Arthur   Fall River, Massachusetts, United States
I was dead , but by Gods grace Justified by the blood of Jesus, living in this world as one who is Sanctified by the renewal of my mind that by testing I may discern what is the will of God..Now living as an ambassador of Christ , in chains for the gospel , not counting the trials and tribulations of this world which is just a vapor next to eternity, knowing what is laid up for me in heaven . So, I do not count on my efforts but rather I am resting in the blessed assurance that I will be glorified , with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in heaven long after this world has faded away. Been saved by faith in Jesus !! It was a gift from God !! Are you saved too? Exactly how do you know that you are? When many on that day will say Lord, Lord , Didn't I prophecy and cast out demons in your name, and do all these good things in you name ? Then will He say , Depart from me , you who practice iniquity and lawlessness !!!! Repent , the Kingdom of Heaven is near !!