allso Known as: jackSawWorld
Birthday: 2004 may 4
if you want to send me trades :D https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=398173349&token=iRYDpzv2
2022. 28 feb. my First positive Covid
2020. 29 feb - 2020.3 march. i was offline becuse i was at the hospital sorry i couldnt play with you guys but i was allmost dead if i havent got to the hospital in that ammount of time that i got it in. but i am alive and okay. so thats good. and if u guys want to play i am freely now :)

i like the game called osu!

my friend :)

if you er on and you er one off me friends you shoud know things (i like to talk a lott :D ) and that about it click da info butten to view more :D

Hiii ;):steamhappy:
Currently Offline
Wellcome! + rank skills!
Thanks for visiting my english aint the best but friendship is! :D allways up for some nice trading or friending i accept any level account! as long as ur (kid friendly swearing is ok Some times and u need be good we dont like bad boys ;) if u want to add me Just so u know. I TALK A lot. Like. a Really lot My Grammer stinks Like the Sweage so dont expect to understand half of what i say btw have a beautiful life
watch out for scammers
bad boys
Bad dogs
bad wolfs
GOLD diggar (spelled that wrong for the fun of it ;)
and others
i sometimes make jokes
IF ur rude i might say a swear word 1/10 times but dont worry it aint the big ones :D and im allways up for a donation! https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=398173349&token=iRYDpzv2 Btw im trading tf2 Scrap for MOST trading cards NOT ALL but if u got any that ill like ill take em and ill pay scrap. 2/3-4 (depending) scrap per trading card

btw if ur asking why am i level 21 if i spend 30 euro-20 euro ? I brought the levels i want. each badge Was like 70 cents or something i brought a badge for 4.81 i remaber. cuz i buy badges from games i actually like. any way. Have a good one ;) from ur dear. <3 unknow

--------VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-Ranks below if u know ;))-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV--------

best csgo drop at the end of the year 2018 M4A4 | Mainframe (miniemal wear) atm 53 cents sold it for 48 cents With TAX it was 42 cents FOR free since it was a drop ) i allso got a danger zone case but i was scared since it was a case so i just quickly sold it for the quick sell buttion i got 1.43 euro So Nice!)

silver 1 18 nov 2018 ✔️/wingman was cant remaber lol ?
silver 2 currently ✔️/wingman was cant remaber lol?
SILVER 3 ???? /wingman ❌
SILVER 4 14 nov 2017/wingman was cant remaber lol?
SILVER ELITE ????/wingman ✔️
SILVER ELITE MASTER ????/wingman ✔️
GOLD NOVA 1 ????/wingman ✔️
GOLD NOVA 2 ????/wingman ✔️
GOLD NOVA 3 ????/wingman ✔️ (Currently)
GOLD NOVA MASTER ????/wingman ❌
MASTER GUARDIAN 1 ????/wingman ❌
MASTER GUARDIAN 2 ????/wingman ❌
MASTER GUARDIAN ELITE maybe was idk lol?/wingman ❌
LEGENDARY EAGLE ????/wingman ❌
GLOBAL ELITE 2017-7-11(< ps it was on a alt dont come hate)/wingman❌
age of empire old rank 2600 (something around that line i was a high ranked ;)
now im default. (1600)

H1Z1 currently in work ;))
my first ultra rare in h1z1 is the emojie *(Power Pose)
<3 from ur dear unknow
at the moment i own a record. yes a record in h1z1 a rare chicken helmet i sold it for the lowest ammount In the game ;) no body will go lower since it takes more value then its worth any way chu chi!
COPYRIGHT 2004-2018
Items Up For Trade
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Market Transactions
:C i am broke! pls send good trades :C Tf2 items for sale or steam coupons CSGO not for sale >:C
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Recent Activity
182 hrs on record
last played on May 31
93 hrs on record
last played on May 31
11.2 hrs on record
last played on May 30
Lokus May 21 @ 12:34pm 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
Whitecrusher May 9 @ 5:31am 
Let's break some records together.
. May 1 @ 7:47am 
-rep noob
ⓘⓁⓤ® Apr 18 @ 8:13am 
+Rep relax teammate🤤
+Rep kind person💯
+Rep nice profile 💜
+Rep very nice and non-toxic player😈
76561199417662772 Apr 3 @ 7:47am 
Time for some serious gaming
unknow Mar 31 @ 9:39am 
How do people have 100+ hours im video games the past 2 weeks?