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发布于:2020 年 9 月 17 日 上午 3:53
更新于:2020 年 9 月 17 日 上午 3:55

This port was produced by Subvert Ltd., a company whose ownership of the Horace IP is dubious at best (probably best not to go into full details on this review). It's a pretty dreadful port of the original, which was itself a fairly naff clone of Pac-Man. If you're going to do a conversion, go the whole hog and either make it as retro as possible, with the character-based movement and 4:3 aspect ratio of the original, or modernise it with new graphics and sound; don't leave in this halfway house, where smooth animation and alpha-blended pickup animations are jammed into the 1982 visuals like a square peg into a round hole. If you're really desperate to play this game, don't part ways with your cash - just download the original 16K tape version from the internet (don't worry, it's legal, Melbourne House have consented to its distribution). P.S: The game listing mentions the inclusion of a level editor, which I have been unable to locate. I would love to be corrected on this, not that it would help my opinions of the game-play.
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Dean Demon 2020 年 9 月 17 日 上午 8:05 
For anyone that never owned a Spectrum or even played Horace before calling this version here a remaster is severely stretching the limit, go load up an emulator and have a better experience without spending a penny.

I do love to see remasters or remakes of true 8 bit games but hate it when they get it so wrong. Quite a sad day to see this game here at all and thanks for the review.