Stone Fox Studios
Stone Fox Studios   United States
Stone Fox Studios is the partnership of writer/coder Stoya and artist Kentyrr. Neither of us had ever attempted a creative work before starting on Chasing Sunsets. We met on Discord one day and bonded over fan art, and out of this our proof-of-concept was born.

Our goal was to breathe a level of maturity and quality into adult gaming that is often largely absent. Learning from other developers, we quickly designed our own style, which can be defined by certain trademark qualities:

-Heavy static image density: Usually a unique piece of art for every line of dialogue
-Third person selectively omniscient narration
-80's and 90's pop culture references
-Atmospheric lighting and heavily modfied/customized scene assets
-Lewd scenes with depth or a psychological element involved
-Full soundtrack and sound effect integration
-State-of-the-art features like Scene Galleries, Achievements, and more

While we both work full-time jobs in addition to our development work, we strive to put out content every 90-120 days and do so at a level of quality we hope shines through in the released product.

We love what we do, and we hope you do too!
Currently Offline