Suguru Geto
Mihai   Romania
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last played on May 18
Sweaty Balls Mar 24 @ 11:18am 
Damn you literally are but hurt in both means of the sentence like hop of his meat bro like you are on the point of doing a back flip on it lmao.I bet your mounth must be a like a washing machine since you slurp the living ♥♥♥♥ out of somebody like get a life and stop crying on a steam profile page low life.
Suguru Geto Mar 24 @ 9:29am 
DEAD BY GAYVID <3 Mar 24 @ 5:35am 
a playstyle can't be gay though and you clearly use gay in a negative context so you probably have something against it at least be honest about it and just cause i am gay i don't necessaryly need my checks spread i could be a top
Suguru Geto Mar 24 @ 5:22am 
Seems like lil bro is obsessed with me + I don't give two damns about the fact that you want your cheeks spread by guys, I just pointed out the fact that your playstyle is just like you gay asf, just waiting for the oponent to make a mistake and take advantage just shows how bad game sense since you can't outplay or outsmart them since you just wait the easy way for someone to do a mistake
DEAD BY GAYVID <3 Mar 24 @ 4:58am 
+rep had a nice match with them were they made constant mistakes which i used for my advantage and then they proceeded to front me in endgame cause they couldn't take the L plus they probably aren't too fond of gay people cause they had to repeatedly call the fact out i am gay and that it's obvious that that was a reason i played like that
Sweaty Balls Sep 6, 2023 @ 9:44am 
+rep eu cu ăsta voi face penetrație globală