spyyoshi360 #fixtf2 30 мая в 3:25 
swag city
μing 29 мая в 1:59 
Vpro 22 мая в 12:58 
4v2 and got owned keep crying:GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal:
sleep addict 22 мая в 12:38 
CobraDiablo 19 мая в 14:44 
A fellow goat
معا لسحق المثليين و اليهود
Vpro 18 мая в 7:27 
i should slap the ♥♥♥♥ out of you!
Zozo 12 мая в 20:34 
Blackstar 12 мая в 6:01 
+rep very based
water drinker 9 мая в 9:01 
hes racist
Uncle Bread 5 мая в 22:27 
SAS_OP 5 мая в 6:56 
-rep furry
Heavy is Heevy #FixTF2 4 мая в 11:23 
+rep i lik dis guy:steamthis:
antsizedant 2 мая в 11:57 
added for exorcism half zatoichi
CEO and Founder of weed 28 апр в 12:02 
Zozo 17 апр в 1:15 
who even are you
Bem apó 12 апр в 13:19 
understandably so
Zozo 12 апр в 12:54 
every one will lose to tilt of theyr religion/deep faith gets insulted like (Sgt.Bucket: allah is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥) ♥♥♥♥ makes u mad
Bem apó 12 апр в 12:51 
+rep fought valiantly lost to tilt :steamsalty: gg
Elas0r 9 апр в 19:47 
Elas0r 9 апр в 18:37 
sir 9 апр в 15:54 
added to trade
llıllı WASP710 ıllıl 29 мар в 3:59 
+rep ناقة
Uncle Bread 26 мар в 13:27 
+rep :iambread:
Gordon Weedman 25 мар в 12:34 
+rep can't aim
Uncle Bread 22 мар в 15:03 
+rep ناقه
Zozo 22 мар в 14:57 
:( no im not
Ali Sahib 22 мар в 14:54 
+rep incest enjoyer :leyhappy::drewhappy:
Zozo 22 мар в 12:28 
ok :/
Zozo 15 мар в 4:26 
علينا عليك
Uncle Bread 14 мар в 12:55 
:boop::iambread: كل عام وانت بخير
Wyattsouper 10 мар в 21:18 
+rep such a goober Markiplier 7 мар в 3:39 
Zozo 1 мар в 0:19 
send it ♥♥♥♥♥
μing 29 фев в 16:42 
i found a clip of you rqing too lil bro
μing 29 фев в 12:23 
-rep i don't trust this guy he isn't okay mentally. please avoid this person.
Alfreeed 28 янв в 5:27 
Waltuh 26 янв в 23:19 
+rep had fun playing with you
Zozo 21 янв в 2:43 
♥♥♥♥♥ what
MK3 Smoke 20 янв в 21:19 
Come outside
Abdullah 18 янв в 11:56 
+rep cool guy:steamthumbsup:
Zozo 13 янв в 7:34 
μing 13 янв в 7:31 
why is bro so torqued up
Zozo 11 янв в 5:58 
you care too much
FoxBudy1 10 янв в 16:18 
Alright, is your choice between with online friends and real ones. Dont forget, everyone end alone. :health:
FoxBudy1 10 янв в 14:41 
3 years of steam, 3000 hours on TF2, 1000 hours on rust and you didnt got a education. Straighten your life and help your parents while you still have them, spend time with the ones that care about you, not being influenced by toxic kids
Zozo 10 янв в 9:32 
know your place when you talk to me
FoxBudy1 10 янв в 3:37 
complains and insults his teammates
recomended to mute him in game
μing 7 янв в 13:06 
i- is... that... a GIRL GAMER?!! :OOO
fat little girl 7 янв в 12:46 
+rep :3