noob   United States
Owner Of Atomic Networks
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1 VAC ban on record | Info
2002 day(s) since last ban
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Atomic؜ Networks - Public Group
The #1 community experience on GMod, Rust, and TF2
In Chat
iheartmeth 17 hours ago 
plz un ban me its been 3 years
Waltuh White Apr 1 @ 11:13pm 
Chicken Nuggets yummy:steamthis:
Jimputin Mar 29 @ 11:40am 
Bullets Feb 27 @ 2:13am 
-1 Not skibidi friendly
ⓉⓇⒺⓃⓉⒶ Feb 23 @ 10:58pm 
Hello, how are you Imanoob?
I wanted to inform you about a sandbox issue. I am a builder plus and I have contact with imanoob and I wanted to ask you if you could help a sandbox server called ARG Atomic, Sandbox 1 but I don't want to waste your time so I want to tell you this.
There is a person who crashes those servers so that we can move to his server and dox more than 5 people for nothing
Then he did terrible things to our community and he wants to take it away from us. He is a builder plus and abuses his power. His name is Volkov.
It has a photo of a demon and its description is the following
Kurgan, Russian Federation

Level 2

now I'm become death, the destroyer of worlds

His team id, if you want, is: 76561199571920415:
Thank you for your attention Mr. Imanoob, I hope you like it, greetings!!
takzz Feb 21 @ 9:20pm 
give me admin on ur server ya dog