United States
I am a Redneck ♥♥♥♥ and will not apologize for it. Making assumptions of me before getting to know me shows your biases.

The history of the term Redneck has been so many times altered to reflect its original intent that it is laughable.

The truth: The term Redneck was originally created by slave owners to talk down to non slave owners. It was meant to demean them for doing their own work in the fields. As you may guess it was meant to tease because they would get sun burnt in the sun working all day. People who were called Rednecks took the term as a badge of honor since they took pride in doing their own work. This angered those who originally coined the term, so they started adding BS stereotypes to it. Since that side had(s) control over media they started a lie campaign to say Rednecks where "racist" while ignoring the history behind the term. Today the term includes all those who work/play outdoors aka: blue collar workers. For example anyone that works outside, listens to country/rock, loves diesel trucks, mudding, camping, hiking, hunting, shooting, archery, and anyone that can fix anything. The side that perpetuates stereotypes would like everyone to think that a Redneck is a southern born racist, but in fact it is them that are the racist and they only want to divide us into groups based on skin color or orientation alone. I will not change who I am to suite some BS bigoted agenda.

Be careful who you assume is raciest from lies perpetrated by a divisive side, because the people that grow your food, take care of livestock, repair your equipment or build your homes are all Redneck's.
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