Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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12 van de 12 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties


Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 21:45

Auditory Hallucination

Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 21:41


Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 21:46

Sound Chaser

Checked each room in the five maps.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 20:35


Passed the first test without fast-forwarding and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 3:06

Empty Frame

Passed the second test without fast-forwarding and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 3:20


Passed the third test without fast-forwarding and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 3:45


Passed the fourth test without fast-forwarding and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 4:36

Mental Hospital

Passed the fifth test without fast-forwarding and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 20:47

Sole Audience

Listened to Emily humming a snatch of a song from end to end.
Ontgrendeld op 11 jul 2019 om 6:32


Ontgrendeld op 12 jul 2019 om 0:20


Ontgrendeld op 12 jul 2019 om 0:25