Leo   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
If you're french, try Fent. If not, it's up to you.
Kirjautunut ulos
1 pelikielto merkitty | Tietoa
483 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Taideteosten esittely
Me after 2 beers
Kane (gaming). 10.5. klo 17.25 
+ Rep large man
. 8.3. klo 0.29 
Leo 5.12.2023 klo 5.37 
Pass, cheers for the free mmr though!
<3 4.12.2023 klo 13.13 
bro had balls to comment on my profile, come 1v1
Fancy 20.11.2023 klo 13.49 
salty lil crumpet boy who can't tolerate getting beat in rl lmao get a life :er_wave:
Leo 7.11.2023 klo 4.53 
vv Bro's got more spelling errors than points in our game vv