Liam (popular kid from school)
United States
yo whatup !!!!! its ya boy liam ! where da hoes :steammocking: I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when i was 12 and have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts ever since. No one ever asks how your mental health is even though the suicide rate in teens with diabetes is extremely high. It's always "is your blood sugar high?" "did you give yourself insulin?" "You're killing yourself step up and manage your blood sugar better" "you can't eat until your blood sugar comes down" "you can't eat that"
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vert iwnl 16 Thg05 @ 3:23pm 
♥♥♥♥ talked with a lead then got mopped t side :sleepyy:
kevin 28 Thg06, 2023 @ 1:36am 
everyone in 100m radius of this guy can smell his stench
JELQIANA 18 Thg05, 2023 @ 12:39am 
Santa Claus is DABBING
to town!

He sees you when you WHIP,
⠀ ⠀😜
_/¯ ¯\_

He knows when you NAE NAE,
⠀\ 😳
⠀ ⠀ || \_
⠀_/¯ ¯\_

He knows when you are just like DRAKE and he knows when your KANYE😎.

You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better have CLOUT🤑
I’m telling you why,

Santa Claus is DABBING
to town!
Zanza 31 Thg03, 2023 @ 12:53am 
This dude is actually mentally handicapped, and gets upset when his discord buddies cant carry him. Give him some slack! its not polite to bully the retarded
PilotQ 29 Thg03, 2023 @ 6:33pm 
-rep obnoxious and toxic child
Kane 21 Thg03, 2023 @ 6:22am 
5k hrs still bad