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Thành tựu cá nhân

You've got Mail

Get into Anna's email

The Gift of Jab

Login to Anna's social media

Gossip Girl


She Needs To Know

Not good at keeping secrets

She Loves Me!

All this time... is that how you feel?

Sharing Is Caring

It is a fair trade


He deserves to be tricked

Just In Time


This Is The Police!

Impersonating a cop is a federal offence.

The Internet Never Forgets

Once a criminal, always a criminal


No words are left unsolved


No pictures are left broken

That Is Not A Compliment

Harassers are literally the worst

That Is Just A Compliment

Maybe he is just flirting?

Looking for love

Love in a hopeless place

Ask her anything

Just don't be a jerk

Crime Doesn't Pay

Just leave it to the cops next time

Run Greg run

Vigilante justice

You're hired!

You can start next Monday

This is too much


You found Anna

You win???

You killed Anna

You lose???

A happy ending

Happily ever after... or is it?

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