[AU] Pumpkin
The power of the mind is greater than we give credit for. You get what you give. It may not be from the same place or person or thing, but it will manifest itself. So manifest how you want your life to be. It isn’t easy putting positive energy into the universe when you are in a dark place, or everything keeps going wrong. But persistence is a positive, while defeat is a negative. Don’t let it drag you down. Remind yourself that you’re worth it. Be the positive you want to experience in the world and I promise, somehow, someway, the world will answer you. You just have to be ready to listen. Open yourself up to every bit of beauty out there, no matter how small. Even if it is no greater than admiring a butterfly or a flower or the sound of the crickets at night. Nothing in the world sprouts to it’s full potential overnight, it takes time, energy, patience, and nurture.

Nurture that good energy. It’s ok to start small. Don’t expect change overnight, or even in a week. But if you persist, and don’t give up, and fight to be positive, it will make a difference. I promise you that.

My only warning is not to abuse this method. Don’t simply give just to be able to receive back. Go forth with the mindset that you are doing this to feel good about yourself and your life, and that alone is your reward. Anything else will be genuine, well earned, and deserved. And that’s the best feeling you can get. Don’t jinx the system, don’t ♥♥♥♥ it up. Be good, and good things will come to you.
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