☯ Hope
Umut Türk   Kastamonu, Turkey
Nada informado.
Trafik Özel HAREKAT 27/out./2022 às 16:19 
-10 IQ muhattap bile olmayın p1iç kurusudur
for1stt 26/out./2022 às 9:33 
Yakuza 19/out./2022 às 6:19 
sakın takımda almayın tam bi salak
33fps* Oxyn* 25/jun./2022 às 12:00 
+rep ver eline versin eline
Ol'Dirty Bobby #42 21/jun./2022 às 14:20 
-rep. Typical turkish smurfer/cheater kāfir.
Nothing but a deceiver and liar, a honorless harbī, the dirt under the foot of human society. He desperately needs it because as a person he represents nothing. Allah will punish you and your honorless family. xD
I highly recommend to report this steam profile (and those of all his mates and all his friends in list, use report bot e.g.) for malicious activity/corrupted account, griefing and cheating xD
⭐ Krossun ⭐ 21/abr./2022 às 8:46 
- hacker