Lord Kangaroo
In a far away forest, on the edge of the town, lived a family of kangaroos. They were the mother kangaroo, the father kangaroo, Kinky the son kangaroo, and the little baby kangaroo who was just born, and lived in the mother’s pouch.

One day, mother Kangaroo asked Kinky to collect some sweet grass from the other side of the stream, for baby kangaroo. Kinky was a naughty boy. He did not want to work. He was lazy and only wanted to play. He fussed, and stamped his hoof, and said, “No, I don’t want to, I want to play with my friends.”

His mother said, “Now, Kinky do as you are told, that’s a good boy.”

But Kinky being a naughty boy just stamped his hoof and said, “No, No.”

His mother looked sad. She said, “If you don’t help me out in the house, then you shall have to sit in a corner and think about what you have said, whether it is right or wrong.”

Kinky was still angry. He stomped off to the corner, sat on his hind feet, and thought for a long while.

When his mother called him, he said crossly, “What is it mother?”.

She asked, “Have you thought about helping me in my work in the house.”

Now Kinky was a stubborn boy. He did not want to do what his mother had asked him to do. In fact he did not like doing anything grownups asked him to do. So he shook his head, wiggled his ears and said “No” again.

His mother said, “Well, if you don’t listen, you shall stay in that corner and not go out to play for the rest of the day, and no dinner for you.”
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