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14/14 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

I'm an AMBUSH!

A shady figure attacks you!
Avattu 1.5.2021 klo 17.47

Bronze Cleaver

You fought in 50 Battles!
Avattu 1.5.2021 klo 17.47

Silver Cleaver

You fought in 175 Battles!
Avattu 1.5.2021 klo 17.47

Golden Cleaver

You fought in 400 Battles!
Avattu 1.5.2021 klo 17.47

I'll be BACK!

Is this what's called "foreshadowing"?
Avattu 1.5.2021 klo 17.47

Mortal Kom-SPLAT!

My first battle!
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

I Need a Hero!

Rescued Nectar from baddies!
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

Liquid Hot MAGMA!

Magma joins the Party!
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

The Silverthorn!

You beat the Boss!
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11


Why you make Nectar upset?
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

Secure the Bagician!

Bagician joins the Party!
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

Solved it!

Solved the Forest Temple Puzzle!
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

Is this a Metroidvania?

Who wrote this story?
Avattu 24.5.2021 klo 15.11

Something's Missing...

Feels like you're forgetting something...
Avattu 1.8.2021 klo 22.58