popeyes chicken sandwich
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most dope
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†The Honored One. Oct 18, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
I have 17,000 hours on rust i have mastered every recoil pattern to perfection and have done countless online raids.

If I had a rock and you had a m2, odds are in my hand. No matter the situation and will end up on top. With my skillful practices such as a 3x3 honey comb 3 times. a total of 56 c4 to make it to the tc.

If you doubt me in my words it is your loss for loosing out on the greatest rust player to ever live. I can run Launch Site naked and still end up surviving making nothing but profit.
Elven Moongrass Jul 31, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
Greatest gamer of all time
†The Honored One. Feb 15, 2022 @ 10:37pm 
Hey it's me, we just played together. I noticed you didn't add me but I sent you a friend request hah, maybe its glitched or something. You're pretty cool though like I said before, that's why i got my team to throw for you. It's so cool to see a girl playing in games though. I know you have a boyfriend so I hope he treats you well. Like if I was your boyfriend I'd make you sandwiches while you play and buy you chocolate and give you back rubs and call you cool and laugh with you at all your jokes, not really though because we aren't together (at least not yet) ;) Yeah so haha you should totally accept my friend request though so we can talk more and have fun together, just as friends of course cause otherwise it would be weird and I don't want to get cooties from you ewwwww (just joking, I would like your cooties) :p
†The Honored One. Sep 21, 2020 @ 9:14pm 
MARB Aug 25, 2020 @ 6:36pm 
i like him a LOT