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1 av 14 (7%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Strong opponents

Defeat the strong Goblin Berserker
Upplåst 3 okt, 2022 @ 2:20


Defeat Goblin Chief Loren

Lord of the King City

Defeat the Lord of the King City

Unknown Swordsman

Defeat the Unknown Swordsman

Giant Dragon in the North

Defeat the Northern Dragon

Village Head

Defeat the Devil Village Head

Mutant Zombie

Defeat Mutant Zombie

Manor Lord

Defeat the Manor Lord


Defeat the Ultimate Avatar

Cursed Captain

Defeat the Cursed Captain

Lost Captain

Defeat the Lost Captain

Fissure Demon Guard

Defeat the Fissure Demon Guard

2 dolda prestationer återstår

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