Yeah baby I am the lizard king!
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Jeu favori
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343 heures de jeu
There is really no other game like postal 2 and I believe that there will never be another game like this, the game is pretty edgy but not an edgy you would hate kind of like an ironic edgy. I will always have a love for this game no matter what its just amazing how you can bring murdering a whole town and somehow make it funny. All the achievements give a pretty good challenge, and that goes for all of them they're all pretty diverse in difficulty. This game is really good if you don't have a very good computer, and its really fun for the relatively low price.

In my opinion in most of my runs on postal there are quite a few weapons that seem too gimmicky or just plain bad and those weapons include.

Scissors, Cow Head, Baton, Bali, and Bean Bag Launcher,

In some cases those weapons can be good but I don't think i have used those weapons for 5 minutes without pulling out another weapon because they just don't feel right.
let me out 12 mai à 12h34 
he played postal 2 this one time i think
Detective Bodega Ott 11 mai à 11h33 
I think this dude likes postal
Insanity Plea 28 mars à 20h38 
Walk into the valentine saloon as arthur and do greet greet antagonize 😍😍😍😍
Insanity Plea 30 aout 2023 à 10h38 
This guy should play postal 2
let me out 7 juil. 2023 à 15h53 
i think this guy played postal
All-Star Bandit 15 avr. 2023 à 12h17 
no regerts :HEALTHFUL: