♛ ALEXErege ♛
Ꮆ ㄖ ᗪ   Los Angeles, California, United States
        •● W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ●•

:About Me:
Name: Alex
Age: legal😉😏
I am not toxic and I'm cheerful almost all the time.
I like games where teamwork is essential and where I can talk with others and games with cool story🤩
If u send me invite and u r retarded, under 15 or in the lobby aren't at least 3 don't bother. If u r toxic or kicking me out of matches without a solid reason I will block u.
If u troll or r just toxic I enter toxic mode and I can be 🅵🆄🅲🅺🅸🅽🅶 annoying.
Make no mistake i am cocky in prediction i am confident in preperation but i am always humble in victory or defeat.
If you have a passion , You have a future.
Offline - making money, living my live, going out and doing some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sport. U should try it.
Away - idk u don't see me away very often.
Occupied - 😏🥴🔞
Zambesc intruna ca astia vor sa ma vada trist.

! I'm a man okay ain't no weapon i'ma die in peace before i raise my fists again cause enough harm.
! Improvise Adapt Overcome.
! I rise, you fall.
! I love listening to lies when i know the truth.
! My Life My Rules.
! If you don`t like me, suck me.

+rep me if you like my profile thx.

- Fi mandru ca esti roman ceao. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcPpVlvflUE
- alex.andru2786 on ig
- my discord account add me and lets play
Currently Offline
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savage 2.0
Artwork Showcase
savage 3.0
Recent Activity
2,623 hrs on record
last played on May 21
23 hrs on record
last played on May 12
0.2 hrs on record
last played on Apr 9
♛ ALEXErege ♛ 16 minutes ago 
you probably come here to see my profile just because i headshoted you with the deagle in a way that just the cheaters can but im not an cheater just better then you cheers 🍻
=_= Mar 27 @ 7:16am 
♥ Sheyk ♥ Mar 12 @ 10:42pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bastard
Kapone Feb 17 @ 8:49am 
Lukașenko Jan 8 @ 11:23am 
💎 👉 👑 💪 Signed by D.I.I.C.O.T 👑 👈 💎
💎 👉 👀 🔥 🔫 💪 Good Player 👈 👉 Good Friend💪 🔫 🔥 👀 👈 💎
💎 👉 😂 💯 🔞 Not Cheating , just skill ! 🔞 💯 😂 👈 💎
💎 👉 🤑 🍀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜 🍀 🤑 👈 💎
💎 👉 🏆 👦 nice teammate 👦 🏆 👈 💎
💎 👉 💰 💊 +✪ⓇⒺⓅ 💊 💰 👈 💎
💎 👉 💋 💚 🔴 🔴 💚 💋 👈 💎
💎 👉 ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ 👈 💎
err Jan 8 @ 4:31am 
SALUT! Predau lectii de CS2 la preturi acceptabile, se accepta: gagici , bautura ( doar Krug Rose si Moet ). Cursul va cuprinde o gama larga de tactici :
- sa faci spray cu deagle;
-sa impresionezi domn'soarele cu p90u';
-bulanul intentionat;
-dezamorsarea bombei cu smoke-ul, uneori te pierzi prin el si nu mai gasesti bomba, insa nu-i stres;
-aruncare cu efect a flash-ului, uneori nici tu nu-l vezi unde se duce, ba chiar il IEI SI TU ;
-tragerea cu awp in functie de conditiile meteo, in caz de furtuna poti doar sa te rogi la zei;
Tot aici vei invata:
-sa dai tot timpul vina pe restul colegilor;
-cand mori, incepi sa scoti sunete feroce care o sa-i sperie pe coechipieri si sigur meciul este ca si castigat...
+ Multe alte secrete.
La sfarsitul cursului vei fi certificat din start ca un Global Belit!