Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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4 van de 34 (12%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

With beautiful smile 60 Complete

A woman with beautiful smile
Ontgrendeld op 18 okt 2019 om 6:59

In Kyoto 60 Complete

A woman in Kyoto
Ontgrendeld op 16 okt 2019 om 10:24

Cool with a fan 60 Complete

A woman cool with a fan
Ontgrendeld op 18 okt 2019 om 7:07

Seeing how hot the hot spring is 240 Complete

A woman seeing how hot the hot spring is
Ontgrendeld op 18 okt 2019 om 9:12

With Beautiful smile 240 Complete

A woman with beautiful smile

With beautiful smile 350 Complete

A woman with beautiful smile

In Kyoto 240 Complete

A woman in Kyoto

In Kyoto 350 Complete

A woman in Kyoto

Cool with a fan 240 Complete

A woman cool with a fan

Cool with a fan 350 Complete

A woman cool with a fan

Enjoying the sound of wind bell 60 Complete

A woman enjoying the sound of wind bell

Enjoying the sound of wind bell 240 Complete

A woman enjoying the sound of wind bell

Enjoying the sound of wind bell 350 Complete

A woman enjoying the sound of wind bell

Turning a Japanese umbrella 60 Complete

A woman turning a Japanese umbrella

Turning a Japanese umbrella 240 Complete

A woman turning a Japanese umbrella

Turning a Japanese umbrella 350 Complete

A woman turning a Japanese umbrella

Seeing how hot the hot spring is 60 Complete

A woman seeing how hot the hot spring is

Seeing how hot the hot spring is 350 Complete

A woman seeing how hot the hot spring is

Taking a rest in the shade of a forest 60 Complete

A woman taking a rest in the shade of a forest

Taking a rest in the shade of a forest 240 Complete

A woman taking a rest in the shade of a forest

Taking a rest in the shade of a forest 350 Complete

A woman taking a rest in the shade of a forest

Taking a bath in open spa 60 Complete

A woman taking a bath in open spa

Taking a bath in open spa 240 Complete

A woman taking a bath in open spa

Taking a bath in open spa 350 Complete

A woman taking a bath in open spa

Eating a slice of watermelon 60 Complete

A woman eating a slice of watermelon

Eating a slice of watermelon 240 Complete

A woman eating a slice of watermelon

Eating a slice of watermelon 350 Complete

A woman eating a slice of watermelon

A Maiko in Kyoto 60 Complete

A Maiko in Kyoto

A Maiko in Kyoto 240 Complete

A Maiko in Kyoto

A Maiko in Kyoto 350 Complete

A Maiko in Kyoto

60 Jigsaws

60 piece Jigsaws Complete

240 Jigsaws

240 piece Jigsaws Complete

350 Jigsaws

350 piece Jigsaws Complete