Cook Islands
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1 VAC-Ausschluss | Informationen
1616 Tag(e) seit dem letzten Ausschluss
Spoky>b 1. Dez. 2020 um 12:11 
add me
76561198380398985 29. Mai 2020 um 18:37 
Hello bro? Sorry for bothering you but can you add me on steam? I have something to tell you, Its very important, Hope you will noticed me.
Oesty 9. Mai 2020 um 15:29 
U gay
inj3ctor.exe 6. Apr. 2020 um 14:04 
Good afternoon, dear Steam user!
in connection with the economic crisis in the world, statistics of demand and purchase of game items decreased by 62%
Since the need for items has dropped, our site is conducting a prize draw!
Your Steam account won items!
* Scudpunk Hoodie
* Glowing Skull
* Box from Hell
* Plate Carrier - Black
* Polymer MP5
* Creepy Clown Bandana
* Glory SAR
* Glory AK47
* No Mercy Hoodie
* Freshly Dug Grave
* Alien Red
* AK-47 Victoria
Be sure to use the code "JYV77ZW" by which we check the winner
0000 11. Jan. 2020 um 16:46 
+rep killed me
White_Fang92 30. Dez. 2019 um 12:33 
you guys gott ♥♥♥♥ up. thx for the loot