Sgt. Big Lieutenant
🇮🇪 Niall Claffey 🇮🇪
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Dread Delusion
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12.3 Hours played
Should I bother killing the enemies in this room and risking health?
*RT* click
"There is nothing left for us here"
Thanks Josh 👍
Art of Dipping
Dipping is a hobby for true gentlemen. While many of my compatriots prefer to dip with mainstream wines, I myself prefer the texture and aromatic bouquet of a locally bottled muscadine or blackberry vintage. They give a truly wonderful hum along the rim on the glans and leave the foreskin soft and supple. This has become my wife's preferred method of sampling. The whole experience begins naturally with a trip to your wine cellar to select your company for the evening, there are many fine choices of wine for your dipping enjoyment but I have always favored a finely aged red, possibly from the Bordeaux region. Next your wine of choice is poured into a wide shallow glass, ideally crystal. Once your wine has been poured it is time to savor the aromas of your chosen company - foreplay is important after all. Once you and your accompaniment are both ready it is time to remove your Johnson from your trousers and insert him slowly into the gentle waters of your chosen wine, taking care to use slow, steady dips allowing the crisp, tingling sensation to travel along your member. Once you have dipped to your satisfaction many would recommend drinking your wine, I however advise retiring to your drawing room to enjoy some post-coital bonding with your fine dipping partner. The very act of dipping is a art in itself, comparable to poetry. It's only understandable, that this sort of entertainment indicates rich personality. In fact, it's a prerequisite. But a man is supposed and able to perfect himself. I guarantee you, experiencing this seemingly simple, yet so fulfilling activity may be a turning point of your life. Being a sincere friend to everyone, I wish you make a good decision. Unlike carnal knowledge, it shouldn't be advised to carefully plan your first session. Guide yourself with your instincts and you will gain the basic experience and understanding of dipping. Thank you for your time.
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