
I know code i use notepad++
C/Cpp, Golang, XML, SQL, Js, C# :TamiNeko:
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XML x Golang
I love XML XML is the best language XML is a language XML is a real language trust me I know what I'm talking about XML I love it so much the way it handles data makes me feel good inside XML is so real XML is so kind XML is so awesome XML is the best programming language XML is a language trust me I'm good programmer trust me trust me I love XPath makes finding things easy I make web scraper using XPath with golang trust I love XML and everything it has to offer I love xquery I love converting my golang code to xquery golang is best lang so is XML XML is so hot and cute I can snuggle it for hours I LOVE IT SO MUCH I can stare at it for hours XML is very very real and very kawaii ^^

I love golang golang is best lang I love the way it looks I love everything about it I love it so much every time i see go I think of golang I love the blue gopher it's very very cute best logo- lo-go like go golng I love golang I love hard coding a HTTP Handler in golang makes me feel good I love making a restful API in golang I love the error race condition makes me reflect on society very down to earth lang so real golang is the better python it is a compiled language which makes it cool all interpreted languages are bad golang is way better than rust golang > rust I love golang so much it makes it easy to hardcode everything golang standard library on top it is very very pog :D
Review Showcase
0.2 Hours played
i love this game but can we get VR support pwease.
Favorite Game
KSteal May 30 @ 12:10pm 
W name
hdfoxy1 May 24 @ 1:44pm 
famboy furry ♥♥♥
iz. Apr 25 @ 9:38am 
Xhadowxhelm Apr 23 @ 9:55pm 
8,000 hours in vrchat is crazy ngl
Mezque Mar 11 @ 2:51am 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Happy New Year 2011
KSteal Jan 15 @ 6:51pm 
Dats my brother