Messi 🐐
United States
Me preocupa más ser buena persona que ser el mejor jugador del mundo.

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Created by - 󠁳 ⁧ sla中
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Jugadores Argentinos en Steam
In Chat
Lisa Jan 4 @ 7:01am 
I remove people that have been inactive for 30 days+ so leave a comment when you're back after adding me again. Thank you <3
Lisa Dec 31, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
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Lisa Dec 29, 2023 @ 5:44pm 
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to tell y'all how grateful I am for all the birthday wishes :)
Today was a blast! I spent my day with some of the kindest souls on the planet and I must say that it was great. We hung out, went bowling and enjoyed ourselves. When I got home from the party, I had an intellectual conversation about life & societal problems. I really like it when people share their viewpoints and opinions. I'm kinda tired rn and I want to keep it short and sweet. Words can't express the gratitude I feel for receiving all of your wonderful messages. Thank you so much for everything. People like you make a difference in my life. You really know how to make someone happy and make them feel loved. I'm glad that I can end 2023 on a high note and it's all because of people who care about others and send out birthday wishes to me. You (if you're still reading this) are an awesome person and I hope you stay the way you are, since it's the way that makes me the happiest.
Lisa Dec 29, 2023 @ 4:05am 
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    ⠀Happy Birthday to me!
Lisa Dec 24, 2023 @ 5:14am 
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      Merry Christmas!
      Joyeux Noël!
   ⠀⠀ Frohe Weihnachten!
      Buon Natale!
    ⠀⠀ Feliz Navidad!
Lisa Dec 20, 2023 @ 5:18pm 

New Geometry Dash update is out!