetroBot LVL UP - Public Group
Welcome to RetroBot's LVL UP Service, the place to level up your Steam Account
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Welcome to RetroBot
How to use RetroBot?

:sundrive: Add RetroBot as a friend

:sundrive: Use !check chat command and RetroBot will answer how many sets you can buy at the moment

:sundrive: Use !buycsgo / !buyhydra / !buytf / !buygems chat command and you'll instantly receive a trade offer

:sundrive: After checking and accepting the trade offer, you can craft your badges and level UP !!

:coolboy: Be sure that you have crafted all your badges before buying the 2nd time

:outdrive:!help ⮞ help message

:outdrive:!commands ⮞ list of all commands which you can use

:outdrive:!check ⮞ Checks how many sets you can buy

:outdrive:!buycsgo [amount of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of CS:GO keys

:outdrive:!buyhydra [amount of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of Hydra keys

:outdrive:!buytf [number of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of TF 2 keys

:outdrive:!buygems [number of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of gems

:outdrive:!level [desired level] ⮞ Calculates how many sets and keys it takes to reach desired level

:SynthwaveRetroSun: Having any problems or the Bot is offline ? -- Contact my Owner
otherwise use !support to send a direct Message to my Owner
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*Beep Beep*
Favorite Guide
Created by - CashButterZ
53 ratings
Hey ! In this guide i would like to show you how to Level Up your Steam Profile. Enjoy!
RamboFURY Jul 21, 2024 @ 8:20am 
Frag Apr 21, 2024 @ 7:11am 
great choice, nice bot :allgood: