(learning-past,acknowledge mistake,evolving the present)   West Bengal, India
● ● ● ● ● W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ● ● ● ●
Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The dark side shall set me free.

There is no peace, there is passion.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is no death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.

I am the heart of darkness.
I know no fear,
But rather, I instill it in my enemies.
I am a destroyer of worlds.
I am an expression of the dark side.
I am the fire of hate.

All the universe bows before me.
I pledge myself to the darkness.
For I have found true life
in the death of the light.

Nobody can compete with me. I compete in my own race. In any way, shape, or form, I have no desire to play the game of being "better" than anyone.
That's me... and I'm liberated.
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The.BARDIA 7 hours ago 
⣿⣿⡇⠜⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀

Have a great day Seen
D4 17 hours ago 
"Machinika: Museum" is free to keep for a limited time.
AceEchelon May 12 @ 1:48pm 
Weekend may be over but new week is starting now with new opportunities <3

Check my new article about PCIE connectors in your pc!

Thank you for all support and gifts! <3
AceEchelon May 11 @ 1:29pm 
"I have never taken any exercise, except sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any." -- Mark Twain
⸸ EBOY ⸸ May 9 @ 9:36am 
..._.....____________________, ,
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Send this gun to everyone you care about including me if you care about me.
AceEchelon May 8 @ 1:17pm 
“No matter what, nobody can take away the dances you've already had.” - Gabriel García Márquez

Feeling like return to oldschool dance of bullets? Check my article on my blog about some classic NES game i love:

Have a great week and thx for support! <3